
Greater Cleveland Cop Block Rewards Others Active [Video]

Published On October 28, 2014 | By CopBlock | Articles

The content below was shared by Deo, who’s involved with Greater Cleveland Cop Block.

  • Greater Cleveland Ohio Cop Block – Facebook / Twitter / YouTube / [email protected]


Outfit: Cleveland Police

I put out a call to the Greater Cleveland Cop Block area to get me some local content!!

The following video was submitted by Jim Conley, and he in turn, received a Cop Block coffee mug and a Cop Block care kit!

Thanks for playing Jim! Next time lets be a little more current! lol Can’t complain. It’s local content, taken by someone other than ME!!! lol Its Cleveland! I have to actually take the opportunity to commend Cleveland PD a little. They have actually embraced the fact that we are allowed to record, so don’t be afraid to record them Cleveland!!!

The last checkpoint I blocked in Cleveland, the officers were civil, and gave me a paper explaining Cleveland PDs stance on recording. It said they were informed we had the right to record and it gave a guide line for recording that I can agree with. It is a 30 feet safe zone. For the photographers and the cops safety. They also remind you in the letter, that interfering is a crime. I take that as a warning to observe the thirty foot distance, and avoid being accused of interfering. So get your cameras out Cleveland!!!!

Other cities in the greater Cleveland area such as Parma, are not so easy to embrace the rights of its citizens. They fight me at every turn, rather than just accept, this is the way its gonna be so long as I’m around!!!

Keep vigilant Cleveland! And Jim, Make sure you have your cop block care kit with you when you go out to film! Parma, Maple Hts, and all the Greater Cleveland Cop Block cities!!! Keep filming the police!!! Keep em honest OHIO!!!!!!!!

Remember Badge Don’t grant Extra Rights!!!




Looking for a camera or dashcam? Want an external battery so your streaming cell phone doesn’t die when on the street? Click here for ideas.

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When you see "CopBlock" as the author it means it was submitted via our contact tab - see top of page. Anyone can share their police related story with CopBlock.org via this tab, we thank you in advance.
  • America

    Cop block is a scam made by the government to try to get a uprise out of people so they can kill them and thin out the real patriots of America

  • Steve

    Yes it is every one should stop posting in here and ready for battle

  • Wickeddevelopment

    I’m in

  • Keepitreal

    I’ll will stop

  • Totallyradical

    I’m ready for battle

  • Mike thevetern

    By every body I will see you on the battled field

  • JC

    So basically some idiot with a camera, holding it sideways, went through a checkpoint and he got a free coffee cup from copblock. Too Funny!!! You should have reminded him the supreme court has ruled these checkpoints do not violate any rights.

  • http://www.brucecinko.com Pw4x3r

    Per JC, some idiot = person demonstrating how to uphold your rights. And the checkpoint itself may have been ruled to not violate rights, the purpose of the checkpoint is to get you to give up your rights from the very beginning, and what takes place at these checkpoints is definitely not constitutional. GG, scrub.

  • Sikko

    ‘Murica….’Murica…..geez the dumb of this guy.

  • Thenumber4

    Awesome just totally awesome

  • Thenumber4

    No it’s normally to see if your shit faced drunk, that’s why people don’t like them. Not because they violate rights

  • http://www.brucecinko.com Pw4x3r

    I would agree there are varying reasons that people do not like them. You can’t simply pretend other people’s opinions don’t exist however.

  • Sikko

    And there’s a simple solution to that…don’t go through the checkpoint, you do have that option, you know

  • JC

    You said, ” the checkpoint itself may have been ruled to not violate rights” I guess that says it all.

    You said, “what takes place at these checkpoints is definitely not constitutional”. According to who? The supreme court has ruled otherwise.

  • DEO

    More whiny and pussified activists. And why was that guy grunting and breathing so hard? Did he have something in his mouth?