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How Much Money Did Jonas Salk Potentially Forfeit By Not Patenting The Polio Vaccine?

Amar Prabhu, Engineer

Salk was not called the “Father of Biophilosophy” without reason. I have explained the possible reasons why he did not patent the vaccine here: Why didn’t Jonas Salk patent the polio vaccine?

For those who want a short answer, Salk would have been richer by $7 billion if his vaccine were patented. Continue reading for how the number was arrived at.

First a little bit of history and vaccine mechanism:

  • Producing vaccine on a large scale requires virus samples in huge quantities and the tech did not exist when Salk started working on his vaccine.
  • Folks from Harvard – Enders and Weller – should be given credit for coming up with an effective way to grow the virus on tissue scraps without getting contaminated by bacteria (they won the 1954 Nobel prize for their efforts), and this technique was used in the production of the Salk vaccine.
  • Albert Sabin came up with a vaccine shortly after Salk, which he claimed was more effective (debatable). However the important thing is he did not patent his vaccine either, and both their discoveries were donated for the benefit of mankind.
  • Salk developed a intravenous “killed virus” vaccine, Sabin developed an oral “live weakened” one. The principle is – live vaccine builds immunity for a longer time span, where as killed vaccine needs a “booster” dose to develop life long immunity.
  • The Sabin vaccine works by counteracting transmission through the intestinal cavity (where the infection begins), making it a better choice for eradication.
  • Salk vaccine receivers can still transmit the virus, whereas the Sabin ones do not.

To tackle the question of how much money he forfeited by not patenting his vaccine, the following facts are to be considered:

  • The oral polio vaccine is the type widely used all over the world today, as it is cheaper. People might quote a lot of other reasons, but money is the primary reason (It costs $2.2 extra per child to administer the intravenous vaccine). The secondary reason is children in under developed countries (where the vaccine is administered for free under humanitarian missions) may not visit the doctor a second time, and vaccination has to be done in a single visit. Efficiency gains importance over many other criteria in these cases.
  • Center for Disease Control, Atlanta recommended that Salk virus be used in 1990, and kids in United States are immunized using the safer “killed” intravenous vaccine instead of the “live” vaccine, as chances of a healthy child getting infected exist.
  • The cost of the vaccine would have gone up by 25% if the patent licensing costs are included.
  • Distribution of the money spent on medicines by income groups: 90% of all medicines produced in the world are consumed by the upper 15% of the income group. Better said using charts Poor:1%, Middle 8%, Rich: 90% :

*-Used Google Google charts, data source WHO.

Time periods when the different types of vaccine was widely used:

World Wide:
Salk Intravenous Vaccine : 1955-1964
Sabin Oral Vaccine : 1956-present day

United States:
Salk Intravenous Vaccine : 1955-1964 & 1990 – present day
Sabin Oral Vaccine : 1956-1990

Now, down to business of money calculations:
Factors have to be considered over a span of 50 years from 1960 – 2010:

  • Birth rate in USA & rest of the world (No of children vaccinated)
  • Cost of vaccine in USA and rest of the world

Intravenous Salk vaccine costs anywhere from $50-200 today, an average of $125

  • Inflation

Source – Wikipedia
Bottom line: what cost $10 in 1960 costs $72.5 today.

The calculations are attached here:

Calculations are based on Customer Price Index in United States.
Extrapolated by a factor of 12 (based on population, birth rate, rate of immunization, percentage population immunized, etc) for World wide figures, because manual calculation would be inaccurate for a large number of reasons that cannot be discussed here. Prime candidates are unreliable raw data, factual inaccuracies, fraud, etc. Patenting costs assumed to be 25-33 %, adjust and calculate if you assume a different percentage.

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  • russpoter russpoter 2 years ago


    For the record: Salk was an academic, with tenure, a lifetime income stream.

    Conversely, the Google guys were in academia — and left.

    Life goes on. Except for the class-warfare hater-crews.

  • DemandSider DemandSider 1 year ago


    “For the record: Salk was an academic, with tenure, a lifetime income stream.”

    No, russ, he just wasn’t an objectivist pr*ck, like you.

  • “That he could not patent it in the first place because of prior art (in patent speak that is a smoking gun, which prevents an inventor from getting a patent) as discussed by Jane S Smith in some of her works, which I don’t believe in because it is not consistent with Salk’s way of life, his philosophy, and discredits his work.”

    This makes no sense. The existence of prior art is a complex factual inquiry and has nothing to do Salk’s way of life or philosophy. Many scientists worked on vaccines for everything from influenza to polio. From the 1930′s through the 1940′s and into the 1950′s vast research was done: Francis and Salk himself applyied extensive resources to influenza vaccination; Enders, Robbins and Weller did seminal work on the development of a polio vaccine; Sabin was working contemporaneously on his own polio vaccine. It is by no means clear that Salk could have successfully patented the vaccine.

