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October 27, 2014 (4:29)
James O'Connell explains how Chinese imports of Indonesian coal appear to be shifting while Australian coal may find some reprieve from coming Chinese regulations.
October 24, 2014 (12:06)
Platts editors discuss how new restrictions requiring states to cut the maximum sulfur content in home heating oil, could affect distribution companies, and the potential affect of a supply squeeze on diesel.
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News Headlines

ERCOT says CPS Energy can mothball 1,074-MW natural gas-fired unit
Houston (Platts)--30 Oct 2014 556 pm EDT/2156 GMT
CPS Energy can mothball a unit at its 1,074-MW natural gas-fired VH Braunig plant near San Antonio, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas said Thursday.
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Platts: Podcasts
Oil, shipping sectors react to challenges presented by Ebola outbreak
October 30, 2014 - The impact on the oil, shipping markets of the Ebola outbreak in W. Africa; steps taken by the industry to continue loading operations in the region.
Platts: Podcasts
Biomass: Industrial wood pellet market in grip of currency issue
October 30, 2014 - Euro weakness against the US dollar has caused European generators to source their spot wood pellets from local suppliers rather than from the US.
Platts: Podcasts
Winter seems distant as shoulder season weighs on US gas markets
October 29, 2014 - Platts and Bentek natural gas team members discuss how US markets, from cash to forwards to futures, have seen price dips lately while production is continuing apace.
Platts: Podcasts
How will the latest tax regime changes affect Russian oil?
October 27, 2014 - Examining the likely impact on the Russian oil sector of the so-called "tax maneuver", a new taxation regime due to come into force in 2015.
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News Features

Steel Raw Material Outlook: Bearish sentiment pushes Turkish ferrous scrap lower
October 30, 2014
Read highlights of the latest Platts steel raw materials news and pricing analysis, focusing on the global iron ore, coking coal, scrap and ferroalloys markets.
Global LNG Update: December JKM dips below $13.00/MMBtu
October 30, 2014
Ample availability of spot cargoes, coupled with high inventories, has driven LNG spot prices for December delivery to levels not seen since 2010, Platts data shows.
China Coal Import Tax: Chinese traders seek to pass through import tax to Australian shippers
October 28, 2014
Chinese traders paying the Asian country's new import tax on Australian cargoes of bituminous thermal coal are attempting to pass on the expense to coal shippers in Australia, resulting in severe downward pressure on FOB prices, traders said recently.
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EIA analysis: Distillate stocks slide significantly
The most eye-popping number in this week's Energy Information Administration stock report was the large decline in distillate stocks. Read Platts analysis of the latest figures.
A competitive US steel sheet market heads toward end-of-year uncertainty
These are strange days for the US sheet steel market. While generally profitable for producers via the world’s highest prices, mills now face some serious challenges.
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Industry Solution Papers Library

Identifying price trends in the Turkey region long steel sector
This paper introduces new Platts analysis in identifying price trends and price direction signals in the Turkish rebar, billet and scrap markets. The Platts Turkey ARC Steel Tracker (Turkey ARC ) has been designed to analyze price relationships of inputs and outputs to regional electric arc furnaces and rolling mills, and the suitability of this model and scope for its data is examined.
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