Urge Costco to Sell Ethical Gold!
  • Petitioned Muriel Cooper

This petition was delivered to:

Community Relations, Costco
Muriel Cooper
Suppliers, Non-Food, Costco
Barbara Harriott
Marketing, Costco
Stephanie Bradley

Urge Costco to Sell Ethical Gold!

    1. Petition by


From the Philippines to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, gold mining often has devastating impacts on the workers, communities and the environment. Child labor, forced labor and other abuses of internationally recognized labor rights are widespread in this industry.  For example, gold was the most frequently named commodity appearing on the US Department of Labor’s List of Goods Produced by Child or Forced Labor from Africa to Asia to Latin America. But it does not have to be like this.

Over 70 of the largest jewelry retailers in the world have endorsed the No Dirty Gold campaign’s http://www.nodirtygold.org/goldenrules.cfm">Golden Rules to take responsibility for the conditions under which gold is mined. These guidelines help prevent the serious abuses often associated with the gold industry

Now, retail giant Costco has the opportunity to become an industry leader in the sourcing and sale of responsibly-mined gold. The Golden Rules include respecting worker rights and international labor standards as well as fully disclosing information about the social impact of gold mining and a number of other important principles. 

Urge Costco to stand against labor rights exploitation in the gold industry by joining other industry leaders in supporting – and fully implementing – the Golden Rules.

Recent signatures


    1. Activists Call Costco, Demand "No More Dirty Gold" Jewelry

      Recently, thousands of people  flooded Costco's Facebook page and email inboxes with messages urging them to join the "No Dirty Gold" campaign and stop selling jewelry made with...

    2. Costco Customers Flood Facebook Demanding Clean Gold, Costco Silent

      Last week hundreds of Costco customers flooded their Facebook page demanding the company stop selling dirty gold. But so far, they have remained silent.

    3. Hundreds Flood Costco's Facebook Wall With Demands for Clean Gold

      If you want to see what consumer advocacy looks like in action, check out Costco's Facebook wall right now. Over the course of the last few days, hundreds of consumers have flooded the company's page, leaving messages asking Costco to buck up and...

    4. Costco: One of Few Major Jewelry Retailers Still Selling Dirty Gold

      Eight out of the ten largest jewelry retailers in the U.S. have made a commitment to selling gold mined without child or slave labor and environmental destruction by joining the No Dirty Gold campaign. But sadly, Costco has stubbornly refused to...

    5. Costco - One of Two Major Jewelers Still Selling Dirty Gold

      Eight out of the top ten largest jewelry retailers in the world have committed to clean gold, but Costco still refuses.

    6. Costco claims they are satisfied with "limited visibility" into how the jewelry they sell is made and have no comment on forced and child labor in the gold industry. Let's tell them that's just not good enough!

    7. Costco Targeted By Facebook Bomb for Ethical Gold

      If you've ever doubted that a small group of people can make a big difference, check out Costco's Facebook wall today. A group of clean gold activists bombed their wall with the message "No Dirty Gold". And this social media stunt may be enough to...

    8. Progress! Costco Shares Ethical Gold Guidlines with Suppliers

      For the past couple months, Costco members and other consumers from around the world have been asking the company to join the No Dirty Gold campaign and sell only gold jewelry produced without child labor, environmental destruction, or community...

    9. Looking for gold jewelry for mom this Mother's Day? Look past Coscto, to one of the retailers who has pledged to stop selling dirty gold:

    10. Costco is raising prices, but not because they're buying ethically-produced gold.

    11. Costco Members Speak Out for Ethical Gold

      Over the past few weeks, more than 26,000 activists have signed a petition asking discount giant Costco to join Earthworks' "No Dirty Gold" campaign and offer ethically-sourced gold jewelry. Now, Costco members are speaking out for responsible gold...

    12. Activists Use Social Media to Demand Ethical Gold from Costco

      Last month, over 22,000 Change.org members helped convince Target to commit to selling ethically-sourced gold products by signing Earthworks' "No Dirty Gold" campaign. Now, clean gold activists are back at it, asking wholesale giant Costco to make...

    13. is promoting this campaign today as part of our belated Earth Day Party (read more here: ).

      Tweet this campaign today with the hash tag #EarthdayEveryday!

    14. Stay tuned for a special social media action day next week!

    15. Recent reports indicate that Costco has started to contact some suppliers about this issue! Stay tuned for more updates this week.

    16. Reached 25 signatures
    17. Check out great coverage of this campaign by Arizona Progress --

    18. Costco Customers Demand "No Dirty Gold"

      Last week, Target became the 73rd retailer to join the "No Dirty Gold" campaign and commit to selling responsibly-sourced gold jewelry. Now, Costco customers are asking for the same. Over 20,000 Change.org members have asked Costco to follow the...

    19. Just left a message for Costco's senior gold buyer -- you're messages are coming through loud and clear. The question is, will Costco respond?

    20. Reached 20 signatures


    Reasons for signing

    • Peggy Neal LEAWOOD, KS
      • almost 3 years ago

      I want Costco to continue to stand above the crowd as it appeared to do when it started years ago. QUALITY comes in social justice issues, too! I want Costco to stand for QUALITY on all sides, especially in the treatment of children!

    • carolle white LAKEVIEW, MI
      • about 3 years ago

      What if this work is the only way a child can support his younger, orphaned siblings? I do not support forced labor of any kind, especially children. Costco please help these children by not only refusing to buy "dirty" gold but also by providing them with a good way to support themselves if they must work--fair wages, safe conditions, proper rest periods, proper clothing, and that only available to youth who meet a minimum age and have received a special work permit because of hardship. These young workers must also receive their wages and not be forced to give them to so called "caretakers", who are nothing more than slave masters. All minors who are employed should have their situation monitored to make sure no one is taking unfair advantage of them. Perhaps you could sponsor some schools and orphanages.

    • matty rivera HAVELOCK, CANADA
      • about 3 years ago

      I can't stand it when companies do this to kids.

    • cheryl monroe REDLANDS,, CA
      • about 3 years ago

      Costco, you are so respected in the United States. How could you not adhere to the No Dirty Gold campaign? I have to say this: Would you gain the whole monetary world and lose your own soul?

    • Becky Ayech SARASOTA, FL
      • about 3 years ago

      In 2011 there is NO reason for child labor. I will NOT support any business that uses child labor to get products. Costco, be a leader, not a follower.


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