
Aggressive Los Angeles County Sheriff Department Employees [Video]

Published On October 30, 2014 | By CopBlock | Articles

This content was shared by an individual threatened for no cause by strangers wearing badges.

Date of Incident: 4-3-2014
Outfit: Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department
Phone: (626) 332-1184

The day I recorded the video me and a few friends were hanging in front of a family members house when, as they do too often where I live, sheriff employees pulled up and immediately start giving unlawful demands – to walk to their car to be illegally searched for no other reason than us being together.

Editors Note: The behavior of the Los Angeles Sheriff employees – firearm unholstered, not answering questions, making demands, etc. –  sure doesn’t seem to be aligned with their stated mission, to “Partner with the people we serve to secure and promote safety in our communities”

I have been following cop block for a while before this incident and purchased a camera to help protect my rights. As you can see in this video, this is how we live and how we are treated.

Editors Note: If you live in LA and want to help support the videographer, reach out to him via his Youtube channel

As a result of me recording the police five days later gained a search warrant for my house under false pretenses in direct reprisal and arrested me on bogus charges. I have been fighting my case for 7 months and I believe that I am being railroaded because there are aspects of my case that are sealed and kept secret from me.

Known Police Accountability Groups in California:


  • Bay Area Cop Block – Facebook
  • Berkeley Cop Watch – Facebook
  • California Cop Block – Facebook
  • California Cop Watch – Twitter
  • Committee Against Police Brutality San Diego – Facebook / [email protected]
  • Cop Block Fresno, CA – Facebook / Ustream
  • Cop Block Imperial Valley – Facebook
  • Cop Block Los Angeles – Facebook / [email protected]
  • Cop Block El Segundo – Facebook
  • Cop Watchers Lake Tahoe – Facebook / Youtube
  • High Desert Cop Block – Facebook / [email protected]
  • IV Cop Watch – Facebook / Twitter / Bambuser
  • Mission Copwatch – website / Twitter / (415) 906.0400 / [email protected]
  • Orange County Cop Block – Facebook / Twitter / [email protected]
  • Redwood Curtain Cop Watch – website / (707) 633-4493 / [email protected]
  • San Diego Cop Block – Facebook
  • Santa Ana Cop Watch – Facebook / [email protected]
  • Stockton Cop Block – Facebook
  • Southbay Cop Block – Facebook
  • United Against Police Terror – San Diego – website / Facebook / [email protected]



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When you see "CopBlock" as the author it means it was submitted via our contact tab - see top of page. Anyone can share their police related story with via this tab, we thank you in advance.
  • t

    It’s not street court.

    Lots missing from this story.

    Oh….Author/Video guy……lots of times….we are protecting the community FROM you.

  • JC

    The officer told you to put your hands on the vehicle. You continued arguing with them. It was a lawful order. A 1 minute video isn’t telling the whole story. What were you doing before the PD showed up? Now you say they came back with a search warrant and arrested you. Sounds like you were doing something illegal.

  • ben dover
  • ben dover
  • Pw4x3r

    It’s not lawful if he wasn’t told why. In this video, we see him asking why and not being told. So from what we can see, which may or may not be key, the officer is clearly unlawfully demanding the guy put his hands on the car, after repeatedly asking why. The cop also assaulted him briefly. Arguing = Asking why, which is perfectly lawful? Stop with your fucking bullshit, cop fucker. Respect this guy, and ask for more info. Sounds like he’s being fucked over by your kind, regardless of what he was doing.

  • Pw4x3r

    We really do require all of the details to form relevant decisions about this incident. Everything you can publicly say.

  • steve


  • steve

    You may have escalated the situation with your attitude and frenzy. Even when they are in the wrong you have to maintain your cool and be calm or they gain control through the excitement.

  • Elim

    Did he ever get an answer?

  • Dat Nikka Fred

    video is one sided where is the footage before they pulled up? Granted you did ask why are you being detained you should have asked what was there probable cause they can not detain you without P.C. they have to tell you why 9 times out of 10 it will be some b.s. but they have to tell you ijs

  • RAD

    “lots of times….we are protecting the community FROM you.”


  • Joseph Murray

    Dumb question. Why would he have been recording before there was anything happening?

