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Privacy Policy

ABQjournal.com Guidelines; Copyright, Online Privacy and Child-Protection Policies

ABQjournal.com is a World Wide Web site of the Albuquerque Journal newspaper at 7777 Jefferson NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87109. ABQjournal.com may be reached by e-mail at webmaster@abqjournal.com and by telephone at (505) 823-7777.

ABQjournal includes highlights of the print editions of the Albuquerque Journal. Not every story that appears in the newspaper is online. Some stories online do not appear in the printed newspaper.

The guidelines and policies that follow apply only to the online activities of the Albuquerque Journal’s web site, www.abqjournal.com. They do not apply to the printed newspaper.

ABQjournal.com agrees to provide you with information and other services subject to these guidelines and conditions of use. You agree to use our service in accordance with these guidelines. From time to time, we may need to change these guidelines, in which case revisions will be posted on the Web site. By continuing to use ABQjournal after we post any such changes, you acknowledge the guidelines and conditions of use, as modified.

This site does not target children under age 13 and does not collect personal information about individuals except when voluntarily provided by such individuals during registration.

To help us serve you better, we use technology known as “cookies” in a limited way to help deliver advertisers and to enable us to find out how you use our site. Some of our business affiliates and advertisers use “cookies,” which can tell when your computer has contacted a Web site.

Because we do not control the privacy policies of our business affiliates, advertisers or any other site to which we might provide hyperlinks, you should check the privacy policy of the site you are visiting if you have any concerns about that site’s policies or use of cookies.



ABQjournal.com does not, and will not, release your personal information to any third party without your consent. We may, however, share some of the information we gather, in aggregate or demographic form, with advertisers and other partners. That is, we may provide general information about ways people use our site without identifying any particular individuals.

To use certain features of our Web site, you must register on the forms provided with each feature. Our use of any personally identifying information you provide as part of registration is governed by this privacy policy.

ABQJournal uses a third party to process some online subscription purchases. Please consult the third party’s privacy policy.

ABQjournal uses Google products including Surveys and Analytics that include its advertising features that provide the most useful advertising information and offers by tracking information about you.

  • visitors can opt-out of the Google Analytics Advertising Features that may track information about you, including through Ads Settings, Ad Settings for mobile apps, or any other available means You may opt out at Google Analytics’ available opt-outs for the web.
  • about Google Surveys: Your answer is anonymous and is aggregated with all other anonymous answers to the question. It’s not connected with any information about you, and is not used to develop a profile or to deliver ads. Once the survey is complete, an aggregated report is provided to the survey creator about the specific question it asked. Like ads on the web, some surveys may be delivered to you based on the interests and inferred demographics associated with your browser. You can click here  to review or edit these, or to opt-out through Google’s ads preferences manager. Learn more about Google Consumer Surveys or Google’s privacy policy.

Children’s Protection

Our site does not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of thirteen. A parent, however, may consent to the collection and use of a child’s personal information without consenting to the disclosure of that same information to third parties.

We do not condition a child’s participation in any activity on this Web site on disclosure of more personally identifiable information than is reasonably necessary to participate in the activity such as Newspapers In Education contests and projects. A parent may review and have deleted the child’s personal information and refuse to permit further collection and use.

Prior parental consent is not required for abqjournal.com to accept personal information from a child for the sole purpose of directly responding on a one-time basis to a specific online request.

Any contact information obtained from a child in response to such a one-time request will be deleted from abqjournal.com records and will not be used to recontact the child. Such information will be not be posted or published by abqjournal.com, nor provided to third parties, without prior parental consent.

If we are notified that we have inadvertently received personal information from a child we will delete such information from our records.

Any concerns regarding the children’s privacy policy and what is done with any information provided through this site should be directed to webmaster a abqjournal.com.


Copyright Notice

The Albuquerque Journal provides this Web site for your personal enjoyment, information, education and communication. You may browse this site and even download material on the site for non-commercial, personal use. You must retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the materials.

You should assume that everything you see on the site is copyrighted, including material from The Associated Press. You may not distribute, modify, transmit, reuse, repost or use the content of the site for public or commercial purposes, including the text, images, audio and video, without permission of the Albuquerque Journal and other copyright owners.

Text, photo, graphic, audio and/or video material from The Associated Press shall not be published, broadcast, rewritten for broadcast or publication or redistributed directly or indirectly on any medium. Neither these AP materials nor any portion thereof may be stored in a computer except for personal and non-commercial use.

Browse this site as well as others sites linked to ABQjournal at your own risk. The Albuquerque Journal assumes no responsibility, and shall not be liable for damages to, or viruses that may infect your computer equipment or other property on account of your access to, use of, or browsing in the site for your downloading of any data, text, images, video or audio from the site or any other site to which you might link from ABQjournal.

Requests for permission to reprint, copy or distribute material from this site must be obtained at the Albuquerque Publishing Co. Library. More information is available by calling the library at (505) 823-3490.


Customer Relations and Choice of Law and Forum

All disputes involving this web site must be brought in the state courts of New Mexico.

Use of this web site is pursuant to stated guidelines. All disputes and questions with respect thereto will be determined by the laws of the State of New Mexico applicable to contracts entered into and wholly to be performed within said state without regard to principles of conflicts of laws. Both parties hereby consent to the personal jurisdiction of the State of New Mexico, acknowledge that the venue is proper in any state court or Federal court in the State of New Mexico, agree that any action related to this Agreement must be brought in a state or Federal court in the State of New Mexico, and waive any objection it has or may have in the future with respect to any of the foregoing.

For more information about this site, please contact the Journal at (505) 823-3800 or email the webmaster.

