TIME natural disaster

Hawaii Calls in National Guard as River of Lava Creeps Onward

Hawaii Kilauea Volcano Lava
The lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano burns vegetation as it approaches a property boundary near the village of Pahoa, Hawaii on Oct. 28, 2014. US Geological Survey—Reuters

Intended to protect residents from looters

A delegation of 83 National Guard troops headed to Hawaii on Thursday to provide security for the Big Island community of Pahoa as a stream of lava from the Kilauea volcano continues to creep toward the small town.

Though the lava is traveling at less than five yards per hour and has been approaching for the last several weeks, residents fear that looters will raid evacuated houses. Residents of about 50 houses in what officials are calling “a corridor of risk” have been told to be ready to leave, according to Reuters.

The Kilauea volcano has erupted persistently since 1983 from its Pu’u O’o vent. The latest flow of lava started on June 27.


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