  • jeff

    I figured it out. Every time you say there’s more to the story or things are missing, you can’t find a way to defend the wrong doings of your friends. It’s OK to want to help your friends, even when they are wrong. It must be frustrating being you. Trying to see the world through your Leave It To Beaver glasses where cops are always in the right because they have a dangerous job. I would love to live in that world too, but it doesn’t exist. Now I just feel sorry for you and your cop friends. Hey, if you and your friends really want to be liked and treated with respect, why not tell them to STOP BREAKING THE LAW, ASSHOLE!!! I bet you wanna scream that at your cop friends like Jim Carrey in the movie Liar Liar. I get how this site is kind of flawed and only shows the bad things cops do. But that’s the point, isn’t it? Cops aren’t all evil. But they aren’t all super righteous either. Maybe we are wrong about some of these articles, but you defending every cop from every story no matter what is either protagonist or just plain stupid. If you are a paid troll, how much do they pay? If not….(in your words) wow, just….wow

  • jeff

    “just shut up and do what you’re told” this country was founded on the protest of this treatment. Sounds like you were saying something un-American. Should we all just do what we’re told?

  • t

    Fake Ass Commenter:
    That’s not the standard. fraud.

  • t

    I’m not trying to defend anyone.
    But let’s try to follow your “logic”
    The CBer idea is to record everything right? Especially police encounters/interactions right?

    As example……let’s look at the currently posted story here on CB where an officer is trying to arrest a woman and a fight breaks out.
    Now…..the police dash cam video is edited by the poster….and it edits out important info such as the radio traffic (which would have been recorded) prior to the officers arrival.
    Now……on the dash cam video….you can clearly see a guy using his phone to record the encounter. All of the encounter. Including (it looks like) what was happening before the officer arrived. When I questioned “the husband” about that…..he linked to another edited video. So I asked him to post that whole video. I’m still waiting for that..
    That happens all the time on this site.
    The clue is that you don’t see videos that start out with the scene not perfectly set. As in….the phone is pointing at the ground, or at the sky or moving around. No….we see set scenes. Steady cameras. Snippets of just that momment where an officer does something “wrong”. It’s been exposed many times when the unedited officers cameras recording has shown a very different story.

    Think about many of the “go pro” videos on YouTube. Guys that are recording nonstop what they are doing. But they only post that little piece of the police interaction. Never do they show their own behavior prior to that interaction.

    That sir….is deceptive. And it’s why so many of these lawsuits die on the vine. When the truth comes out….the suit is thrown out.

    You should join me in wanting the whole truth. I don’t fear it. I don’t have an agenda that I’m pushing/selling. You should have one either.

  • JC

    Another pathetic streetsheep copblocker loser. How juvenile of you.

  • JC

    More ranting. Funny how the video started with the officer telling them to put their hands on the car. What happened before LE showed up. The guy ended up with a search warrant and being arrested. You are wrong. Congratulations.

  • JC

    The guy was later served with a search warrant and arrested What is pathetic is the guy cries racial profiling. Funny, the officers were a minority. There is a lot more to this story than what is being said.

  • JC

    The last thing I would ever believe is another activist run website.

  • Pw4x3r

    “There is a lot more to this story than what is being said.” and yet you always assume the citizens are to blame? What a fuck.

  • Pw4x3r

    “What happened before LE showed up.” “You are wrong.”

    You are obviously a ranting fuck who can’t even avoid contradicting himself in two sentences. Stupid fuck. Always putting blame on the citizens without knowing anything.

  • RAD

    “You should join me in wanting the whole truth. I don’t fear it. I don’t have an agenda that I’m pushing/selling. ”

    I think this is my new favorite comment from t.

  • t

    How are the officers “in the wrong”?

  • t

    x3r: it isn’t street court. I don’t have tell hold a disscussion with you in middle of things.

  • t

    Now YOU are very afraid of truth
    First is due the police
    Then it’s there is no law

    Truth and you are strangers

  • t

    Are you able to expound on that?

