
German prosecutors drop probe of ex-Morgan Stanley banker


STUTTGART Germany - German prosecutors dropped a two-year investigation into possible breach of trust by a former regional politician and an ex-Morgan Stanley banker over a state's purchase of a stake worth 4.7 billion euros (3.72 billion pounds) in utility EnBW .


Banks see upswing in loan demand across euro zone 29 Oct 2014

FRANKFURT - Around one in five banks across the euro zone expect companies to approach them for more credit as the year draws to a close, with those in Germany and France most optimistic, the European Central Bank said on Wednesday.

Germany warns security situation 'critical' due to radical Islam 28 Oct 2014

BERLIN - Radical Islam poses a critical security threat to Germany, Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere warned on Tuesday, saying the number of people capable of staging attacks in the country stood at an all-time high.


German spy agency sees Islamic State remaining big threat, luring more German recruits 28 Oct 2014

BERLIN - Islamic State militants will be able to mount operations in Iraq "for the foreseeable future" despite U.S.-led air strikes and efforts by Iraqi security forces to regain territory, Germany's BND foreign intelligence agency said.

MAN cuts profit forecast as truck demand tumbles 28 Oct 2014

BERLIN - Germany's MAN SE lowered its full-year profit forecast, the third downward revision of its business targets in as many months, as weakening truck demand and falling orders weigh on results.


Reinventing Socialism: a risky business for French left 27 Oct 2014

PARIS - As a young aide to then-French prime minister Lionel Jospin in the late 1990s, Manuel Valls sat in on meetings as Britain's Tony Blair and Germany's Gerhard Schroeder tried to persuade his boss to help them reinvent Europe's Left.


ECB faces test of its own as Europe braces for landmark banking review 26 Oct 2014

FRANKFURT - After putting the euro zone's top 130 banks through their paces, the European Central Bank will face a test of its own on Sunday - will its landmark health check succeed in convincing investors the region's lenders are safe?


Stagnating euro zone seeks German shift 24 Oct 2014

BRUSSELS - France and Italy sought on Friday to bridge stark differences with Germany over how to avert economic stagnation and deflation, but Chancellor Angela Merkel warned her peers against repeating the euro zone's debt crisis.


EU's growth tsar tells Germany to invest more, no decision on Italy 24 Oct 2014

BRUSSELS - Germany's potential for economic growth is far too low and the country must invest more, the EU's top economic official said on Friday, joining a growing chorus of leaders who want Europe's biggest economy to spend more to avoid euro zone stagnation.

Merkel to Hollande: budget rigour, growth go together 23 Oct 2014

BRUSSELS - Germany and France both called for economic growth to be at the heart of the euro zone's budget strategy on Thursday but German Chancellor Angela Merkel warned against returning to the pre-crisis days of high spending to try to revive the economy.


Kurdish convoy heads to Syria to take on Islamic State

SURUC Turkey/BEIRUT - A convoy of peshmerga fighters from northern Iraq headed across southeastern Turkey on Wednesday towards the Syrian town of Kobani to try to help fellow Kurds break an Islamic State siege which has defied U.S.-led air strikes. | Video