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  • Jason Schwartzman on 'Listen Up Philip'
    Jason Schwartzman on 'Listen Up Philip'

    Jason Schwartzman has a knack for playing writers on screens large and small. He starred as a struggling one in the Jonathan Ames-created HBO series, "Bored to Death," and plays a successful scribe (and royal jerk) in the new film "Listen Up Philip," co-starring Elisabeth...

  • 'The Maid's Version' wins 2014 Heartland Prize for Fiction
    'The Maid's Version' wins 2014 Heartland Prize for Fiction

    It was the summer of 1965, but Alma still did not have a television, just a radio to announce livestock prices and yield estimates. Born a farm girl, she worked as a maid for half a century. When her grandson Alek arrives for the summer, sent by his father from their river town near St....

  • Reflecting on Patti Smith, winner of the 2014 Tribune Literary Prize
    Reflecting on Patti Smith, winner of the 2014 Tribune Literary Prize

    It was 1975 and I was a college freshman when Patti Smith's first album, "Horses," arrived in a Milwaukee record store. I didn't know anything about her music, hadn't heard a note. But that album cover was enough to stop traffic. It intrigued, haunted and, yes, scared...

  • 'Men We Reaped' wins 2014 Heartland Prize for Nonfiction
    'Men We Reaped' wins 2014 Heartland Prize for Nonfiction

    When the Union Army's famous 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, one of the first African-American units in the Civil War, unsuccessfully assaulted Fort Wagner in South Carolina, escaped slave Harriet Tubman bore witness to the bloodshed from the front lines.

  • Jonathan Eig on 'The Birth of the Pill'
    Jonathan Eig on 'The Birth of the Pill'

    Of all the inventions of the 20th century, the birth control pill arguably had the most profound effect on the everyday lives of human beings. By making widely available a convenient and effective form of contraception, the pill gave women control over their reproductive lives and, in the...