    I doubt it. So I will

    Your “victimless crimes” simply aren’t.
    As a comtemporanious example….let’s look at the article about the search warrant and subsequent seizure of money just outside of Clevland.
    In the incident…..the suspect was observed selling drugs of various types from his home. The police arrested him and during the serivce of a search wRrant uncovered a large s of money
    Now in YOUR WORLD… think his drug sales were “victimless”
    However… in the REAL WORLD….drug purchase and use create trail after trail of victims. Likely few of those buyers/users paid for those illict drugs out of their paychecks (if they even get such a thing as likely they aren’t employed or employable)
    The overwhelming amount of drug illict drug users….street level users….steal to feed that habit.
    That’s far from “victimless”
    And that’s. It even touching on the high incidence of domestic violence and abuse or the other types of assaults that frequent that community.

    You are a believer in a myth sir. You think because you don’t have to steal to buy your pot that nobody else does either. Yours is a sheltered world that lacks reality

  • steve

    T , i didn’t say these officers were in the wrong . I stated even when they are in the wrong you have to remain cool and calm. Not enough info on this page to make a judgement of that kind.

  • steve


  • JC

    Another pathetic streetsheep copblocker loser. How juvenile of you.

  • JC

    Another streetsheep copblocker rant. He was served a search warrant and then arrested. Sounds like he did do something very wrong. Idiot

  • JC

    In the case, the guy with the camera was in the wrong. He was served a search warrant and was arrested.

  • Oswald_Chesterfield_Cobblepot

    I think you need to learn the difference between probable cause, and reasonable suspicion. Probable cause is enough for an arrest. Reasonable suspicion is enough for detention. If you ask a cop what probable cause he has for detaining you, he knows INSTANTLY that you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.

  • Oswald_Chesterfield_Cobblepot

    It’s only lawful if he has reasonable articulable suspicion. Just because a cop says it, doesn’t mean it’s lawful. The 4th amendment exists for a reason. You have shown you don’t understand it.

  • ty

    why are you so obsessed with cop block? are you a pig who needs to be blocked? or worse? i’d be happy to oblige you on the “worse”.

  • ty

    another pathetic minion of the corporate police machine. what a dooshbag. you are nothing but a piece of shit little faggott.

  • Oswald_Chesterfield_Cobblepot

    A law enforcement officer isn’t required to tell why they are detaining, if they have what they believe to be reasonable suspicion. Imagine that a bank robber is playing it cool when a cop knows it’s the bank robber. If he tells the bank robber before being able to detain him, it could end up in the robber running, leading to a chase. However… we all know that most cops will lie out their ass when they don’t have reasonable suspicion, just to make the situation go their way.

  • ty

    you don’t have a agenda? ya you do, and part of it is lying thru your teeth. guess that’s one class you DID pay attention in. a true piece of shit.

  • Oswald_Chesterfield_Cobblepot

    It’s interesting that you seem to use a large number of words most people don’t know the meaning of, yet don’t understand the simplest of punctuation rules, and don’t seem to proofread your posts. You’re undoubtedly a cop.

    Drug users and purchasers are only criminals because your government didn’t get their cut. It doesn’t matter if drug users steal to feed their habit. Cops steal to feed their habits, yet we don’t outlaw police. Bank robbers steal to feed their habits, yet we don’t outlaw banks. Liquor store robbers steal alcohol to feed their habits, yet we don’t outlaw liquor stores. People steal from supermarkets to eat, yet we don’t outlaw restaurants and supermarkets. People steal from gas stations, yet we don’t outlaw cars and gas. People steal from others to feed habits which are completely legal, yet we don’t outlaw those habits. Trying to make drugs unique is a losers game, and proves that you wear cop blinders. Claiming that others can’t see past their sheltered world, while not being able to see past your own sheltered world, makes you a fucking hypocrite. You are a believer in a myth. That’s why people hate you.

    Now, think about this… When a man robs someone to pay for something that isn’t drugs, we blame it on the man. When a man robs someone to pay for something that IS drugs, we blame the drugs and the man. Do you not see the utter bullshit ludicrousy in your little fantasy world?

    Do you have evidence to substantiate your claim that the “overwhelming amount of illicit drug users” (corrected for idiocy) steal to feed their habit? It’s a fact that you can’t fucking substantiate it, because you don’t know how many people even use illicit drugs, whether they’re street users or not.

