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News Fix

Giants Make History With World Series Win

In a nail biting Game 7 of the World Series, the San Francisco Giants came out ahead of the Kansas City Royals in dramatic fashion. The city will celebrate with a parade at noon on Friday.

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Program Highlights

The California ReportThe California Report

Bill Clinton Rallies Young Democrats in Support of California Congressional Candidates

Former president Bill Clinton is calling on California's young democrats to get out and vote next Tuesday. The 42nd president was stumping for Ami Bera and John Garamendi in Northern California yesterday.

Also from The California Report:


Federal Reserve to End Quantitative Easing

Federal Reserve to End Quantitative Easing

The Federal Reserve confirmed Wednesday, as anticipated, that it will halt its bond-buying program, also known as quantitative easing. Forum discusses the policy's longer-term effects, and what, if anything, the program has done to grow wages and jobs.


Science at the Ballot Box

At polls this November, San Benito County voters will decide whether to ban fracking in their county. Gov. Jerry Brown and California lawmakers are asking voters to approve Proposition 1, a $7.5 billion bond measure. And in Oregon and Colorado, voters will decide the fate of ballot measures requiring foods containing genetically engineered ingredients to be labeled. KQED Newsroom takes a look at the "Science at the Ballot Box."


Daily commentary from KQED listeners

Jeff Braff


Jeff Braff says Ebola has politicians panicked and overreacting, as they urge the public not to panic and overreact.

LiAnne Yu

Travel Writing for People Like Me

LiAnne Yu says travel writing is dominated by white males while people of color are posed as little more than exotic wallpaper.

Carrie LeRoy

Sex, Social Media and the Law

Young people are largely clueless about what the law says about sex and social media, but attorney Carrie LeRoy is trying to change that.
