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– Nashville, January 2014: Recap | Program
– Minneapolis, November 2013: Recap | Program
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Butler Cain
Assistant Professor/Mass Communication
West Texas A&M University
Sybil B. Harrington Fine Arts Complex, Room 269
Canyon, TX
Bio (click to expand) Butler Cain is an Assistant Professor of Mass Communication at West Texas A&M University in Canyon, Texas. He received a Ph.D. in Media History from the University of Alabama, where he also received degrees in Journalism. He spent a decade as news director of Alabama Public Radio in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, before moving to South Korea to teach English language skills to Korean students.

Butler has been a member of SPJ since 1997. He is a founding member of the Texas Panhandle Pro SPJ chapter in Amarillo, Texas, and has served on the Journalism Education Committee and the International Journalism Committee. Butler blogs about travel and journalism at

June Nicholson, vice chair
Director of Graduate Studies
School of Mass Communications
Virginia Commonwealth University
901 W. Main Street
Room 1108 Temple Building
Richmond, VA 23284-2034
(804) 827-0251 (office)
Fax: (804) 828-9175
Bio (click to expand) picture June O. Nicholson, a professor of journalism in the School of Media and Culture at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Va., chaired national SPJ’s Journalism Education Committee from 2000-2007. She is former chair of the SPJ's International Journalism Committee and has been a member of other national SPJ committees over the past several decades. She is co-developer of the SPJ newsroom training module on covering diverse communities. Nicholson also is a former president of the Virginia professional chapter of SPJ.

Nicholson is the 2014 recipient of the Outstanding Woman in Journalism and Mass Communications Education Award from Commission on the Status of Women of the Association of Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. In 2008, she was recipient of the Robert Knight Multicultural Award for promoting diversity in America's newsrooms, given by AEJMC's Scholastic Journalism Division. She was recipient of the Distinguished Service Award of VCU's College of Humanities in 2007 for contributions to VCU and the journalism profession. She is serving a second term as president of the University Faculty Senate through August 2015.

Nicholson teaches senior-level capstone undergraduate government, enterprise and project reporting courses and coverage of specialized areas such as science, health, education, urban affairs and the environment. She also teaches a graduate course on International Journalism in the M.S. program in Mass Communications with a specialization in multimedia journalism. Before joining the VCU faculty, she was a reporter and editor for more than a dozen years in North Carolina and Virginia. She holds a master’s degree in public affairs journalism from The American University in Washington, D.C., and a B.A. degree in journalism from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Home > Journalism Training > SPJ JournCamp

SPJ JournCamp
November 8, 2014 | Miami, Fla.

Register online | Schedule | Meet the Trainers


When: Saturday, November 8

Where: Wolfe University Center
Florida International University
Biscayne Bay Campus
3000 NE 151st Street
Miami, Fla., 33181

Professional SPJ member: $35
Student SPJ member: $15
Professional non-member: $55
Student non-member: $35

Members of NAHJ, AAJA, NABJ, NAJA and NLGJA receive the $35 rate with a special promotional code.

Registration fee includes breakfast and lunch.

Registration: Follow this link to register online. The deadline to register is Friday, October 31, so don't delay!

Funded by the Sigma Delta Chi Foundation. The November program is co-Sponsored by the FIU-SPJ student chapter and the Florida International University School of Journalism and Mass Communication (SJMC).

JournCamp is an SPJ program presented in partnership with the Kiplinger Program in Public Affairs Journalism at Ohio State University.

SPJ is committed to bringing you training and tools in all areas of journalism. In this daylong workshop, you'll get practical, skills-based professional development that will help you be a better journalist.


8:30-9:30 a.m.: Registration and check-in

Location: WUC 100 (Wolfe Theater)

Breakfast available.

9:30-10:30 a.m.: Welcome and Opening General Session

Rapidly Changing News Media Landscape: Where the 'Hockey Puck' is Headed

Location: WUC 100 (Wolfe Theater)

Evolving consumer behaviors, multi-screen content strategies, new mobile news trends, emerging technology spaces such as wearables, etc. The list of factors contributing to the current pace of disruptive change across the news industry continues to transpire at an unprecedented rate. Now is the time for journalists and news organizations to start thinking not about how can they program to the devices that exist today, but what do they do to prepare themselves for two to seven years down the road. Normal ways of telling stories, the normal ways of gathering content in order to tell the stories, will be radically different.