    You’re the epitomical example of why people fucking hate cops.

  • Guest

    Penguin, yes they are. They must have reasonable ARTICULABLE suspicion of a crime if they are going to detain you. That’s why you always ask “am I being detained or am I free to go?” and then if they say you’re being detained they must give you an answer. In your scenario about the bank robber, they would handcuff the robber and tell him he’s under arrest for suspicion of bank robbery. They must tell you why.

  • Guest

    Also, you say they aren’t required to tell you in this post, but then your reply to JCs post says (in your exact words) “It’s only lawful if he has reasonable articulable suspicion. Just
    because a cop says it, doesn’t mean it’s lawful. The 4th amendment
    exists for a reason. You have shown you don’t understand it.”

    I’m not sure which standpoint you have on this…

  • Oswald_Chesterfield_Cobblepot

    I do not believe you are correct about that. They are not required by law to tell you why you are being detained. They are, however, required to tell you what you are being arrested for.

  • Marcus Dunn

    Stand up, Shoot back!

  • Oswald_Chesterfield_Cobblepot

    Just because an officer believes he has reasonable articulable suspicion that a crime was, or is about to, be committed, doesn’t mean he’s required by law to tell the suspect why he’s being detained. If it moves into probable cause, the officer still isn’t required to inform the suspect what the probable cause is. They only have to state that they are under arrest for a specific crime. Once the prosecution and defense are in court pleading their case, is when an officer would be required to divulge what their reasonable suspicion AND probably cause were. If the court believes that reasonable suspicion wasn’t good enough, it can have the case thrown out.

    My belief is that a good officer who has real suspicion or probable cause, is going to straight up say why he’s detaining or arresting. A worthless piece of shit officer will hide it. I believe an officer should be required to inform a suspect of the suspicion or probable cause, but the law doesn’t say that they are required to do so.

  • Dadd Spyduh-Mayne Jones

    no he was already arrested, and then they served the warrant while he was in jail!!!!

  • JP

    “Lawful” doesn’t mean “moral.”

    Martin Luther King Jr. “Unlawful”, Nazi Germany “Lawful”, Rosa Parks “Unlawful”.

  • David Gillespie

    If the victim in this encounter believes that information is being withheld he should ask his attorney to order all discovery on his case or cases. The district attorney is obligated by law to provide all discovery to the defense. Just a reminder never talk to police. The first question you should ask is “am I being detained or am I free to go?” If you are being detained or arrested the police must articulate the reason for your being stopped /detained/arrested. Be sure to loudly articulate your right to remain silent and for your rights under the fourth amendment concerning search and seizures. do not consent to any searches under any circumstances. And ALWAYS film the police

  • no more cops

    A very eloquently and analytical analysis of this pig motherfucker, he is the epitomical example of why people fucking hate cops.
    “Do you not see the utter bullshit ludicrousy in your little fantasy world?”
    – No, he never will. So fuck him and every other piece of shit hiding behind a badge and gun that claims that he/she’serves’ the public by upholding and defending hypocritical and arbitrary laws.

  • no more cops

    * a very eloquent

  • Zarius Corten

    Video is inherently unbiased, one-sided or not. It IS showing what happened on both sides, and the cop was clearly full of shit. Also, Oswald, it may show that he had no clue what the correct terminology, but also that he knows that he has rights, and a reasonable suspicion as to what those rights are.

  • JC

    Prove it. Post a link to his real story.

  • JC

    Another pathetic rant by a streetsheep copblocker.

  • JC

    The video started with the officer telling them to put their hands on the police cruiser. What happened before that? The video isn’t telling the whole story and neither is he.

  • Difdi

    If the prosecution is refusing to allow you to confront your accuser and/or the evidence against you, have your lawyer move for the dismissal of the charges on constitutional grounds (or do it yourself if you don’t have a lawyer).

  • Difdi

    That’s a persistent myth, but it is a myth. Sure, in cop TV shows, they usually do it but that’s for the enjoyment of the audience. They aren’t required to.

    The only people an officer is required to inform of why he arrested someone is the booking officer at the police station and the judge at the ensuing trial.

    An officer failing to tell someone why he is being arrested doesn’t make the arrest unlawful. Resisting the arrest because the officer didn’t tell you something he doesn’t have to tell you IS a criminal act.

