Disappearing Rio Grande

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Why Follow the Rio Grande

by Colin McDonald | June 20, 2014

The Rio Grande is disappearing. Demand for water is growing as average temperatures rise faster than they ever have in the past 11,000 years. The water that remains is being fought over by the countries and states that agreed to share the river. At the same time, a border fence is being built along its banks.

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Mariscal Canyon, Day 132

Nat Cobb, left, and Fred St. Goar navigate the “Tight Squeeze” of Mariscal Canyon. Photo by: Colin McDonald

Today we ran Mariscal Canyon, the deepest and most remote of the three canyons along Big Bend National Park.  

We also crossed over the start of the Wild and Scenic Reach of the Rio Grande.  

We are seeing more turtles and birds. There is sign of beaver along the muddy riverbanks. The conductivity of the river has decreased, as has the bacteria count. 

The group has accepted that we will just see this one canyon.  

We have run the rapids, surfed the waves and tomorrow we will climb up to the rim of the canyon and explore campsites that have been used for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. 

The weather has been ideal and tonight we are in the same campsite Dan Reicher camped at 37 years ago. According to his journal, he and his fellow explorers spent the night making music that reverberated off the canyon walls.  

The group today is a bit more subdued. Dan brought his recorder and Crystal Allbright is teaching him some Mexican folk tunes.   

There is talk of planning a return trip to see more of the canyons. It’s just too good to only see once.  

“It’s a very humbling experience to come into a canyon,” said Fred St. Goar. “It reminds you of your place in the world. … It’s spiritual.”

To comment on this post or ask a question, please visit the expedition's Facebook page.

Air temperature (°C)
Conductivity (µS/cm)
Depth of Measurement (meters)
Dissolved oxygen (mg/L)
E. coli colonies per 100 ml
pH level
Secchi disk transparency (meters)
Water temperature (°C)

What do these numbers mean?

As they travel, Colin and Erich are taking water samples for the following periodic water quality tests. In partnership with The Meadows Center for Water and the Environment’s Texas Stream Team Program at Texas State University, the results will be added to a public database it helps maintain for research and monitoring water quality.

Air/Water Temperature
Temperature impacts everything from the amount of oxygen in the water and the metabolism of aquatic species to how easily compounds dissolve. Most species can tolerate slow seasonal changes, but can go into thermal stress or shock when temperatures change by more than one or two degrees Celsius in 24 hours.
pH Level
The pH scale measures water’s acidity and runs on a logarithmic scale from 1.0 to 14.0, with 7.0 considered neutral. Anything below 7 is acidic and anything above is basic. A pH range of 6.5 to 8.2 is optimal for most organisms.
Dissolved Oxygen
Oxygen is just as vital for life below the surface as it is above. The amount needed varies according to species and stage of life, but generally 5.0 to 6.0 milligrams per liter is required for growth and activity. Levels bellow 3.0 mg/L are stressful to most fish species and levels below 2.0 mg/L for an extended period of time will cause fish kills.
Conductivity levels depend mainly on the how easily the rocks and soils a stream passes through dissolve. For example high levels of conductivity are often found with water that passes through limestone and gypsum because it will pickup the calcium, carbonate and sulfate from those rock formations. However discharges into a water body, such as a failing sewage system, can also raise the conductivity because of the presence of chloride, phosphate and nitrate.
Water Clarity
Turbid water can come from high levels of sediment or plankton. Both will block sunlight to aquatic plants and the sediments can carry pollution such as nutrients and pesticides. Low levels of turbidity may indicate a healthy and well-functioning ecosystem. High levels can be an indicator of runoff from eroding soils or blooms of microscopic plankton due to high levels of nutrients.
E. coli
E. coli bacteria are found in the colon of warm-blooded animals. If the pathogen is found in water it’s an indicator that fecal mater from humans, pets, livestock or wildlife is also present and may pose a public health threat. For drinking water the standard is to have no E. coli. But almost all non-treated water has some E. coli in it and at low levels it does not represent a substantial health threat to those who swim or wade in it. The Environmental Protection Agency has set the water quality standard for these types of activities at 126 colony forming units per 100 mL.
Secchi disk transparency
The Secchi disk is a plain white, circular disk used to measure water transparency in bodies of water. It is lowered into the water of a lake or other water body until it can be no longer seen. This depth of disappearance, called the Secchi disk transparency, is a conventional measure of the transparency of the water.

