Draft IRMA Standard for Responsible Mining (July 2014)
Global Feedback Survey

Important information about this survey

Page 1
1. This survey has 32 pages (each of the 28 chapters of the draft Standard has its own page of questions). You do not have to comment on every chapter of the IRMA Standard.
Questions with a * require an answer. Required answers are found only on page 2 of the survey. Starting on page 3, every page of the survey will provide the option to comment on the next chapter of the draft Standard, skip to questions about a specific chapter, return to this information page, or finish and submit your survey. The bar at the bottom of each page shows you what percentage of the survey you have completed.

2.  Answers on each page of the survey are saved when you hit the "Next" or "Previous" button.

3.  You may save your responses and exit the survey at any time by clicking on the "Exit this survey" button at the top right of each page.
If you have entered information on a particular page and then hit "Exit Survey" the responses for that page will not be saved. We recommend clicking "Next" before choosing "Exit this survey" in order to save your work.

4.  You do not have to finish the survey in one sitting. You may return to the survey and add comments or change answers up until the date the survey is closed (22 October 2014).
Please note that y
ou must have "cookies" enabled in order to return to your saved survey, and always use the same browser to access the survey. [Find out more about cookies - link opens in a new browser window.]

5.  Only one survey response is allowed per computer.
Due to constraints of SurveyMonkey, this version of the survey only accepts one survey per computer. If more than one person needs to use the same computer to fill out the survey, please use an alternative version of the survey, which allows multiple surveys to be submitted from one computer. (That option, however, requires that the survey be completed in one sitting.)

6.  Please contact us if you have any problems filling out this on-line survey, or would like to download a copy. 
You can download a copy of the survey on our web site (link opens in a new browser window), and email it back to us, or email us with other questions or concerns at: info@responsiblemining.net.