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  • GOP-led Purge Threat to 3.5 Million Voters

    By Greg Palast for Al Jazeera AmericaElection officials in 27 states, most of them Republicans, have launched a program that threatens a massive purge of voter rolls, especially targeting minority voters.

    Al Jazeera America has obtained 2.1 million names from the target lists,  kept confidential until now.  Experts reviewing the lists conclude it is suspiciously over-weighted with Black, Hispanic and Asian-American voters.

    The targeted voters have been tagged as “potential  duplicate voters,” suspected of voting twice in the same election, in two different states, a felony crime punishable by 2-10 years in prison.

    Until now, state officials conducting the purge have refused to turn over their lists on grounds that these voters are all subjects of a criminal investigation.

    Read the full exposé
    Watch the Trailer for the 2-part TV report
    on Al Jazeera America Tonight,
    tonight & Thursday night at 9pm ET 

    The match lists of suspected double voters, called Interstate Crosscheck, has been compiled for each state by Kansas’ controversial Republican Secretary of State, Kris Kobach.

    The lists are rife with literally millions of obvious mis-matches:
    Al Jazeera found that nearly a fourth (23% ) of the accused voters lack matching middle names.

    For example, Kevin Thomas Hayes of Durham, North Carolina, is allegedly the same man who voted in Alexandria, Virginia, as Kevin Antonio Hayes.

    “Jr.” and “Sr.” are regularly mismatched, potentially disenfranchising two generations in the same family.

    While Kobach, in his public description of Crosscheck, claims that double voters are matched by Social Security number, in fact, internal documents admit that “Social Security numbers might or might not match.”

    So far, no case has been made against a single one of the accused double-voters on the lists, though tens of thousands have already lost their right to vote based on inclusion in the lists.

    North Carolina has hired a full-time former FBI agent to arrest double voters.  However, because the match list of 190,000 suspects in that state is so recklessly compiled, the Board of Elections has admitted to Al Jazeera that not one voter has been charged with the crime of voting twice.  Nevertheless, the Republican-controlled Board of Elections has begun the process of removing the registration of voters on the lists.

    The lists are heavily over-weighted with names such as Jackson, Garcia, Patel and Kim, common to minorities who vote overwhelmingly Democratic. Indeed, one in seven African-Americans in those 27 states are listed as suspected of the crime of voting twice, one in eight Asian-Americans, and one in eight Hispanic votersWhite voters too, one in eleven, are at risk, though not as vulnerable as minorities.

    Georgia Democrats Angered by “Stealthy” Purge

    Georgia’s Democratic leaders say they are shocked that they have been kept in the dark about the state’s use of Crosscheck purge lists — and the racial profile of the targeted voters.

    “It’s biased, I think, both in form and intent,” says Rep. Stacey Abrams, leader of the Democrats in the Georgia state legislature. “But more concerning to me, is the fact this is being done stealthfully. We have never had this information presented to us.”

    “It’s Jim Crow all over again,” says Rev. Joseph Lowery, who succeeded Martin Luther King as chairman of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. Lowery, now 93, says he recognizes in the list of threatened voters a sophisticated new form of an old and tired tactic. “I think [the Republicans] would use anything they can find. Their desperation is rising.”

    Read the entire investigative exposé by Greg Palast at Al Jazeera.

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    Palast's Biggest Exposé Ever
    3.5 Million Voters Threatened with Purge

    Three million threatened in purge of voter rolls
    The removals, which target minority voters,
    were begun in secret in the battleground state of Georgia

    Atlanta, Georgia – A six-month-long nationwide investigation by Al Jazeera America has discovered that voting officials in 27 states, almost all of them Republicans, have launched what is threatening to become a massive purge of black, Hispanic and Asian-American voters. Already, tens of thousands have been removed from voter rolls in battleground states, and the numbers are set to climb.