Trainer: Michael Bolden (@michaelbolden), editorial director, Knight Foundation

10:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m.: Breakout Sessions

(Choose one to attend per time slot on site)

Be a MoJo: Shoot, Edit and Publish Video Packages on the Fly

Location: WUC 223

During this interactive workshop, you will learn how to produce a video news package using just your iPhone. You'll learn basic techniques on getting quality sound bites and how to shoot compelling B-roll and "selfie stand-ups." You will learn how to edit those assets into a short video package you can quickly share with the world — and beat the journos using bigger rigs. If you have a tripod and mount adapter for your iPhone, bring it. Ditto if you have MiFi or another mobile WiFi device.

NOTE: Participants should first download Videolicious from the iTunes app store. It is free. Bring a charged iPhone and earbuds.

Trainer: Cindy E. Rodríguez (@cindyerodriguez), senior journalist in residence, Emerson College, Boston

Narrative Journalism: From Beat to Book

Location: WUC 100 (Wolfe Theater)

Narrative journalism helps make your daily deadlines sing and brings life to magazine stories. Developing your narrative voice also builds your authority on the beat and can help lead beat reporters to a book — or two, or three — in their area of expertise. Join Cynthia Barnett, a water beat journalist and three-time book author, for a participatory workshop on narrative writing and how to turn your beat into a book and a brand. Book publishers love journalists because we understand storytelling, we often specialize in a topic, we know how to promote that topic, and as an added bonus we make deadline. Taking your career to that next level requires expertise in narrative journalism, one tradition that has only grown more powerful in the digital age. This session will provide strategies and resources for developing a book idea and proposal, all in the context of sharpening your voice and narrative storytelling skills whether or not you envision a book in your future.

Trainer: Cynthia Barnett (@cynthiabarnett), Florida journalist, author and 2004 Knight-Wallace Fellowship recipient

12:45-1:45 p.m.: Lunch (provided)

Location: WUC 155

2-4 p.m.: Breakout Sessions

(Choose one to attend per time slot on site)

Capturing Tomorrow: Emerging Trends in Photography

Location: WUC 223

According to recent reports — collectively — we take and share almost 2 billion photos a day. Images surround us. Attend to learn about how to better harness the power of photographs for news, including new perspectives on photography with aerial drones, photo-capturing wearables, and learn tips and tools on how to verify visuals shot from the crowd.

Trainer: Samaruddin Stewart (@samsends), 2013 Stanford Knight Fellow and past AOL News, AFP, and Arizona Republic visual journalist

New Tricks and Treats for Watchdogs: Online Data and Google Fusion Tables

Location: WUC 100 (Wolfe Theater)

You don’t need to be an investigative reporter or data wizard to find meat for your stories. Explore key online sites for public records and data nationally, as well as for your state and local community. Discover the power of a retention schedule — a virtual catalog of enterprise story ideas. Learn how to do quick data analysis with Google Fusion Tables (a free online service) and produce charts and maps showing key findings. With its simple interface and intuitive functions, Google Fusion Tables gives journalists a lot of power with a minimal learning curve. With Fusion Tables, you can do quick-and-easy basic analysis, produce charts and tables, link your data to maps for color-coded display, and share your work with others. All you need to get started is a free Gmail/Google account.

NOTE: Participants in this session will need to bring a laptop/tablet and have a free Gmail/Google account set-up.

