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Maryland Voices

Failure to launch

The spectacular explosion that destroyed a privately owned spacecraft seconds after lift-off from NASA's Wallops Island launch pad in Virginia Tuesday was a temporary setback for Orbital Science, the company that developed the unmanned vehicle, but if history is any guide it won't seriously...

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  • A hard report to swallow
    A hard report to swallow

    We can understand the possibility that the Baltimore state's attorney's office concluded, after examining the evidence, that it did not have a criminal case against two city police officers who repeatedly struck a patient at MedStar Good Samaritan Hospital with a Taser last May. But...

  • Franchot for comptroller
    Franchot for comptroller

    No matter who wins the governor's race, one thing is clear: The state will run better if it has a comptroller with the ability and willingness to exercise independent judgment and the stature to act as a real check on one of the most powerful state chief executives in the nation. The...

  • Baltimore's tax sale folly
    Baltimore's tax sale folly

    Baltimore homeowners can lose their property for as little as $250 in unpaid taxes, a threshold far lower than in other cities, according to a new Abell Foundation report. But amazingly, Baltimore City claims this is a benevolent policy that benefits homeowners by forcing them to address...

Readers Respond

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  • Baltimore County Council doesn't need another career politician
    Baltimore County Council doesn't need another career politician

    I was surprised by The Sun's endorsement of Wade Kach for Baltimore County Council ("Baltimore County endorsements," Oct. 27).

  • Why should we have to pay for others' irresponsibility?
    Why should we have to pay for others' irresponsibility?

    Your report on the need for Section 8 housing described a young woman who was 23 years old, with two children and a third on the way, but no mention of a job, husband or other means of support ("Thousands sign up as city's Section 8 wait list opens for first time in a decade,"...

  • Like it in Maryland? Vote for Democrats
    Like it in Maryland? Vote for Democrats

    Look past Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown and Larry Hogan and ask yourself: Do you want your state to be governed by the Democrats or the Republicans?

  • Brown endorsement inexcusable
    Brown endorsement inexcusable

    I would love to believe that The Baltimore Sun "struggled" in arriving at its tepid endorsement of Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown for governor, but history would indicate otherwise ("Brown for governor," Oct. 25). No matter how weak the candidate or how disastrous the record (the...

  • Correction for Conaway
    Correction for Conaway

    Aside from the rest of the content of Del. Frank Conaway's letter published October 26 in the Sun ("Conaway: My views on evolution are not pertinent"), I would like to correct his misstatement of Charles Darwin's theory.

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