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Friday, October 31, 2014

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Sports of The Times

‘OMG. You’re So Much More Than Awesome.’

From his home in the Appalachian foothills, Kevin Bumgarner, the father of Madison Bumgarner, the World Series M.V.P., sent his son a text while watching him lead San Francisco to the title.


This Is Your Brain on Drugs

New studies show that the effects of marijuana on young people may be greater than we thought.


Op-Ed Columnist

An Old Man in Prague

Sir Nicholas Winton saved Jewish children, and for decades said nothing. The deed speaks for itself.



The Dangers of Eating Late at Night

The increase in acid reflux may partly be due to dinners after 8 p.m.


The Upshot

Why the U.S. Has Fallen Behind in Internet Speed and Affordability

The lack of competition in the U.S. broadband industry could have long-term economic consequences for American competitiveness.


App Smart

Spanish as a Second Language, With the Accent on Fun

Plenty of smartphone apps offer worthwhile and entertaining lessons.


Apple’s Tim Cook Says That He Is ‘Proud to Be Gay’

Mr. Cook, Apple’s chief executive, is by far the most prominent executive of a public company to openly declare his homosexuality.



Tinder, the Fast-Growing Dating App, Taps an Age-Old Truth

When it comes to dating, research shows, looks are all that matter, at least initially, something Tinder has taken full advantage of.


Bruce Springsteen: By the Book

The musician and author of the new picture book “Outlaw Pete” likes reading about cosmology: “I find men and women struggling to answer the deepest questions we can ask freeing.”


Op-Ed Columnist

Our Machine Masters

The age of artificial intelligence is finally at hand. Will we master it, or will it master us?



A Brie Binge East of Paris

On a trip to the Seine-et-Marne region, where Brie has been produced since the seventh century, the author goes on an indulgent cheese tasting tour.


Hard-Nosed Advice From Veteran Lobbyist: ‘Win Ugly or Lose Pretty’

When Richard Berman urged Western Energy Alliance members to fight an “endless war” against their opponents, he did not know he was being recorded.


Thomas M. Menino, Mayor Who Led Boston’s Renaissance, Is Dead at 71

Mr. Menino was Boston’s longest-serving mayor, and helped transform it from a gritty parochial town to an economic and cultural hub of New England.


Op-Ed Columnist

A Political Crystal Ball

What if Republicans become the majority in the Senate after the election next week? Would anything really change much?


Op-Ed Columnist

Apologizing to Japan

Western economists were scathing in their criticisms of Japanese policy, but the slump we fell into isn’t just similar to Japan’s. It’s worse.


Op-Ed Columnist

The Ebola Hysteria

Amid the nonsense, paladins heeding the clarion call to help treat Ebola abroad are being treated like lepers when they return.



From Ancient DNA, a Clearer Picture of Europeans Today

New studies of genomes thousands of years old have allowed scientists to see bits of history playing out over time, revealing that Europeans today have genes from three very different populations.


Television Review | ‘Olive Kitteridge’

She’s Depressed. She Enjoys It.

Frances McDormand is the crabby, caustic title character in the HBO mini-series adaptation of Elizabeth Strout’s novel “Olive Kitteridge.”


Today's Editorials

The Prospect of a Republican Senate

It’s hard to imagine a Congress less productive than this one, but obstructionism could actually get worse under G.O.P. control.


Op-Ed | Timothy Egan

Don’t Muzzle the Clown

What better way to celebrate free speech than by shutting down free speech?