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Fracking Infrastructure is Carving Up Pennsylvania

Fracking Infrastructure is Carving Up Pennsylvania



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Absurdly, proponents of shale gas development argue that pipelines can benefit landowners by providing new recreation areas and better habitat for wildlife.
Absurdly, proponents of shale gas development argue that pipelines can benefit landowners by providing new recreation areas and better habitat for wildlife.

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Categories:Types, Business/Law
Published by: Food and Water Watch on Dec 18, 2013
Copyright:Attribution Non-commercial


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Fracking Infrastructure is Carving Up Pennsylvania
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he Marcellus Shale lies beneah much of he Allegheny Plaeau, which boass he larges unbroken expanse of fores in Pennsylvania.
 Drilling and fracking for shale gas in he Marcellus region is fragmening he sae’s foress wih each new road, well sie and pipeline. Absurdly, proponens of shale gas developmen argue ha pipelines can benefi landowners by providing new recreaion areas and beter habia for wildlife. These argumens would be laughable if hey weren’ so emblemaic of he oil and gas indusry’s insidious greenwashing effors.
Pipelines Threaten Wildlife
In he Marcellus region o Pennsylvania, over 7,000 wells have been drilled, wih muliple wells someimes drilled rom he same sie, called a well pad.
 A ypical well pad uses around 2.5 acres o land, bu pads can range up o nearly 50 acres.
 Around hal o all well pads in Pennsylvania are in oresed lands.
 Abou a quarer o hem were buil by leveling core ores, which is ores ha is more han 300 ee rom a road or oher clearings ha orm a ores edge.
 In hese oresed areas o he Marcellus, each well pad consumes an average o 30 acres o core ores, including ores cleared or he well pad isel, ores cleared or pipelines and roads, and loss o core ores due o creaion o new ores edges.
 As drilling and racking or shale gas coninue, an esimaed 60,000 miles o new pipelines could be consruced in Penn-sylvania alone o connec new well pads o cusomers.
 Depending on he size o he pipeline, consrucion requires a coninuous cleared pah 30 o 200 ee wide.
 These clearings cu hrough essenial core ores habias, creaing migraion barriers or small animals and amphibians, opening up he land o invasive species and indusrial polluion, and damag-ing waer qualiy.
 Consrucion o pipelines and well pads can damage small sreams or springs ha, while osensibly proeced by law, are easily overlooked.
 Clearing rees and bushes o consruc pipelines ha cross sreams can increase he waer’s em-peraure, making i oo warm or ish o orage or raise heir young.
 Sormwaer runoff during pipeline consrucion, as well as he ineviable leaks and spills o conaminans rom well pads, can reduce populaions o ish and oher aquaic species in he area and downsream.
 Risks o surace waer are widespread in he Marcellus shale region, where linear projecs like a naural gas pipeline have o cross a sream around every 2,000 ee, compounding he risks o reshwaer sources and wildlie.
 While consrucion phases or a well pad or pipeline are em-porary, heir effecs are no. Legal agreemens beween land-owners and pipeline companies require ha landowners keep he area clear, meaning ha oress remain ragmened.
 No only does his resul in less ores cover or wildlie habia, bu i also resuls in worse habia: more ragmenaion means ha more ores is close o an edge, where many species are more vulnerable.

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