Indigenous Peoples and Mining Position Statement

The 2013 position statement replaces an earlier position statement from 2008. It articulates a progressive set of commitments that applies to all ICMM member companies. The most significant change is the adoption of a commitment to work to obtain the consent of Indigenous Peoples for new projects (and changes to existing projects) that are located on lands traditionally owned by or under customary use of Indigenous Peoples and are likely to have significant adverse impacts on Indigenous Peoples.

The position statement outlines ICMM’s view of Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) as a process based on good faith negotiation, through which Indigenous Peoples can give or withhold their consent to a project. These processes should strive to be consistent with Indigenous Peoples’ traditional decision-making processes while respecting internationally recognized human rights. The consent provision builds upon a number of supporting commitments that apply to most interactions between ICMM members and local Indigenous communities. These supporting commitments address engagement with Indigenous Peoples, understanding their rights and interests, building cross-cultural understanding, agreeing appropriate processes for consultation and engagement, and participation in decision making. 

A number of related commitments address how ICMM members should engage where government is responsible for managing Indigenous Peoples’ interests in a way that limits companies’ involvement, and how to move forward where differences of opinion arise between Indigenous communities and companies.

The commitments in the position statement come into effect from May 2015.

ICMM Principles

Principle 3
Uphold fundamental human rights and respect cultures, customs and values in dealings with employees and others who are affected by our activities.
Principle 6
Seek continual improvement of our environmental performance.
Principle 9
Contribute to the social, economic and institutional development of the communities in which we operate.
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