Trainer: Doug Haddix (@doughaddix), director of Ohio State University Kiplinger Program in Public Affairs Journalism and former national training director for Investigative Reporters and Editors

4-6 p.m.: Reception (drinks provided)

Location: WUC 155

Meet the Trainers

Michael Bolden, editorial director, Knight Foundation

Michael D. Bolden (@michaelbolden) joined Knight Foundation in June 2013. Prior to Knight, Bolden was an editor at The Washington Post, where he led an award-winning reporting team. He was one of the first supervisory editors in the Post's converged newsroom, developing strategies for digital storytelling and social media outreach. He has managed stories with broad scope, including the growth of errors by the nation's air traffic controllers, which led to systemic changes, and the deterioration of the country's transportation and water infrastructure. Before the Post, Bolden was an editor at the Miami Herald. He has also reported and edited for the Times-Picayune in New Orleans and the Northwest Florida Daily News in Fort Walton Beach. He has written about the death of a cola magnate, hung out in homeless camps and dodged Category 4 hurricanes. In 2011 he was selected as a fellow for the Maynard Media Academy at Nieman Foundation at Harvard University. He also has been recognized with a publisher's award at The Washington Post, as a distinguished professional by the University of Alabama College of Communication and Information Sciences, and for his volunteer work with the National Press Club.

Cynthia Barnett, Florida journalist, author and 2004 Knight-Wallace Fellowship recipient

Cynthia Barnett (@cynthiabarnett) is a long-time journalist who has reported on freshwater from the Suwannee River to Singapore. She is the author of “Mirage: Florida and the Vanishing Water of the Eastern U.S.” and “Blue Revolution: Unmaking America’s Water Crisis.” Her new book, “Rain: A Natural and Cultural History,” is due out in April 2015. Barnett has worked for newspapers and magazines for 25 years. Her numerous journalism awards include a national Sigma Delta Chi Award from SPJ for investigative magazine reporting and eight Green Eyeshades, which recognize outstanding journalism in 11 southeastern states. She earned a bachelor’s degree in journalism and master's in American history with a specialization in environmental history, both from the University of Florida. In 2004, she was awarded a Knight-Wallace Fellowship at the University of Michigan, where she spent a year studying freshwater supply.

Doug Haddix, director of Ohio State University Kiplinger Program in Public Affairs Journalism and former national training director for Investigative Reporters and Editors

Doug Haddix (@doughaddix) is assistant vice president of editorial communications at Ohio State University, where he oversees content and social media communication for print and digital publications. He also serves as director of the Kiplinger Program in Public Affairs Journalism, one of the nation’s leading journalism fellowships for social media and digital reporting tools. Previously, he worked as national training director for Investigative Reporters and Editors and for 10 years as projects editor at The Columbus Dispatch, where he directed investigations and computer-assisted reporting. Before that, he worked at UPI-Indianapolis and for newspapers in Illinois, Ohio and Pennsylvania.

Cindy E. Rodríguez, senior journalist in residence, Emerson College, Boston

Cindy Rodríguez (@cindyerodriguez) is currently a Senior Journalist in Residence at Emerson College in Boston. She is a web 2.0 journalist, meaning she knows how to shoot high-definition video, edit on Final Cut Pro, create podcasts using several software programs (she prefers sticking to open-source programs), and how to create audio slideshows. She’s adept at using social networking sites to engage audiences and promote stories and understands SEO optimization and viewer metrics. In January 2011, the International Center for Journalists selected Cindy as an international reporting fellow. She traveled to Israel for her multimedia reporting project. Prior to immersing herself in all things digital, Cindy worked in the world of print as a reporter and columnist. During her lengthy career, she parachuted into stories throughout the country, working on big breaking news stories, including covering the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and its aftermath, writing nuanced stories about how the attacks profoundly shaped American thinking and immigration policy. She covered race relations and cultural affairs for The Detroit News, and was the lead writer on an award-winning series on the 40th anniversary of the 1967 Detroit riots.

Samaruddin Stewart, 2013 Stanford Knight Fellow and past AOL News, AFP, and Arizona Republic visual journalist

Samaruddin Stewart (@samsends) is a visual journalist based in the SF Bay Area. He was a 2013 John S. Knight Journalism Fellow where he researched image forensics for journalism at Stanford University. Prior to Stanford, Samaruddin had worked at AOL News, Agence France-Presse, the Arizona Republic and the US State Department. He's interested in all things tech + media, and takes lots of photos — mainly with his iPhone.

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