  • Difdi

    They must have a reasonable suspicion to make an investigative stop, but they don’t need to tell the person what it is. They need probable cause to make an arrest, but again, there is ńo legal requirement that they inform anyone except the desk officer at the station when they get there.

    Not every state requires that that suspicion be articulable.

    Failing to tell the person being arrested why he is being arrested does not invalidate the arrest. Resisting arrest because you were not informed of something they aren’t obligated to inform you of just adds resisting arrest to the charges.

  • Micho Rizzo

    please people if you don’t know what the hell your talking about Just STFU!!! I get jacked all the time like this and it is BS because I dress a certain way or hang with certain people ? WGAF? this is a free society Pigs and we have Rights wether you like it or not..and as long as WE do id appreciate them not to be violated no matter how petty or Stupid your lil Brainwashed ass may think it is!!!! fucking Robots kiss Ass!

  • t

    Lying about what?
    Give an example big guy.

  • Aaron J Mobley

    >>The officer told you to put your hands on the vehicle. You continued arguing with them. It was a lawful order. <<

    No, it wasn't. Not unless he was being lawfully detained. And during a lawful detainment, the officer MUST articulate probable cause. If the officer cannot articulate probable cause, then you are legally free to go. Of course, walking away is a good way to get shot in the back and accused of resisting, so it's best to do what this guy did – start recording and keep asking why you are being detained.

    All the officer had to do was say, "You are being detained on suspicion of…"
    whatever, and that would make it a lawful order. His refusal to do that should be sufficient to prove he was just violating another black man's rights.

  • t

    Now ignoring the spelling police thing.

    I’m not blaming the drugs at all for their crimes. I’m just saying that people commit thousands and tens of thousands of crimes everyday because they want drugs. Now sometimes……I’m sure someone is stealing so they can go buy a book. Or maybe to pat their car insurance. But in over 18 years in law enforcement…..I don’t remember a single case of arresting a drug user that didn’t have an extensive history of theft. They go hand in glove. Legalization won’t change that. Only fewer users will fix that.

    So I don’t know what you want. Most drug users steal. Not all of course. But clearly most. That’s why this guy got caught. Those street users just kept coming back. Time after time. Must be a wonderful life.

  • Aaron J Mobley

    >>A law enforcement officer isn’t required to tell why they are detaining, if they have what they believe to be reasonable suspicion. <<

    Yes, they are. If you ask, they must tell you. They CAN straight-up lie, but they have to tell you SOMETHING.

  • t

    Wow. Let me go shake and hide.

  • Aaron J Mobley

    >>Just because an officer believes he has reasonable articulable suspicion that a crime was, or is about to, be committed, doesn’t mean he’s required by law to tell the suspect why he’s being detained. <<

    He is if the suspect asks. The officer is not obligated to be entirely truthful, but he is obligated to articulate a reason for the detainment.

  • kaosethema

    as the son of immigrants, it makes me sad when other sons of immigrants are ignorant of the rights of the people.

  • ED

    As much as I hate to say it but 3 brown guys hanging out does not imply a crime is occurring ….

  • James Bond

    JC you a cop? Sounds like it? 2 cops would hardly attempt to arrest 3 perps without a whole lot of backup unless of course they were simply exercising their Nazi power trip.

  • Mikey Trunk

    this guy doesn’t speak english lmao. you could ask him “what am i being detained for?” for 20 years he’s not going to respond LOL

  • wickeddevelopment

    there is something they feel justified for pursuing.. if the evidence against you is sealed then it shall remain sealed and is not admissible. as soon as it becomes admissible then you have the right to face the accuser that provided the evidence.. so when they wave their magic wand in some cases you should let them as they will hang themselves.. i will tell you now that standing up for your rights is the long way around but 90% of those who do.. win in court and receive settlements.. so the choice is continue to go threw this ever 3-4 months or take a stand

  • JC

    He was lawfully detained. The officer doesn’t have to say anything until the suspects are appropriately secured. Also, the officers were a minority and the race card is just pure BS.

  • JC

    No, they did their jobs and they did it well. Funny how the guy was arrested and a search warrant issued for his house. Sounds like he did something.