While making his way to the Gulf of Mexico, Colin will be periodically activating a device that uses satellite technology to share his current location. Use this map to see where Colin and Erich traveled on this day.

Check-In Time of Check-In (CST) Latitude Longitude
#1 12:07 p.m. 28.98746 -103.23138
#2 11:28 a.m. 28.98741 -103.25339
#3 9:04 a.m. 29.01338 -103.31097
#4 8:17 p.m. 29.01336 -103.31091

Midpoint, Day 131

From left to right, Dave Parker, Billy Blackstock, Bob Irvin, Fred St. Goar, Nat Cobb, Nick Gottlieb, Dan Reicher, Peter Serrurier, Sach Hubbard, Jon Adams, Greg Serrurier, Colin McDonald and Mike Long, pose for a photo on the Rio Grande. Photo by: Crystal Allbright

As close as I can tell, I’m halfway to the Gulf of Mexico. Ahead is the most wild and rugged reach of the river and the most urbanized. 

It’s going to be an adventure. To help kick it off, I’m paddling with the most accomplished group of paddlers I have ever been a part of. The guides have more than 100 years of experience between them on the Rio Grande. The guests have first descents in China and California. The youngest member, Nick Gottlieb, is seriously contemplating paddling 240 miles through the Grand Canyon in less than 24 hours.   

Our conversations on the banks of the river range from what it is like to see crocodiles pull down wildebeests in Africa and paddle amongst the icebergs in Alaska to working the halls of Congress.   

I’ve shared my observations from the Rio Grande with them and asked how they compare to what they have seen and experienced.  

The general conclusion is that while the Rio Grande, like almost all other rivers, is highly altered with dams, levees and diversions, it is incredibly resilient and constantly working to restore itself.  

In addition to the natural process of rivers to fill lakes with sediment and cut through barriers of any kind, the public perception of the role of rivers is changing.   

 “We have found there is a growing recognition, even among the winners in water allocation, that the system is broken and in the long run there are no winners,“ said Bob Irvin, president of American Rivers, who is along for this paddle.   

Across the country and around the world, rivers are coming back after being buried in culverts or polluted to the point of toxicity. Decisions are being made to see the river as a complete system, instead of a resource to reach a specific goal, like delivering water to farm fields or removing pollution from a city. 

Rivers can do these things very well, but when we focus on single goals and control, we miss out on the other benefits they can provide, such as recharging aquifers and farm fields, slowing floods and dampening droughts.   

“There is always hope for rivers,” said Irvin, “Even if we have dammed them, polluted them or diverted them, the river is still there.” 

We have done just about everything we can to the Rio Grande, and it is still here. It’s going to be fun to find out in what form over the next 800 miles.

To comment on this post or ask a question, please visit the expedition's Facebook page.

Air temperature (°C)
Conductivity (µS/cm)
Depth of Measurement (meters)
Dissolved oxygen (mg/L)
E. coli colonies per 100 ml
pH level
Secchi disk transparency (meters)
Water temperature (°C)

What do these numbers mean?

As they travel, Colin and Erich are taking water samples for the following periodic water quality tests. In partnership with The Meadows Center for Water and the Environment’s Texas Stream Team Program at Texas State University, the results will be added to a public database it helps maintain for research and monitoring water quality.