    Read the full story on

    Also watch the two-part exposé on "America Tonight" on Al Jazeera America
    Oct. 29 & Oct 30 - 9pm ET. (check your local channel guide)

    *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
    Greg Palast, available to media at interviews (at), was the reporter who, for BBC TV and  The Guardian, broke the story in 2000 of Katherine Harris' wrongful purge of innocent black voters as "felons".

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    BP and the Three Stooges Defense

    By Greg Palast for Truthdig
    Forget Stephen King. If you want scary, read U.S. District Judge Carl Barbier's 150-page Findings of Fact released Thursday in the Deepwater Horizon case.

    Although the judge found BP liable for “gross negligence,” some U.S. media failed to mention that Barbier let BP off the hook on punitive damages. And that stuns me, given that the record seems to identify enough smoking guns to roast a sizable pig.

    Here's a standout example:

    Every rig operator knows that, before a rig can unhook from a drill pipe, the operator has to (Show me more...)

    Lap Dancers, the CIA, Pay-offs, and BP’s Deepwater Horizon

    By Greg Palast | for Truthdig

    Originally published April 17, 2014

    From his investigation for Channel 4 Television in the newly released film, Vultures and Vote Rustlers.

    There was CIA involvement through a company called Mega Oil. They were shipping in arms under the cover of oil tools.

    The BP executive was explaining to me how the CIA, MI6 and British Petroleum engineered a coup d'état, (Show me more...)

    Crime Scene – New Orleans

    By Greg Palast for Reader Supported News

    [Lower Ninth Ward, New Orleans]  Nine years ago this week, New Orleans drowned.  Don’t you dare blame Mother Nature.  Miss Katrina killed no one in this town.  But it was a homicide, with nearly 2,000 dead victims.  If not Katrina, who done it?  Read on.

    The Palast Investigative Fund is making our half-hour investigative report available as a free download – Big Easy to Big Empty: The Untold Story of the Drowning of New Orleans, produced for Democracy Now.  In the course of the filming, Palast was charged with violation of anti-terror laws on a complaint from Exxon Corporation. Charges were dropped, and our digging continued.

    It wasn’t an Act of God.  It was an Act of Chevron.  An Act of Exxon. An Act of Big Oil.

    Take a look at these numbers dug out of Louisiana state records: (Show me more...)

    Robin Williams and the Happiness Industry

    By Greg Palast

    I  can't help feeling that Robin Williams was a victim of his industry: the happiness industry.

    Williams was typecast for those parts with manic, unstoppable joy.  Listen up, Aladdin! Williams' genie said, You're not suffering from poverty–what you need is a positive attitude!  You know, put on a happy face! Let a smile be your umbrella!  

    Our culture despises and fears unhappiness. We pathologize unhappiness; we conflate it with a disease, "depression." And it's a disease we insist you can cure–so you don't spread your unhappiness germs to the rest of us.  We stigmatize those who are unhappy, like we stigmatize those who are overweight:  If you're fat, you just don't have any self-control. If you're unhappy, it's your personal failure to just buck up.

    We laud the congenitally happy, like Ronald Reagan, the chipper Gipper, the Grinning Grandpa, who could unleash his death squads and smile all the while.

    We are a nation of salesman, commercially optimistic. We don't like downers; we don't like people who spoil the party.

    And so we push those who find themselves unhappy to medicate themselves–avoid The Deep, get out of the blues and join the Disney.  Williams chose booze, pills and (Show me more...)

    Cómo podría Barack Obama poner fin
    a la crisis de deuda argentina?

    Argentine president cites and posts Palast report on “The Vulture”

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    Obama Can End Argentina's Debt Crisis with a Pen

    The President has the Constitutional power to pluck vulture-fund billionaire Paul Singer. Obama hasn't. Why not?

    By Greg Palast for The Guardian

    The "vulture" financier now threatening to devour Argentina can be stopped dead by a simple note to the courts from Barack Obama. But the president, while officially supporting Argentina, has not done this one thing that could save Buenos Aires from default.

