National Catholic Reporter

The Independent News Source

In Liberia, education helps stem Ebola's spread

Global Sisters Report: "The borders are so porous, people cross over without a second thought. The tentacles of the virus go in every direction."


Peace groups, exonerated inmates rally to call for an end to Florida's death penalty

The death penalty "offends my faith," one pastor said. "It doesn't deter crime, and it puts vengeance ahead of justice. It is an international embarrassment.



A revised top 10 list

I'm still haunted by a late 1960s survey of American Catholics. Participants were asked just one question: What's the more important law -- love your neighbor, or give up meat on Friday? More than 50 percent...

Synod on the family proves that father still knows best

Grace on the Margins: Can the hierarchy reach a point where they no longer see themselves as parents and the laity as children?


Marriages start in a church, but where is the church when one ends?

A small c catholic: When marriages have broken down irretrievably, what's needed is not words of harsh judgment and punishment, but words of love and acts of compassion.


Pope urges activists to struggle against 'structural causes' of poverty

The Francis Chronicles: Pope Francis urged a fight against the "structural causes" of poverty and inequality, with a "revolutionary" program drawn from the Gospels.


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