#FollowFriday: The Rise of Twit Fic

5 Fictional Tweeps You Should Be Following

Follow @TheBatman (or else)!

Follow @TheBatman (or else)!

A trend I’ve noticed recently is the rise of what I’m going to call “Twit Fic” (or “Twi-Fi” for the sci/fi fantasy inclined) in the Twittersphere: real people, who create real Twitter accounts as fictional characters.

This phenomenon of course isn’t an isolated incident. Luke Skywalker has occasionally popped up on Facebook to declare that he just kissed his sister, and it was gross.

For those of us who love the shows we love and are inclined to read fan fiction on occasion, I suggest checking Twitter to see if anyone has put on the guise of one or more of your favorite characters and start following them today. It’s fanfic…on the go! Some of them are so spot on, you’d think you were actually following that character.

I don’t know about you, but I was curious to see what Batman had to say about the iPhone 5c.

So for this week’s #FollowFriday, here’s a few Twit Fic accounts to get you started:

1. Will McAvoy – @WillMcAvoyACN 

Follow @WillMcAvoyACN

Follow @WillMcAvoyACN

2. God@TheTweetofGod

Follow @TheTweetofGod

Follow @TheTweetofGod

3. Loki @godofbadassery

Follow @godofbadassery!

Follow @godofbadassery!

4. Sherlock (and Watson)@SherlockSH & @WatsonJW

Follow Sherlock & Watson!

Follow Sherlock & Watson!

5. The Dowager Countess @theLadyGrantham

Follow the Dowager Countess

Follow the Dowager Countess

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