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  1. USDA Contracting:

    Further Actions Needed to Strengthen Oversight of Contracts for Professional Services
    GAO-14-819: Published: Oct 29, 2014. Publicly Released: Oct 29, 2014.
  2. Chemical Assessments:

    Agencies Coordinate Activities, but Additional Action Could Enhance Efforts
    GAO-14-763: Published: Oct 29, 2014. Publicly Released: Oct 29, 2014.
  3. U.S. Postal Service:

    Information on Recent Changes to Delivery Standards, Operations, and Performance
    GAO-14-828R: Published: Oct 27, 2014. Publicly Released: Oct 27, 2014.
  4. Managing for Results:

    Selected Agencies Need to Take Additional Efforts to Improve Customer Service
    GAO-15-84: Published: Oct 24, 2014. Publicly Released: Oct 24, 2014.
  5. Federal Paid Administrative Leave:

    Additional Guidance Needed to Improve OPM Data
    GAO-15-79: Published: Oct 20, 2014. Publicly Released: Oct 20, 2014.