  • Adam Hartman

    Why do cops believe that anything that oozes from their mouths is automatically a lawful order?

  • david135711

    Please include the name, address and a prominent photo of cops in your articles

  • steve

    Then why do you comment here.

  • steve

    Most likely the deputies are on a fishing expedition. Chico has his gun out and ready.

  • steve

    You waste so much time with your propaganda comrad.

  • steve

    Your psychological attempts at conversion and diversion are at the most poor in the manner of persuasion. Your style in not plausible and nothing you have to say is compelling.

  • steve

    wwwwoooowwww, you’ll never get attention or support that way.

  • JC

    I don’t care about morals. All I care about is sucking up to cops and licking ass.

  • JC

    Another pathetic statement by an impostor. What is sad is you have to use someone else’s name to voice your sick and pathetic homosexual fantasies. You will be in jail before long.

  • JC

    Why do you always troll me?

  • t

    Video is always completely bias. It can only show 1 point of view. That’s its limitation. It makes matters worse when the video is edited to show an even more bias view like this one.

  • t

    steve: Wow. The stings.

    Well…..not really.

  • Zarius Corten

    A video shows one POV (point of view), yes, however it is inherently UNboiased because is showed no PERSPECTIVES. Whether you show from my POV or yours, the perspective of the cop trying to defend himself or not will be the same no matter whose camera shows him pull the trigger. THAT is the crux of unbiased. No matter who “sees” the confrontation, it is the same. THAT is what I mean by “unbiased.”

  • Elliott Whitlow

    You can’t automatically assume the order is lawful because the officer said so. There is NO jurisprudence that allows for that perspective.

    I am NOT taking a hardline position on whether this man was right or wrong or whether the order COULD be lawful. What I AM taking a hard line on is the apparently unreasoned belief that it somehow automatically IS simply because the words crossed the officer’s lips.

    Orders are NOT lawful because the officer makes them, orders are lawful IF the laws allow for them in the situation and that determination is HIGHLY fact dependent. They also hinge directly on what the officer knew and WHEN he knew it. It also has to be individualized.

    I think your position has some holes in it.

  • Elliott Whitlow

    At the moment of detention you have the right to know WHY you are being detained and exactly what crime you are suspected of committing. All you have to do is ask. Legally they can’t just say “you’re under arrest”, cuff you and then proceed to jail you. Especially if the whole thing is recorded.

  • Elliott Whitlow

    The constitution requires the suspicion to be articulable, the states don’t get a choice in the matter.

  • Elliott Whitlow

    Then expect people to tell you to fuck off.

  • t

    And that’s fine. But it doesn’t mean that I have to or that I am going to leave. :)

  • t

    The “A” of RAS means that the officer has to be able to explain what his RS was to stop/detain/investigate someone to a judge/judicial official.
    Not in the middle of said incident.

    Now it may be better to explain it….and most times we do. But not to screaming demands that are only going to create an argument.

    This video is yet again an edited video that shows you only what the poster wants you to see. There was more before this and obviously more after this. Funny though….he doesn’t post that. There’s a reason.

  • t

    Again….your argument shows that I’m right.

    There was a OIS video that made the rounds awhile back that shows the view from 2 police dash cameras.
    The incident happens in a convince store parking lot. You see the first officer pulling in and get out. He quickly pulls out his pistol and shoots the black suspect.
    The second officers dash cam which is slightly behind and back shows the officer shooting the un armed suspect in the back.
    That second video… its inherently limited bias perspective….shows the officer committing a crime that should get him a death sentence.
    Fortunately…..the first officers camera clearly shows that as the involved officer exits the suspect can clearly be seen pulling his own pistol and aiming it at the officer just before the officer shoots.

    We recently had a very similar incident with a Taser. The front dash cam made it look bad. The back up cars camera showed that it was quite proper.

    Videos are quite limited and inherently bias to their perspective.

    So your argument/examples/ideas clearly show that video is very biased in what it shows. While it is certainly better to have something than have nothing… doesn’t show everything as its perspective is so limited.

