Daily GPI

Industry Briefs

October 16, 2014
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The Texas Oil & Gas Association (TXOGA) supports Proposition 1, a proposed Texas constitutional amendment to authorize billions of dollars from oil and natural gas production tax collections to be directed to the State Highway Fund. Texas voters will consider Prop 1 on Nov. 4. "The oil and natural gas industry is a driving force of growth in Texas. To keep up with unprecedented growth, our state needs expanded infrastructure across the board, including transportation, water and pipeline infrastructure," said Deb Mamula, TXOGA executive vice president. "Proposition 1 is an important first step to address our state's transportation needs and does so in a way that doesn't raise taxes or increase debt." Prop. 1 would authorize disbursements each year from production taxes paid to the state by oil and natural gas operators.

The Department of Interior's Bureau of Ocean Energy Management has published a proposed notice of sale for the Central Gulf of Mexico (GOM), Lease Sale 235 scheduled for March 18 in New Orleans. The auction is to include 7,477 blocks covering 43.5 million acres, including within the transboundary area between the United States and Mexico. The transboundary agreement took effect in July and captured several bids in the August lease sale (see Daily GPIAug. 20). Potential bidders may contact Carrol Williams, (504) 736-2803; Cindy Thibodeaux, (504) 736-2804; or Kasey Couture, (504) 736-2909.

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