We started this campaign about a year ago. At that time, Santa Fe Gold's stock was high. The company was confident. Now, the stock in low. The CEO is gone. CEO Carson did an incompetent job in stakeholder engagement and had several dea...ls fall apart, from Goldfields in Australia to Tyhee in Canada under his "leadership". Right now, given the strong community opposition against this project, the low price of gold, the companies very shaky financial position, it is highly unlikely the Ortiz project will going forward. If it does, over 99% of Santa County will oppose them.
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Freeport McMoRan more or less wrote the new copper pit rule for the environmental department for the Martinez administration. Now they can pollute the ground water legally as they buy up all the water rights surrounding their mines...
Santa Fe Gold's stock tumbles to just .3 cents... You can see from the report below how the company's stock rose to 9 cents with their Tyhee merger, and now how it is struggling since their break up.
Like a divorcing couple, Tyhee and SFe gold are fighting over money: $300,000. Yet as recently as Jan 24th, they seemed IN LOVE.

Back then, CEO Carson said, "Santa Fe believes that the Tyhee merger, coupled with the comprehensive secur...ed debt restructurings, should not only bring the Summit Mine back into production but also expand the mine to its real potential. In addition, we believe that Tyhee's ambitious strategy of acquiring near-term production opportunities together with eventual development of its large Yellowknife Gold Project will deliver substantial value to Santa Fe stockholders.".

At least the stock holder family has dropped the law suit. But anyone know a good couple counselor to recommend to them?

Last year they were going to merge with International Goldfields. Then Tyhee. Never mind the Ortiz project which is does not seem financially viable at our current gold prices. Without Summit going back into production, the question is, can SF Gold find the investors to keep them from going bankrupt?
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TYHEE AND SANTA FE GOLD BREAK UP... A STAR STRUCK RELATIONSHIP WITH BENEFITS ENDS… In a previous press release, Tyhee and SF Gold wrote: “The board of directors of both Santa Fe and Tyhee believe that the Transaction will bring significan...t benefits to each of the companies and their shareholders.”

OOPS! Scratch that. Wonder who cheated here? Maybe the benefits were not satisfying??? There must be... FIFTY WAYS TO LEAVE YOUR LOVER
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LA BAJADA GRAVEL MINE REJECTED! The People spoke and the county listened. This represents a growing and powerful coalition who say, NO MINING IN SANTA COUNTY! Those who attended were privileged to hear inspiring voices from artists, activists, business people and historians, the best of Santa Fe County. I felt proud to be part of this community.
SANTA FE GOLD'S SHAREHOLDERS ARE NOT HAPPY. The Tyhee offer seemed to rescue the company from financial insolvency... yet... "The complaint accuses Santa Fe Gold's five-member board of directors of breaching their fiduciary duties by pur...suing the merger through an unfair process that lacks material disclosures and for an unfair price."

Yet there is a pattern here. The lack of disclosure is what we felt from the information that was presented in their marketing booklet... regarding water use, acid drainage issues, etc etc.
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The effort to stop LaBahada has been astounding and Diane Senior has made tremendous gains in making broad swath of the community aware of the critical need to protect our environment. Santa Fe Gold will be coming into full engagement at some time in the near future and we are asking everyone passionate about LaBahada to get ready for round two. Presently papers are not filed on the Ortiz project, but the intention if prominent on their websites - so it is just a matter of time. Remember 70 million gallons of water a year is what they require. More to come. Keep the faith
FIRST NATION RIGHTS THREATEN CANADIAN MINING...A great article in the Guardian... All the more reason for Jr. Canadian mining companies to come to New Mexico, where they can trash our environment supported by governor's pro-mining (anti-water) agenda-- the copper pit mine rule....
Santa Fe Gold reports revenue, but from a bottom line perspective, the company has never shown profitability. Look at their numbers in the press release. Their Ortiz project, a public relations disaster, requires 165 tons of rock to produce an ounce of gold is also not viable given gold prices-- never mind the water use and green house emissions.
CANADIAN JR. MINING COMPANY TYHEE BAILS OUT SANTA FE GOLD with 3 million dollars. Of course, their stockholders would not lend out this money if they were not banking on supporting Santa Fe Gold's destroying of our land depletion of our water in their resource to cash to trash economic model.
Jr. Canadian Mining companies are notorious for their atrocities around the world. Here's another example. Show your support by signing on to Earthwork's Petition. Earthworks has supported our campaign by providing the technical report which disputes Santa Fe Gold's marketing of a gold mine to Santa Fe.
THE MINING OWNED FOX GUARDS THE SLUDGE HOUSE: Flynn, who supports permitting copper mines to pollute ground water, is voted in as Secretary of the Environment. These rules were written by mining companies. An environmental politician who is anti-environment.
I live in the Ortiz Mountains. A short time ago we scheduled a meeting with a professional hydrologist to determine the quality of our well and water. They informed us that the water below the Ortiz is ancient water from the ice age - that wells in the area are not fed by by rainwater. They also dispelled the notion of underground "rivers". They said it is all one water that certainly finds different levels in different places. The net net on that is that spoil a part of the water, spoil it all. Wells are running dry on Gold Mine, Madrid's water longelivity is questionable. That being said using 70,000,000 gallons a year for gold seems so silly.
I received a BIG 4 color brochure published by Santa Fe Gold who's premise covers how they will approach the community. Pages like "Sustaining our Future", "Conserving Precious Land", the promise of $10.5 million in annual wages. These are hollow promises that have never been delivered by a mining company. They show glowing pastoral pictures of the Ortiz mountains and beautiful pictures of the sky and mountains. So funny, what they will do to the area has nothing to do with what they say. Goodness, right?
MORE RADIO- If jeweler/Anti-mining activist sounds counter intuitive-- until you listen to Marc Choyt's Feb 6th 1/2 interview on Colorado public radio KDNK on ethical sourcing in the jewelry sector.