    Obama could prevent vulture hedge-fund billionaire Paul Singer from collecting a single penny from Argentina by invoking the long-established authority granted presidents by the US constitution's "Separation of Powers" clause. Under the principle known as "comity", Obama only need inform US federal judge Thomas Griesa that Singer's suit interferes with the president's sole authority to conduct foreign policy. Case dismissed.

    Indeed, President George W Bush invoked this power against the very same hedge fund now threatening Argentina. Bush blocked Singer's seizure of Congo-Brazzaville's US property, despite the fact that the hedge fund chief is one of the largest, and most influential, contributors to Republican candidates.

    Notably, an appeals court warned this very judge, 30 years ago, to heed the directive of a president invoking his foreign policy powers. In the Singer case, the US state department did inform Judge Griesa that the Obama administration agreed with Argentina's legal arguments; but the president never (Show me more...)

    The Vulture:
    Chewing Argentina’s Living Corpse

    Vulture investor Paul Singer has forced the nation of Argentina into default. Here’s the real story, from Billionaires & Ballot Bandits by Greg Palast.

    A call came in from New York to my bosses at BBC Television Centre, London. It was from one of the knuckle- draggers on the payroll of billionaire Paul Singer, Number One funder for the Republican Party in New York, million-dollar donor to the Mitt Romney super-PAC, and top money-giver to the GOP Senate campaign fund. But better known to us as Singer The Vulture.

    “We have a file on Greg Palast.”

    Well, of course they do.

    And I have a file on them.

    I had just returned from traveling up the Congo River for BBC and the Guardian. Singer’s enforcer indicated that Mr. Singer would prefer BBC not run a story about him— especially not with film of his suffering prey: children, cholera victims.

    Like any vulture, Singer feasts when victims die. Literally. For example, Singer made a pile buying asbestos company Owens Corning out of bankruptcy. The company had concealed from its workers they would get asbestosis from handling their product.

    You don’t want to die of asbestosis. Your lungs turn to mush and you drown inside yourself.

    The asbestos company was forced to pay tens of thousands of its workers for their medical care and for their families after their deaths.

    But then Singer used his political muscle to screw down the compensation promised to the workers. He offered them peanuts. And, dying, they took it. Like the Ice Man, Singer The Vulture used the cudgel of “tort reform” to beat the weakened workers into submission. With asbestos workers buried or bought-off cheap, Singer’s asbestos death factories were (Show me more...)

    "Inside an Investigative Reporter"
    Greg Palast gives the full Monty

    Download or listen to the full PRN broadcast.

    Palast tells tales of undercover investigations, poetry, honey traps and why you stay the hell out of journalism school to Danny Schechter, the News Dissector.

    *  *  *  *  *  *
    Greg Palast is the author of the New York Times bestsellers Billionaires & Ballot Bandits, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy and Armed Madhouse and the highly acclaimed Vultures’ Picnic.

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    Happy birthday, World War One!

    Greg Palast in Sarajevo, near where Archduke Franz Ferdinand was shot, tracing the trail of rogue financier 'Goldfinger.' (Photo: Richard Rowley for BBC-TV. The first ten readers to find Palast in the photo, will get a free copy of the film of this story, Vultures & Vote Rustlers.)

    Happy birthday, World War One! Walking the mortar-cratered streets of Sarajevo, Bosnia, I was reminded that World War I started here, and World War II and World War III, World War V and VI and the current World War IX. Here in the city where the ghosts of Muslim, Catholic, Orthodox and Jewish victims outnumber the living, as I hunted another corpse-chewing financier, it became clear to me that the endless parade of war is not about a clash of civilizations, but the CASH of civilizations.

    Before the Panzers rolled into Poland, they rolled into (Show me more...)

    Don't Leave Without Saying Good-Bye
    A personal note from Greg Palast

    I wish my enemies to take note that my quadruple by-pass heart surgery three weeks ago was quite successful.  My doctors say I can suit up for dragon-slaying in about six weeks. Bless you all for your thousands of healing notes and thoughts.