Air/Water Temperature
Temperature impacts everything from the amount of oxygen in the water and the metabolism of aquatic species to how easily compounds dissolve. Most species can tolerate slow seasonal changes, but can go into thermal stress or shock when temperatures change by more than one or two degrees Celsius in 24 hours.
pH Level
The pH scale measures water’s acidity and runs on a logarithmic scale from 1.0 to 14.0, with 7.0 considered neutral. Anything below 7 is acidic and anything above is basic. A pH range of 6.5 to 8.2 is optimal for most organisms.
Dissolved Oxygen
Oxygen is just as vital for life below the surface as it is above. The amount needed varies according to species and stage of life, but generally 5.0 to 6.0 milligrams per liter is required for growth and activity. Levels bellow 3.0 mg/L are stressful to most fish species and levels below 2.0 mg/L for an extended period of time will cause fish kills.
Conductivity levels depend mainly on the how easily the rocks and soils a stream passes through dissolve. For example high levels of conductivity are often found with water that passes through limestone and gypsum because it will pickup the calcium, carbonate and sulfate from those rock formations. However discharges into a water body, such as a failing sewage system, can also raise the conductivity because of the presence of chloride, phosphate and nitrate.
Water Clarity
Turbid water can come from high levels of sediment or plankton. Both will block sunlight to aquatic plants and the sediments can carry pollution such as nutrients and pesticides. Low levels of turbidity may indicate a healthy and well-functioning ecosystem. High levels can be an indicator of runoff from eroding soils or blooms of microscopic plankton due to high levels of nutrients.
E. coli
E. coli bacteria are found in the colon of warm-blooded animals. If the pathogen is found in water it’s an indicator that fecal mater from humans, pets, livestock or wildlife is also present and may pose a public health threat. For drinking water the standard is to have no E. coli. But almost all non-treated water has some E. coli in it and at low levels it does not represent a substantial health threat to those who swim or wade in it. The Environmental Protection Agency has set the water quality standard for these types of activities at 126 colony forming units per 100 mL.
Secchi disk transparency
The Secchi disk is a plain white, circular disk used to measure water transparency in bodies of water. It is lowered into the water of a lake or other water body until it can be no longer seen. This depth of disappearance, called the Secchi disk transparency, is a conventional measure of the transparency of the water.

While making his way to the Gulf of Mexico, Colin will be periodically activating a device that uses satellite technology to share his current location. Use this map to see where Colin and Erich traveled on this day.

Check-In Time of Check-In (CST) Latitude Longitude
#1 4:54 p.m. 29.01337 -103.31091
#2 3:48 p.m. 29.01725 -103.33447
#3 1:08 p.m. 29.02313 -103.37943
#4 11:06 a.m. 29.07284 -103.46045
#5 8:00 a.m. 29.0929 -103.48322
#6 8:10 a.m. 29.09289 -103.48318

Get it out of your system, Day 130

Colin McDonald talks with U.S. Sen. Rob Portman via a satellite phone while Dan Reicher listens in and Peter Serrurier looks on. Photo by: Fred St. Goar

One week and 37 years ago, an expedition of undergraduates from Dartmouth College passed the campsite we are using tonight.  

Dan Reicher was the biologist on that expedition. He brought along a copy of his journal from the 1977 expedition to share with us as he revisits the river. Rob Portman was a liaison with locals and went on to become the U.S. Senator for Ohio. He could not make the trip because of his work campaigning for his fellow Republicans. But he called in via a satellite phone so he could be part of the trip.  

For the most part, the diary entries and stories told by Portman do not seem dated. There was trouble with the rapids in Mariscal Canyon and the supply canoe flipped. Some tourists from Kentucky told Reicher to not rush into marriage unless he was done with such adventures. There was concern about safety along the border. 

But overall, there is less water to float boats and the border itself has changed. The town of Santa Elena and the ferry to it are gone. That’s where Reicher met the advice-giving tourists. The border was closed after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11. Residents were cut off from the income stream from tourists and from the stores of Big Bend National Park, which were the only local place to buy necessities.  

Portman said the trip made him sort of fall in love with the Rio Grande and especially the border. He wrote his senior paper about the region and came back to work as a ranch hand. He later returned to the same ranch to spend his honeymoon on the Rio Grande and then later brought his children. The kayak he used on the expedition hangs in his office.  

“I always tell the story that no one would be crazy enough to do it again,” he said. “I’m glad to be talking to someone who is.” 

When the issue of the border wall comes up, especially in remote areas like where we are now, Portman points out it would not work.  

“People say we need a wall across the border,” he said. “I do believe in control of the border, but having a wall does not make sense to me. It would create a lot of hardship in a lot of communities.”  

That comment brought a sigh of relief among the river guides and river advocates I’m traveling with. Then Portman made a very divisive comment.  

