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Jerusalem clashes
Oct 30, 2014
6:45 pm
The press here has been talking recently of a 'silent intifada': the city has been convulsed by violence for months, but most of it happens at night, bottled up inside the Palestinian districts of occupied East Jerusalem. By Thursday afternoon, though, after two shootings and a day of clashes, the situation in Jerusalem had become anything but silent.
Oct 30, 2014
8:43 am
Turkey peshmerga fighter oct. 29 2014
Syria condemned Turkey for allowing foreign fighters and 'terrorists' to enter Syria in a violation of its sovereignty.
Need to Know, Syria
Oct 30, 2014
9:49 am
Burkina faso protests oct. 30 2014
Lawmakers had been due to vote on a government plan to change the constitution to allow President Blaise Compaore to stand for re-election next year.
Africa, Need to Know
Oct 30, 2014
1:06 am
China olympics us fan
And he actually has no idea what’s going on in the United States.
Oct 18, 2014
12:23 am
Evil baby leopard
The Natural History Museum of Maputo might have one of the creepiest collections in the world.
Oct 30, 2014
9:21 am
Nato jens stoltenberg oct. 28 2014
NATO aircraft tracked Russian strategic bombers over the Atlantic and Black Sea on Wednesday and sorties of fighters over the Baltic.
Need to Know, Europe
Oct 29, 2014
4:54 pm
Spoiler alert: it's everyone's problem.
Oct 29, 2014
4:57 pm
White guy scott 3
For example, the interim president isn't actually eligible to run for president.
Africa, Need to Know
Oct 29, 2014
2:10 pm
Liberia facts 5
Liberians are people, not viruses.
Oct 30, 2014
8:30 am
Homepage chatter v2
Clashes around one of Jerusalem's holiest sites, and tensions with continued Jewish settlement building, are worrisome.
Oct 29, 2014
1:21 am
Spain castel 10 28 2014
The restive Spanish region of Catalonia is preparing for a symbolic referendum on secession, even as the government is moving to block it.
Oct 29, 2014
9:00 am
Kurds turkey oct. 29 2014
In Iraq, security forces said they are advancing in a new offensive to retake the country's biggest oil refinery that has been besieged by IS.
Oct 29, 2014
11:04 am
Janet yellen oct. 17 2014
With jobs growth now running at a firm clip, the Fed's focus has turned to inflation, which remains well below its 2.0 percent target.
Oct 29, 2014
11:03 am
As Zambia’s president dies in office, protesters in Burkina Faso are trying to stop their own leader from doing the same.
Africa, Need to Know
Oct 29, 2014
1:21 am
India kama sutra statue 0
It starts with kids.
Oct 29, 2014
10:44 am
Hong kong protests oct. 29 2014
The move comes as Hong Kong protesters entered their fifth week of demonstrations.
Oct 29, 2014
1:21 am
Canada coffin 2014 10 28
Stop blaming Canada.
Oct 28, 2014
12:21 am
Kachin heroin user opium warfare
Shopkeepers dispense needles as small change. Addicts prefer them to dirty, worn bills.
Oct 28, 2014
7:38 am
Pistorius jub jub prison justice
The state appeals Oscar Pistorius' prison sentence, and South Africans question a system that judged one celebrity killer a murderer and another just negligent.
Oct 27, 2014
4:36 pm
Disease map lead 2
'Tuberculosis' and 'AIDS' aren't trending on Twitter, but they probably should be.
Oct 28, 2014
9:03 am
Ebola preparedness us oct. 21 2014
'Western countries are creating mass panic which is unhelpful in containing a contagious disease like Ebola,' Ugandan government spokesman Ofwono Opondo said.
Need to Know, Health
Oct 28, 2014
12:16 pm
Tunisia election
One revolution and two elections later, it is a very different country than it was four years ago.
Africa, Need to Know
Oct 28, 2014
12:21 am
As the Kremlin backs separatists in Ukraine, Russian activists calling for 'federalization' are finding out different rules apply at home.
Oct 28, 2014
11:04 am
Myanmar emerges wins rfk
GlobalPost CEO and Founder Philip S. Balboni: ‘We are deeply honored.’