    The day before going under the knife, I was reminded that, "You can't take it with you” – because the insurance company will take it first.  (Bada-bing!)  So, I invited my attorney to the cardiac unit (no kidding) to tweak my last will and testament – insuring that royalties to my books and films will continue to go the Palast Investigative Fund.

    I truly wish you a long, happy and healthy life.  But, alas, one day we all must shuffle off our mortal coils.

    So, please, don't leave without saying goodbye. It's easy.  Simply include the Palast Investigative Fund in your will. And contact us to let us know.

    I am pleased to announce my new association with Al Jazeera for a series of in-depth globe-spanning investigative reports. It is a great honor to join with journalists whose inestimable courage I cannot hope to replicate, but whose high standards we will dignify with our best work.
    Al Jazeera: “Journalism is not a crime.”

    For those of you who seek more elaborate tax-savvy estate planning, our not-for-profit foundation has retained the services of an expert who can help guide you, please contact us.

    But, if you're the impatient type, you can donate RIGHT NOW, and enjoy one of our special thank you gifts. Donate at least $50 dollars and get a signed copy of Billionaires & Ballot Bandits.  Donate $1,000 and get a listing as a producer of the film, Billionaires & Ballot Bandits: The Movie.

    You can also donate for any amount (no matter how large or small) or browse here for our many other gifts. (Show me more...)

    Lap Dancers, the CIA, Pay-offs, and BP’s Deepwater Horizon

    By Greg Palast | for Truthdig

    From his investigation for Channel 4 Television in the newly released film, Vultures and Vote Rustlers.

    There was CIA involvement through a company called Mega Oil. They were shipping in arms under the cover of oil tools.

    The BP executive was explaining to me how the CIA, MI6 and British Petroleum engineered a coup d'état, overthrowing an elected president of a nation who was “not favorable to BP.” The corporation's former Vice-President, Leslie Abrahams, is pictured here, holding an AK-47 in front of BP headquarters in Baku, Azerbaijan.  Like most of the other BP executives I spoke with, he proudly added that while he was working for BP, he was also an operative for MI6, British intelligence.

    The conversation was far from the weirdest I had in my four-continent investigation of the real story of the Deepwater Horizon.

    The BP oilrig blew out on April 20, 2010, four years ago this Sunday.

    Earlier this month, the Obama Administration officially OK'd BP's right to resume drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. And two weeks ago, just to assure the company that all is forgiven, (Show me more...)

    Chavez, Maduro and Venezuela
    the story they don’t want you to read

    By Greg Palast

    Venezuelan president Nicholás Maduro wrote on Op Ed published in the New York Times yesterday calling for peace.

    As someone who knows president Nicholás Maduro, Hugo Chavez' successor, (and Maduro's opponents), I can say that I’ve never met a head of state (and I’ve met many) who absolutely gives a real shit about the average working person of his nation.

    Venezuela is Occupy Wall Street on its head: the 1% are out in the street, violently hoping to overthrow the government elected by working people. Are the Kochs involved?

    Why not read my reports on Venezuela?

    Did Chavez’ Pick Steal the Election in Venezuela?

    Hugo Chavez vs "The Network”

    The Koch Brothers, Hugo Chavez and the XL Pipeline

    Big Oil, Big Ketchup and The Assassination of Hugo Chavez

    And once again, to shed light through the US media bullshit on Venezuela, my not-for-profit foundation is offering my film, "The Assassination of Hugo Chavez" as a FREE Download.   (Show me more...)

    ‘We’re All Some Kind of Native Now’

    By Greg Palast | first printed in TruthDig as Death Came by Water First, Then Oil

    It was Good Friday, 50 years ago on March 27, 1964, that according to seismologists, the snow peaks of Prince William Sound jumped 33 feet into the air and fell back down. Emergency warnings about an earthquake-spurred tsunami went out to towns from Valdez, Alaska, to Malibu, Calif., but no one thought to send a message to the Chugach Natives in Chenega, Alaska.

