Health and Safety Concerns Put Jobs in Question

Hilary Lewis's avatar
By Hilary Lewis

May 20, 2014


Photo: Ella Baker Center

Oil and gas companies love to wax lyrical about all the jobs they create while calling environmentalists 'anti-jobs', but recent studies have called the quality of oil and gas jobs into question.

To be clear, Earthworks is for jobs.

We are for sustainable (safe, well paying, community sourced) jobs.

According to The Solar Foundation the solar industry alone directly employed 142,698 Americans as of November 2013 (The American Wind Energy Association reports 50,500 FTE jobs), and employment in solar is growing 10x faster than national average employment growth. These jobs are:

The renewable energy sectors are creating jobs, and they're jobs workers need and want.

The jobs the oil and gas industry are creating are often unsafe, outsourced, dirty jobs:

So the next time someone tells you or your fracktivist friend that 'we need the jobs' or 'you're anti-jobs' have your facts ready. We are for jobs.

P.S. While this blog is about quality jobs, clean-energy also produces more jobs, dollar for dollar, than fossil fuel-related activities.

For more information:

Tagged with: worker safety, renewable energy, osha, jobs, fracking

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Break out the popcorn! @frackfreedenton & ex-@Chesapeake govt relations director @adamphaynes r going at it over #Denton #fracking ban vote.
@JHH__ @JosMirek 27 million! You sure? Got a link?

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