    Heck…..think back to the old dash video where 2 officers are chasing a woman who ends up stopping in someone’s front yard. She jumps out and pulls out a black object and takes a shooting stance at one of the officers. The second cars camera shows it perfectly. If the officer shoots…..he’d be back on duty by the end of the night. But… was a phone. It wouldn’t have mattered in the end for the officer….his actions would have been justified. But it shows that video is limited in what it shows. It’s far different than the totality of what is going on.

    Look at many of the videos on this site. A couple of weeks ago there was a video of an activist marching around a courthouse while armed. He has a camera strapped to his chest. While the video is edited in the middle so that we can’t see what got the officers attention….more important is that we can’t see the subject actions at all. We can’t see his clothing, weapon, body language, facial expressions. None of that is visible. Why? The video is biased in its perspective.

  • t

    Read up on the idea of “context”

    Your comment: “Even when they are in the wrong” which was made on a thread about someone bitching about the way the police dealt with them during a street encounter.

    The simple use of the word “if”….as in “even if the police are wrong” changes that greatly.

  • t

    Ossie: ? Are you there? Anything other than English critiques? No real thought?

  • JC

    Sorry but the order was lawful. The officer was doing an investigation. Notice how the author went on to say he was arrested and a search warrant was executed. He also went on to say he has been fighting this for 7 months. It was a lawful order.

  • Miles Coleman

    Sounds good,,,,but, unfortunately, even though the law says so, It doesn’t work that way anymore. Especially if you can’t afford a high price lawyer!

  • Ray Flower

    Just relax…just relax… let us do whatever we want….. trust us… I know I put my hand on my gun….

  • Difdi

    Unless you have read case law I haven’t, the US constitution requires reasonable suspicion, not reasonable articulable suspicion.

  • Elliott Whitlow

    You can’t make that statement. Just because there was an investigation doesn’t give the officer the power to do whatever he wants, there is simply no debate on that point, it is completely settled at law.. Your argument is literally the officer arrested him and a warrant was issued so the order was lawful, I saw nothing that inherently made the order lawful, and subsequent actions don’t make previously unlawful orders lawful. I’m sorry, I’ve said I’m not taking a hard line either way but your argument to support the alleged lawfulness is not persuasive. What and WHEN the officer knew things is VERY relevant. An order that was unlawful at the start of a stop could be made again later in a stop and then be lawful, but it doesn’t mean that the original order was lawful. That’s the point.

    It MAY have been a lawful order, but there is simply insufficient evidence available to US to make a determination. It could go either way, if it was lawful then fine, but without more details and evidence we can only make assumptions.

  • JC

    The order was lawful. Period.

  • Elliott Whitlow

    There is no period, you have taken a hard line with very little information that does not show what you claim, such a stance shows a lack of critical thinking. your blind support of law enforcement is unfortunate. Lets hope you never end up on the wrong side of a cops bad day.

    Innocent people get arrested EVERY DAY, hell people who have actually done NOTHING illegal get warrants served on them because they demanded the cops follow the law or showed the cops being stupid or breaking the law. So an arrest and a warrant mean literally nothing, they are certainly insufficient to support your assertion. You want a case of EXACTLY that, look up Anthony Graber, it has warrants and an arrest for something the cops KNEW was legal.

    So not period at all.

  • steve

    Why don’t you post a link to the real story . Fucking fat mouth punk.

  • steve

    JC is an unamerican socialist pig.

  • steve

    I will try for more clarity.

  • steve

    Sorry it just came out.

  • t

    Ummm….wrong. I don’t have to discuss my RS with you in the street.

  • t

    But you can’t say the order was unlawful for the very same reason. The video was edited and presented to you to hide that information.

  • RAD

    Even if “drugs” as a collectivized societal issue can be shown to cause harm you can’t prove that the particular factual allegations here( that some guy had some “pills” actually contributed to that collectivized harm). So there is no evidence of any corpus delicti. Just because someone stole something somewhere to buy pills doesn’t mean this guy caused that just because he has pills.
    This is just a predatory scheme to grab someone’s money. Whatever justification/rationalization you have for it is wholly conjectural. Is there a victim saying this guy deliberately engaged in a pattern of predation getting them hooked by “pushing drugs”? Or evidence that it led to any supposed imaginary “theft” to support someone’s habit? Doubtful. The only actual facts from this story that would lead to a conclusion that any sort of theft occurred would be the taking of property perpetrated by the police themselves. That’s the only theft involved as far as can be proven. How this guy’s alleged possession of pills or alleged “pot” may have contributed to some imaginary property crime is pure conjecture.