  • robertevans robertevans 1 year ago

    I think that was an ill written part of the blog post. The only way it does make sense is to read it as a theory as to why Salk didn’t *try* to patent the vaccine. And the Quora poster rules this out as a theory because it is supposedly inconsistent with his life and beliefs that Salk would ever *try* to patent the vaccine even if he could.

  • Hanko Tanko Hanko Tanko 1 year ago

    Dude seems to know which way is up lol


  • Rob Lopes Rob Lopes 1 year ago

    Does it always have to be about the money? Or is it using your talent to change peoples lives forever?

    Leave this Earth changed for the better and you will be remembered.

    Life is not about the money, it’s the experience you have or provide is what really matters.


  • dcdoc dcdoc 1 year ago

    There are several “biological” misstatements of fact in this article, including:

    - “Salk vaccine receivers can still transmit the virus, whereas the Sabin ones do not.” It is the other way around. Those who receive the Salk vaccine cannot transmit the virus to anyone else because what they received was a “killed” virus product, not a “live, but attenuated” virus one. (And it is only for a limited period of time that those who get the Sabin vaccine shed the virus in their stools.) There is a very, very small chance of vaccine-acquired polio, and the very, very few cases are usually in those who are immunocompromised for one reason or another.

    - “kids in United States are immunized using the safer “killed” intravenous vaccine” I don’t believe that any vaccine is administered intravenously, and certainly the Salk vaccine isn’t given that way. It is given with a needle jab intramuscularly.

  • dcdoc dcdoc 1 year ago

    “Thought this deserves a mention, as it might be the key to eradicating polio completely.” The key to getting polio eradicated completely, which it almost was, is to get most people immunized against it. The chief obstacle to that has been the twin forces of Evil, ignorance and Islamism, which have frustrated immunization campaigns. A number of vaccine-givers have been murdered in Pakistan, that dark hole of a country, by Muslim fundamentalists.

  • Some things in life are priceless, and perhaps FDR could have been spared from polio.

  • Greg Tinsley Greg Tinsley 1 year ago

    Polio is an intramuscular injection, not intravenous. There are no intravenous vaccines at present, although some immunoglobulins are IV.

  • prost prost 1 year ago

    As a disinterested outsider without intimate knowledge of all the motivations of these two, it looks to me as if both believed they were put on earth to serve others, while most humans seem to think (by their actions) that others were put on earth to serve THEM.

  • superabound superabound 1 year ago

    The real question is how many lives did he save by prioritizing Humanity over base, Satanic greed?

  • J Beach J Beach 1 year ago

    Perhaps it was Salk’s view of God and man. I believe that Louis Pasteur did not patent ‘pasteurization’ due to his Christian based world view. Personally, I believe that the application of true Christianity is mans’ best hope.

  • Jonas Salk like Benjamin Franklin did not patent their work because of altruistic reasons, unlike the greedy Thomas Edison who only saw dollars signs at every turn.

  • Some people do things because others are in need and it is the right thing to do. Others think only about what they will profit from it. I wonder if Saulk was a christian. Maybe not but it helped millions if not more in pure human suffering and medical costs. He is almost saintlike for this gesture of humanity and generosity.

  • fhoenikker9 fhoenikker9 7 months ago

    I had the good fortune of spending time with Jonas as a child because he lived next door to a close friend in La Jolla, CA. I am trying to locate the video clip but Jonas has articulated why he intentionally gave away the vaccine rights. Jonas understood economics very well too…. he realized that if his goal was to eradicate polio then the only way would be if the vaccine was free. Economically not everyone can afford the vaccine and there for polio would not be eradicated unless it was free and available to all. Now that’s how you leave a legacy… with love for humanity. Not dollars and cents.

  • Rich Fuller Rich Fuller 2 days ago

    Money needs to be eliminated and made illegal. Period. No class no income. Just person to person trade without groverning. Doing what is right is the only thing that matters. The exclusive thing that matters. So F*&^ off Forbes.

  • Matthew 16:26 – For what doth it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his own soul? Or what exchange shall a man give for his soul?

    We all need money, yes, however it isn’t “important”.

  • Jim X Jim X 2 days ago

    The phrase “may not visit the doctor a second time” implies that the children in under-developed countries are not permitted a second visit. Was the intent to say “might not visit the doctor a second time”?

  • snow man snow man 2 days ago

    A better question would be: How many people would have died had either Salk or Sabin patented their vaccines?

  • howard howard 1 day ago

    utsd.us/1DsPnGL See how Jonas Salk ended polio in America.