Weekend Challenge: One Minute of Momentum

Hey there, you 'ol straightforward so-n-sos,

This weekend, try this uncomplicated (but secretly sophisticated) Vimeo classic: the One Minute video. It's simple -- no camera movement, no editing, only existing sound, one minute long. Check out Brian's winning video from our last One Minute Challenge:

That's it! Use "Momentum" as a thematic starting point for this simple project (but stray in any way you like). This video is a fantastic opportunity to think about framing and composition, lighting, and sound. You won't waste much time shooting, so try a few different setups before you submit your final minute!

The Rules:

+ Create a video exactly one minute long. Remember that only videos made specifically for this Challenge will be considered.

+ You must only use existing audio (camera or field mic).

+ Hands off the camera, and no edits other than to choose your minute! If your camera is attached to a moving object, so be it, but don't zoom or pan yourself.

+ Anything goes for your video's title, but tag your video with "1minute" and add this at the end of your video's description: "Created for the Weekend Challenge: vimeo.com/groups/weekendchallenge"

+ Upload and post your video to the Weekend Challenge Group by ***Tuesday, September 16th, 2014*** at 11:59 PM (EST). Just follow the screenshots below:

All videos must be approved by the Vimeo Staff before appearing in the Group, so don't worry if your video doesn't show up at first; we'll get to it!

The Prizes:

+ The winner will receive a Challenge badge on their video, and free Vimeo Plus account for one year! If you're already a Plus member, you'll get another year tacked on to the end of your current subscription.

+ The runner-up will receive an extra 3GB of upload space in their weekly quota!

Ready for a challenge?

Share a single minute!

Accept this challenge



Marcelo Zapata

Marcelo Zapata

Sunday, September 14th or Tuesday: Please clarify.



Yep, me too. Seems that one just got ignored. :-(

Cameron Christopher

Cameron Christopher Staff

I think grading is ok, but I'd urge you to try and do as little as possible to your footage and see what you can come up with.

susan sentler

susan sentler Plus

sorry, not sure how I download the video i have done for the challenge? can you help?

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Lesson Summary

What's neater than a single, simple minute?

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Most of the video tutorials in our Video School lessons come from Vimeo members. If you have a tutorial you'd like to share, please submit it here.