  • RAD

    I’m happy my neighbors are able to grow their own “pot” so there is less incentive for them to try to steal to get it. Kind of like how in the areas where cocaine grows on trees there is almost zero crack use. Interesting that the more the drugs become available the fewer of the social problems that go “hand in glove” in a prohibition market (like gangland killings during alcohol prohibition),

    Yeah, cool liberal feel good theories, prohibition was an interesting social experiment. Too bad the evidence has shown them to be a failure. Nice try, though. Just too bad it has contributed so much harm along the way.

  • JC

    Another spouting pussy streetsheep copblocker. Maybe this will help you.

    The author said, “As a result of me recording the police five days later gained a search warrant for my house under false pretenses in direct reprisal and arrested me on bogus charges. I have been fighting my case for 7 months and I believe that I am being railroaded because there are aspects of my case that are sealed and kept secret from me”.

    A search warrant was issued, and he was also arrested. The rest is the typical copblock garbage. What is amusing is nowhere in this article does the author give his name or who was arrested. That makes it more difficult to believe anything in this article. Since you are a streetsheep copblocker, you would believe anything in any article no matter how far fetched it is.

  • JC

    Yes, period. The interesting thing about this article is the author never posted his name or any of the names of his friends. If he was so “innocent”, he would. He also didn’t post the LE side of the story. He just stated, “As a result of me recording the police five days later gained a search warrant for my house under false pretenses in direct reprisal and arrested me on bogus charges. I have been fighting my case for 7 months and I believe that I am being railroaded because there are aspects of my case that are sealed and kept secret from me”.

    Everything the author wrote is just his side of the story and more than likely greatly exaggerated. Again, yes the warrant meant something as did his arrest. Some other copblock articles, the author writes what LE charged them with and how the court appearances are going. This guy just wrote the typical “poor me” scenario.

  • Zarius Corten

    If a video is biased, then why is it considered worth more than the recollection of two dozen witnesses? Oh, right, because a video, unlike witness testimony, shows the same thing, no matter what angle it’s taken from. Three videos from different angles show the same scene. Two dozen witness mean two dozen people remembering two dozen different things, and putting emphasis on two dozen different things. Hell, one bank robbery, and you get two dozen different colors of shoe for the same robber. THAT is what is meant by “biased”. The camera has no ability to “misremember” things. Even by editing, you can’t show something that DIDN’T happen, only show what did in a different light.

  • Thenumber4

    He just wanted to buy some of your drugs. Hahahah And by the way what charge, oh wait you didn’t say that part did you? Shut up and have fun in a cell

  • Elliott Whitlow

    And if you’ve read what I have typed I have said that I cannot take a hard line on whether it was or it wasn’t. So I agree that I can’t say it was unlawful, and I’ve actually ALREADY said that. This is 99% of my problem with your post, you have taken a hard line that it WAS lawful. I have taken a different position that it COULD have been lawful but it also might not have been, and either way WE lack sufficient information to determine.

    As for editing, I’ll let the court determine that. Submitting an edited video as evidence is not likely to fly, nor should it in most cases. Again, I don’t have sufficient information to determine that, and neither do you.

    In the end all I am saying is that you could be right and it was lawful, but you have to concede that you might be wrong and it was unlawful. That’s really it.

  • Elliott Whitlow

    Of course its his side of the story. Duh..

    If this guy did something wrong, I got no problem with him being prosecuted, if the cop screwed up I got no problem with him being prosecuted too, I don’t see gray area here, its all very black and white.

    But in the end you still miss my point, this could actually be on the up and up and the guy deserves the charges, we don’t have enough information to decide for ourselves. With that said, I have also seen cases where cops DID retaliate in similar ways for a video making them look bad or catching them breaking the law, so its not hard for me to believe it is at LEAST possible. Whether that is what is occurring HERE, the first sentence of this paragraph is clear, WE CAN’T KNOW, PERIOD.