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OpenSecrets Blog

Ad Spending Tops $1 Billion; Dark Money Groups Buy Significant Share

October 29, 2014 Overall ad spending has broken $1 billion in federal elections and state governors’ races, with the total number of ads exceeding 2.2 million. According to a new report by the Wesleyan Media Project in partnership with the Center for Responsive Politics, the total number of ads run in House, Senate and gubernatorial races has dropped… Continue Reading »

Overall Spending Inches Up in 2014: Megadonors Equip Outside Groups to Capture a Bigger Share of the Pie

October 29, 2014     This Center for Responsive Politics report is part of #Money14, a series of independent reports exposing the role of money in American politics. Join us for an event around the fifth anniversary of Citizens United to hear more about the participating organizations’ innovative research and work together for a more inclusive, transparent, and… Continue Reading »

State Parties Flooded With National Funds

October 27, 2014 In the sprint to Nov. 4, both parties are heaping mounds of cash on their state affiliates. With this election cycle shaping up to be the most expensive in history in terms of spending on congressional races, some state parties are now raising unprecedented amounts of money. In fickle Alaska, both national parties are leaving no stone unturned and… Continue Reading »

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AGAINST: McFadden, Mike
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AGAINST: Gardner, Cory
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AGAINST: Gardner, Cory
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Just as water flows downhill, money in politics flows to where the power is. And the Center for Responsive Politics is there to help you follow the contours and learn about these connections.