Choosing Fair Trade Gold For Your Ring

Why Fair Trade Gold
Fair trade gold miners from Peru, as shown in this photo, produce the most precious gold in the world. They implement best small scale mining practices and their efforts are independently certified by Fair Labeling International. Photo by Patrick Schein.

Fair trade gold is revolutionary new jewelry paradigm: transparent and traceable gold from small scale miners that actually benefits local economy without harming the environment. As of June, 2013, Artisan Wedding Rings is the only company in the US that is selling an extensive collection of fair trade gold wedding rings. We are also extensively involved, through our nonprofit, Fair Jewelry Action, in supporting efforts to promote and distribute this gold widely through North America.

Why Fair Trade Gold

Fair trade gold is absolutely the most precious gold in the world for your once in a lifetime ring. By purchasing a fair trade gold wedding and engagement ring, you support the emergence of an entirely a radical new paradigm. Learn more...

Face of Fair Trade Gold

Eugenio Huayhua Vera, a representative from the Sotrami gives his astonishing first hand, hardscrabble account of how the cooperative started and evolved into a gold mining model that inspires the world. Learn more...

Our Fair Trade Gold Sourcing

Our gold comes from Sotrami, a mine in Peru. The premium generated by the purchase of this gold has purchased new computers for elderly and schools and has allowed the mine to open a non-profit store, allowing the 500-strong community to buy food affordably. Learn more about our sourcing.

Why Fair Trade Gold Costs More

Just as organic food is more expensive than food produced from industrial agriculture, gold that is mined responsibly costs more than recycled gold and the dirty gold in the mainstream jewelry supply chain. Learn why...

Fair Trade Gold Verses Recycled Gold: Which Is The Best Choice?

You can choose to use recycled gold or fair trade gold with our rings. Though a fair trade gold ring is slightly more expensive, we feel that for this once in a lifetime purchase, fair trade gold is the best choice for anyone deeply concerned about social and environmental issues.
Learn why...

Fair Trade Gold Verses Fairmined And Fairtrade Gold:

In the market today, we see fairtrade and fairmined gold. Yet we are selling fair trade gold. Both descriptions describe the same gold: Learn why...

Please note that while we can produce rings in fair trade gold, mounts for gemstones are not yet available from our suppliers. We can only offer them in recycled gold. Also, due to the complex logistical and fabrication challenges in making rings with fair trade gold, we generally need six weeks to deliver.