Houston Politics

Blogging City Hall and Harris County government with the Chronicle staff
Uber driver Brian Walts locates himself on the Uber map . ( Mayra Beltran / Houston Chronicle)

City considers rules to allow ride-share operators at airports

Days before new paid-ride regulations take effect in Houston, city officials turned their attention Thursday to how app-based ride service companies like Uber could be permitted and charged at airports in the coming months. [Read More]
Categories: General
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Republicans use HERO pastor subpoenas to turn out base

Republicans are using Mayor Parker’s now-scrapped subpoena of the speeches of local pastors to win over voters in the election season’s closing week. In a Harris County Republican Party radio spot that began late last week, GOP senate candidate Paul Bettencourt attacks the subpoenas, which Parker said on Wednesday she would withdraw. “The City of […] [Read More]
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Pasadena City Council

First Tuesday spends $625,000 to help local Dems

The First Tuesday PAC is spending big to help elect down-ballot Democratic candidates, having spent $625,000 over the past four months on an aggressive direct mail campaign. The committee, led by local trial lawyer Dave Matthiesen, has spent about $500,000 on direct mail to help turn out the vote for the Democratic slate and $50,000 […] [Read More]
Categories: General
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Anderson ad: Ogg is soft on drug criminals

District Attorney Devon Anderson launched a television advertisement Wednesday that said her opponent would let drug criminals run free and make the community less safe in the first negative advertisement of Harris County’s closest race. “Kim Ogg isn’t just wrong. She’s dangerous,” says the narrator in the 30-second spot, Anderson’s second. “But Devon Anderson is […] [Read More]
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Anderson spends 5 times as much as Ogg on the air

Harris County District Attorney Devon Anderson raised twice as much money over the last reporting period than Kim Ogg, a haul that has allowed Anderson to spend five times as much on television advertising. Anderson reported Tuesday $228,000 in donations between September 26 and October 25, a cash advantage that enabled her to buy $380,000 […] [Read More]
Categories: General
Houston Federation of Teachers president Gayle Fallon called a news conference Tuesday to announce support from teacher groups for Kim Ogg for Harris County district attorney and Sam Houston for attorney general, both Democrats. Front row, from right: Houston, Fallon, Ogg and Zeph Capo, HFT executive board member and Houston Community College trustee. Back row from left: Veronica Thibideaux of the Alief affiliate of the American Federation of Teachers; Wretha Thomas, president of Houston Education Support Personnel union; Nikki Cowart, president of Cy-Fair AFT; Karrie Washenfelder, president of the Fort Bend Employee Federation; and Craig Adams, president of Spring Branch AFT.

Teacher groups back Ogg for DA over cheating probes

Five Houston-area teacher groups backed Democrat Kim Ogg for Harris County district attorney Tuesday, upset by incumbent Devon Anderson’s agreement to help investigate educator-led cheating on high-stakes exams. “The DA’s office is not the testing police,” said Ogg, flanked by leaders of the Houston Federation of Teachers and affiliated groups from Alief, Cypress-Fairbanks, Fort Bend […] [Read More]
Categories: General
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City Council will figure out what ‘core services’ are … eventually

City Council still hasn’t nailed down what the city’s “core services” are, exactly, but department heads continue to submit to grillings aimed at finding budgets cuts ahead of a looming deficit next summer. [Read More]
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Ugly campaign in District 149 turns uglier with alleged assault

HOUSTON — The rough-and-tumble campaign for state representative in District 149 escalated as police arrested a campaign supporter for Republican candidate Al Hoang for allegedly threatening his opponent’s supporter with a boxcutter. On Monday afternoon, a Hoang campaign volunteer, Peter Vo, reportedly brandished a boxcutter at an early voting location and cut through a banner […] [Read More]
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