    Chenega chief Nikolas Kompkoff watched the mountains leap and the waters around his island disappear over the horizon.

    Knowing the water would return with a vengeance, he ran his four daughters up a hill toward high ground. But the nine-story-tall tsunami was moving too fast for their little legs. Kompkoff made a decision: He grabbed the two girls closest to him, tucked them under his arms and ran up the slope, leaving the other two to be seized by the wave.

    Days later, a postal pilot on his weekly mail drop could not find Chenega because every single house – and a third of the residents – had been washed out to sea.

    When he circled back to the site he saw the village’s church on the hill with (Show me more...)

    BP, not Exxon,
    caused the Exxon Valdez disaster

    By Greg Palast  | Read the full story at TruthDig

    Two decades ago I was the investigator for the legal team that sold you the bullshit that a drunken captain was the principal cause of the Exxon Valdez disaster, the oil tanker crackup that poisoned over a thousand miles of Alaska's coastline 25 years ago today, on March 24, 1989.The truth is far uglier, and the real culprit—British Petroleum, now BP—got away without a scratch to its reputation or to its pocketbook.

    Just this month, the Obama administration authorized BP to return to drilling in the Gulf.

    It would be worth the time of our ever-trusting regulators to take a look at my Exxon Valdez files on BP.  They would see a decades-long pattern of BP's lies, bribes and (Show me more...)

    Fukushima: They Knew

    This month marks the 3rd Anniversary
    of the Fukushima Nuclear disaster.

    By Greg Palast for

    "Completely and Utterly Fail in an Earthquake"
    The Fukushima story you didn't hear on CNN

    I've seen a lot of sick stuff in my career, but this was sick on a new level.

    Here was the handwritten log kept by a senior engineer at the nuclear power plant:

    Wiesel was very upset. He seemed very nervous. Very agitated. . . . In fact, the plant was riddled with problems that, no way on earth, could stand an earth- quake. The team of engineers sent in to inspect found that most of these components could "completely and utterly fail" during an earthquake.

    "Utterly fail during an earthquake." And here in Japan was the quake and here is the utter failure.

    The warning was in what the investigations team called The Notebook, which I'm not supposed to have.  Good thing I've kept a copy anyway, because the file cabinets went down with my office building .... (Show me more...)

    Judge calls Chevron vs Ecuador Case
    "Egregious Fraud"

    By Greg Palast

    A federal judge in New York today slapped a stern order on attorney Steven Donziger and the Ecuadorean villagers he claims to represent, prohibiting them from capitalizing on a $9 billion judgment the judge said was the product of “egregious fraud.”

    The judge is completely, utterly full of shit, here's the real story.

    Chevron Runs from Judgment in Ecuador

    Also watch Palast's report from the Amazon for BBC , War Paint and Lawyers: Rainforest Indians versus Big Oil on the DVD Palast Investigates: From 8-Mile to the Amazon. Get the signed DVD or Download it for FREE.

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    Oscar, We Know Where You Lunch

    By Greg Palast

    By the age of fifteen, Rick Rowley was doomed — born in the middle of Nowhere, Michigan, a wasteland of rust and snow so awful we let autoworkers have it.

    As a kid, Rick would put his head down on the railroad track and wait for the rare vibration of a train on the move far away. He was fifteen years old on the day he got up and followed the hum down the track. He walked for over two hundred miles, surviving on peanut butter and Wonder Bread all the way to (Show me more...)

    Truthout Interviews Greg Palast
    on the Koch Brothers and Chris Christie

    By Ted Asregadoo, Truthout | Video Interview

    Since the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that money essentially equals speech in Citizens United v. The Federal Election Commission in 2010, and later in the US Court of Appeals v. the Federal Election Commission decision, unregulated "expenditures" have flowed to so-called Super PACs.

    Both conservative and liberal groups have rushed to create these organizations that supposedly exist to work on "social welfare" causes.

    However, they are often sham non-profits whose sole purpose is to support or attack (Show me more...)

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