During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. - George Orwell
  • 10 2014 October

    Corruption in Kaufman County

    The video below was recently uploaded to Youtube.com/TheCopBlock Video Description: Call Kaufman County DA Erleigh N. Wiley (972) 932-4331 ext #4 Tell her to drop the frivolous threats levied at Robert Scott McCollom Individuals Responsible:...

  • 29 2014 September

    Danger: Police Impunity Behind the Wheel

    The level of impunity granted to police employees by those within the injustice system pertains not only to physical brutality, tasing, or shooting, but to injuries or deaths caused by their actions, or inactions, behind...

  • 26 2014 September

    Rick Rynearson Takes Illegal Checkpoint Detention to Fifth Circuit

    Veteran’s Against Police Abuse founder Rick Rynearson is appealing a recently dismissed lawsuit against Border Patrol agents who detained him for thirty-four minutes, despite his offering of a military ID, driver’s license, two passports and...

  • 24 2014 September

    Like a Good Neighbor – Jackson (MI) Cop Block is There

    The content below was captured and shared by Brandon Vreeland, founder of Jackson (MI) Cop Block. As he concludes in the video, “Try doing something selfless. Help someone that may need it. Love each other....

  • 22 2014 September

    Sale on Cop Block T-Shirts, Hoodies and Gear

    All Cop Block gear at CopBlock.org/Store is now on sale! $5 or its Bitcoin equivalent will get you a: Cop Watching Care Kit winter hat bandana handblown glass pipe $10 or its Bitcoin equivalent will...


The content below was shared by Deo, who’s involved with Greater Cleveland Cop Block. Greater Cleveland Ohio Cop Block – Facebook / Twitter / YouTube / [email protected]   Outfit: Cleveland Police I put out a...

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Denver Police Assault Handcuffed Man

October 28, 2014 | 39 Comments

The information below was shared by a self-described “Disgusted Citizen in Colorado.” Date of Incident: October 16, 2014 Outfit: Denver Police Department Phone: (720) 913-2000 On the morning of Oct. 16, I observed one unmarked...

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As you know, WeCopwatch and The Canfield Watchmen have been conducting Know Your Rights trainings and equipping local residents video cameras. This Halloween The Canfield Watchmen are handing out Copwatch shirts to newly trained to...

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Alexandra Naples shared the content below about actions done on behalf of security theater that could negatively impact millions of rail riders in and around Chicagoland. Individuals Responsible: Chicago Police employees who employ the tech...

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This incident was shared by an individual concerned about the actions of a person who purports to “protect and serve.” As you watch the video ask yourself – would it be justified for you to...

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The content below comes to us from the folks involved with Cuyahoga Falls Police Exposed. Date of Incident: 10.9.14 Outfit: Cuyahoga Falls Police Dept. Phone: (330) 928- 2181 Website: https://cfo.cityofcf.com/web/departments/police This week the Cuyahoga Falls...

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How come NZ police know what to do?

October 26, 2014 | 20 Comments

Andreas Toth shared the content below. Date of Incident: 12/10/2014 (DD/MM/YYYY) My question to the U.S. police is this: how come the NZ police force can arrest an armed and dangerous offender that has fired...

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This content was shared by our friends at Counter Current News, where it was published on October 24, 2014. It was written by Jackson Marciana and Moreh B.D.K. Date of Incident: 10/25/2014 Outfit: Beavercreek Police...

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Date of Incident: 2005 Individual Responsible: William Henry William Henry was the sheriff of Powell County, Montana. He was also a father and what was thought to be an outstanding citizen. Yet he used his...

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John Nada shared this content, which was created by Liberty Or Death Media in conjunction with Larken Rose. This is a very powerful video containing footage of police brutality, accompanied by a narrative explaining the...

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Mike from CriminalJusticeDegreeHub.com created and shared the infographic below, which does an excellent job at making visible the growth of paramilitary policing in the USSA. “The means of defense against foreign danger, have been always...

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Jason Baronich shared the information below about a corrupt sheriff who was later protected by friends in the injustice system. Date of Incident: 2010 through 2014 Individual Responsible: Mike Byrd Outfit: Jackson County (MS) Sheriff’s...

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Cop Block Radio Show – Episode 68

August 22, 2014 | 3 Comments

This episode of the Cop Block Radio Show is sponsored by the Cop Block Radio Show.  If you’d like to sponsor the show or advertise please contact us at [email protected] Eric, Derrick J and Deo bring you...

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