
This artist builds coral reefs by hand

Courtney Mattison used her marine biology background to build giant, ceramic art installations that highlight the beauty and fragility of reefs as climate change takes its toll.

Climate & Energy

These artists will take you on a journey to the melting Arctic

An art exhibit is investigating the ways that global warming will change the iconic Arctic landscape.

Thanks to these sweet posters, green habits have never looked cooler

Do the Green Thing is celebrating Earth Hour by releasing a new poster every day until March 29. Here are some of our favorites.

Climate & Energy

This artist creates fracking scenes with vintage figurines and postcards

In "Scenes from the Attic," Brandi Merolla tackles the big controversy with tiny art.


Green sleeves: Tattoo art takes root in farm country

Farmers, beekeepers, vintners, and chefs are rocking the indelible markings of their trades -- and their passion for what the land provides.


Park, get set, go: Here’s what it looks like when the weird and the car-free steal your spot

Did you miss Parking Day 2013? Here's your chance to take in some of Friday's shenanigans.


Camp appeal: Photos of gorgeous modern tents for urban adventurers

Check out photos of beautiful, otherworldly, and thoughtful tent designs.


Precious cargo: These bikes carry just about anything — pianos included

A suitcase, a kid, your grandmother -- these are all things that can be carted around with a cargo bike. Here are the pictures to prove it.


Nature writ small: Kids capture scenes of wild things in the city [SLIDESHOW]

In post-industrial Pittsburgh, underserved kids are handed cameras and challenged to explore the natural world right at their feet. Here are some of the things they've spotted.

Got 2.7 seconds?

We've devised the world's shortest survey to find out what kind of actions our readers are taking. You know you want to.
