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Image link to Open Court: Championship Memories

Open Court: Championship Memories

In the most recent episode, the Open Court looks back at getting their first rings, cultivating a championship culture and coaches that pushed them to succeed. How did the first ring feel?

Image link to Open Court: Two-Man Show?

Open Court: Two-Man Show?

A star-studded panel previews the season and the high points ahead.

Image link to Open Court: 50 Best & 10 More

Open Court: 50 Best & 10 More

The panel returns with a special episode on the NBA's 50 greatest players.

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The Greatest

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Open Court: Definition of a great

A legendary panel debates what it means to be in the top level of the NBA all-time class.

The Answer

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Open Court: Iverson's Impact

The Open Court crew talk about Allen Iverson's overall impact on the culture of the NBA.

Best Coach

Image link to Open Court: Best Coach

Open Court: Best Coach

Chris Webber gives Red Auerbach the nod as the best NBA coach in history.

Best Dream Team?

Image link to Open Court: Dream Team Debate

Open Court: Dream Team Debate

Shaquille O'Neal has a surprising answer in the debate over the Best Dream Team ever.

Forgotten Players

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Open Court: Forgotten Players

Charles Barkley talks about the best player he ever played with that nobody seems to remember.


Best Big Men

Image link to Open Court: Big Men

Open Court: Big Men

The guys debate who the best big men in the league are: new school vs. old school.

Chuck Gets Busted

Image link to Barkley Falls Asleep on Set

Barkley Falls Asleep on Set

Charles Barkley dozes off on set while filming the second season of Open Court.

LeBron vs. MJ

Image link to Open Court: LeBron vs. Jordan

Open Court: LeBron vs. Jordan

The guys debate on whether or not LeBron James will ever be better than Michael Jordan.