“My first love is still canoeing,” he said.   

The canoe may not have flipped if it had not been loaded down with the gear from those in the kayaks. It is hard to forget adventure like that on the Rio Grande.  

Some things never change.   

To comment on this post or ask a question, please visit the expedition's Facebook page.

Air temperature (°C)
Conductivity (µS/cm)
Depth of Measurement (meters)
Dissolved oxygen (mg/L)
E. coli colonies per 100 ml
pH level
Secchi disk transparency (meters)
Water temperature (°C)

What do these numbers mean?

As they travel, Colin and Erich are taking water samples for the following periodic water quality tests. In partnership with The Meadows Center for Water and the Environment’s Texas Stream Team Program at Texas State University, the results will be added to a public database it helps maintain for research and monitoring water quality.

Air/Water Temperature
Temperature impacts everything from the amount of oxygen in the water and the metabolism of aquatic species to how easily compounds dissolve. Most species can tolerate slow seasonal changes, but can go into thermal stress or shock when temperatures change by more than one or two degrees Celsius in 24 hours.
pH Level
The pH scale measures water’s acidity and runs on a logarithmic scale from 1.0 to 14.0, with 7.0 considered neutral. Anything below 7 is acidic and anything above is basic. A pH range of 6.5 to 8.2 is optimal for most organisms.
Dissolved Oxygen
Oxygen is just as vital for life below the surface as it is above. The amount needed varies according to species and stage of life, but generally 5.0 to 6.0 milligrams per liter is required for growth and activity. Levels bellow 3.0 mg/L are stressful to most fish species and levels below 2.0 mg/L for an extended period of time will cause fish kills.
Conductivity levels depend mainly on the how easily the rocks and soils a stream passes through dissolve. For example high levels of conductivity are often found with water that passes through limestone and gypsum because it will pickup the calcium, carbonate and sulfate from those rock formations. However discharges into a water body, such as a failing sewage system, can also raise the conductivity because of the presence of chloride, phosphate and nitrate.
Water Clarity
Turbid water can come from high levels of sediment or plankton. Both will block sunlight to aquatic plants and the sediments can carry pollution such as nutrients and pesticides. Low levels of turbidity may indicate a healthy and well-functioning ecosystem. High levels can be an indicator of runoff from eroding soils or blooms of microscopic plankton due to high levels of nutrients.
E. coli
E. coli bacteria are found in the colon of warm-blooded animals. If the pathogen is found in water it’s an indicator that fecal mater from humans, pets, livestock or wildlife is also present and may pose a public health threat. For drinking water the standard is to have no E. coli. But almost all non-treated water has some E. coli in it and at low levels it does not represent a substantial health threat to those who swim or wade in it. The Environmental Protection Agency has set the water quality standard for these types of activities at 126 colony forming units per 100 mL.
Secchi disk transparency
The Secchi disk is a plain white, circular disk used to measure water transparency in bodies of water. It is lowered into the water of a lake or other water body until it can be no longer seen. This depth of disappearance, called the Secchi disk transparency, is a conventional measure of the transparency of the water.

While making his way to the Gulf of Mexico, Colin will be periodically activating a device that uses satellite technology to share his current location. Use this map to see where Colin and Erich traveled on this day.

Check-In Time of Check-In (CST) Latitude Longitude
#1 3:58 p.m. 29.0959 -103.48553
#2 4:16 p.m. 29.09288 -103.48315
#3 3:10 p.m. 29.11993 -103.52124
#4 12:07 p.m. 29.1499 -103.58014
#5 11:04 a.m. 29.15581 -103.59872


The Rio Grande has been the lifeblood of the valleys and civilizations it flowed through for more than 3,000 years. As cities and farms suck it dry and a warming climate makes it evaporate faster, the river's future has never been more uncertain. Reporter Colin McDonald and photojournalist Erich Schlegel are traveling the length of the Rio Grande, interviewing those who depend on and control it, taking photos and videos, and cataloging the chemistry and biology of the river from the Rocky Mountains to the Gulf of Mexico.

Their work will be uploaded from the banks of the river via satellite and shared here as they spend seven months on this 1,900-mile journey.

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