Wednesday, October 29, 2014

A woman walked around New York City for 10 hours and filmed every catcall she received

Hollaback (YouTube) YouTube

Hollaback, an organization that wants to stamp out street harassment and intimidation (a.k.a. catcalls), produced a video in which it videotaped a young woman walking around Manhattan for 10 hours this past August. A hidden video camera was placed in the backpack of a man walking in front of her, catching every catcall, whistle, and even one persistent character who walked alongside the woman for five minutes.

The results are startling. According to Hollaback, there were over 100 instances of verbal harassment in that 10-hour walk, not including winks and whistles. In the video, the woman remains silent. She is dressed in a T-shirt and jeans.

The video is a reminder that men asserting their dominance over women and intimidating them is simply all too common.

The woman in the video later received rape threats on youtube.

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