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'All About That Bass' co-writer took '15 years to become an overnight success'

For years, no one in the music industry cared about songwriter Kevin Kadish's passion project: a '50s-sounding record of doo-wop-inspired pop. Top 40 radio had increasingly fallen in love with the opposite: beat-driven, electronic-leaning dance music — and Kadish "just didn't care about that stuff."

The Nashville, Tenn., resident, who is originally from Owings Mills, kept the idea in his back pocket until June 2013, when a 19-year-old unknown visited his studio in hopes of writing together.

After bonding over a shared love of Jimmy Soul's 1963 hit, "If You Wanna Be Happy," Kadish and the teenager — a songwriter from Massachusetts named Meghan Trainor — quickly wrote their first song together called "All About That Bass." Pulling from a notebook of potential song titles he keeps, Kadish mentioned "Bass" to Trainor, who almost immediately began singing in a low register, "You know I'm all about that bass, 'bout that bass, no treble." Kadish added upright bass, handclaps and layered vocal...

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'American Horror Story' recap, 'Edward Mordrake, Part 2'

“American Horror Story’s” Halloween two-parter wraps this week with the conclusion to the carny cautionary tale of Edward Mordrake, a Victorian-era man purported to have a second evil face (because, of course it’d be evil) on the back of his head, whose restless spirit could be summoned by performing on Halloween night. (Thanks a lot, Elsa and your Lana Del Rey song last week.)

All we know is, after a heart-to-heart with Ethel, Mordrake’s not interested in her. But someone’s supposed to get dragged to Hell this week. Who will it be?

The heart-to-heart tour continues. Edward Mordrake and his weird green smoke cloud accessory is still touring around the freak show, casually having lengthy heart-to-hearts with characters we barely know in an attempt to ascertain who’s getting a fast track back to Hell with him. He chats with Pepper, Legless Suzy and Paul the Illustrated Seal before arriving at someone we’re actually interested in: Elsa Mars herself.

Elsa assumes he’s there to make her a...

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An unofficial guide to Baltimore apartment hunting

If we take a cue from movies and TV, being a young professional comes with a large, trendy city apartment complete with exposed brick and furnishings that look straight from a Pier 1 catalog — all of which is within our struggling 20-something budget, of course.

Anyone who has actually looked for an apartment (or anyone with a reasonable sense of reality) knows that this is a complete lie.

In the real world, apartment hunting is a mix of stress, iffy Craigslist ads, disappointment and compromise. That dream apartment does not exist — and if it does, you probably can't afford it.

I've done the Baltimore apartment search twice in the little over a year I've been here. By no means does this make me an expert. But I do feel that I've gained a little insight since I came in blind to this new city with a short window of time to find a place to live.

So for all you 20-somethings looking for your hip loft in Charm City, here are some tips, from my experience, to bring you back to reality:


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'Top Chef' recap, 'Curse of the Bambino'

Ron Eyester is upset.

His team landed on the bottom last week and Joy Crump got sent home for serving raw veal. For some reason he is blaming it on the drama between Aaron and Keriann. He tells everyone in the stew room, “If we have another team challenge let’s make sure that we don’t act like *bleepin* children.” 

Frankly, I’d be more upset at whoever came up with the wonderful idea of putting vanilla in that dish. Wait, that was Ron.

Regardless, it gives the producers another chance to replay the shouting match from last week where Aaron said he could cook Keriann under the table. Because people shouting at each other is the foundation of any reality TV show, cooking or otherwise.

I wonder if there’s a sign in the editing room that reads: “Do not roll opening credits before postmortem stew room fall out!”

Next morning, we get to find out that Aaron isn’t really a bad guy. He’s just misunderstood. Let’s let Aaron tell us about himself and what makes him the lovable guy he is today....

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'Survivor' recap, 'Make Some Magic Happen'

It’s a story night after the Tribal Council where Kelley was sent home. Dale, obviously, is upset, but I think he’s taking it a little far when he says that she was "slaughtered" in front of him.  He says he’s not going to give up until he can’t talk anymore, which means he’s probably going to get really annoying.

And yup, he is. He shows Jon his fake Immunity Idol -- to threaten him into keeping him, I guess? It looks like Jon believes him, so we’ll see what happens.

Over at Hunahpu, Alec and Jeremy are talking about what they’re going to have to give up in order to get more food. They don’t want to give up their roof or flint. Jeremy thinks they should all just suck it up until they win a reward challenge. I bet Jeremy has seen the first season of Survivor.

And up walks Jeff with a giant bag of rice. But what is it going to cost them? First Jeff needs to point out how much help they’ve needed so far, and it’s only Day 14. Jeff lays it out for them: in order to get the rice, they need...

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Take Five with Bridget Cavaiola, Baltimore Improv Group

Don't worry — it's still OK or adults to play. Bridget Cavaiola, 33, of Hampden is the education director for the Baltimore Improv Group, aka: BIG, where she has merged her love of teaching and theater. She teaches improv classes to people of all ages and tries to always live the “improv spirit” by being present, in-the-moment and saying 'yes.'

BIG will be featured in the Charm City Fringe Festival, launching Sunday ( BIG performances, Nov. 5-9, will be at the group's “new home,” the Mercury Theater at 1823 N. Charles St., and the festival will serve as BIG's opening showcase at the new space.

Cavaiola recently talked about her own experiences with improv and what people can expect for Fringe Fest.

What was your first experience with improv?

My earliest improv memories were in high school when my best friend Sara and I played as shoes together in an acting class. I was hooked. ... When I first started doing improv in Baltimore about 10 years ago, I was intimidated...

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