Wednesday, October 29th, 2014
If you like Facebook, you can find our politics fact-checking there.

Catch up with our chat on Facebook

We hosted a Q and A on Facebook on Wednesday night, answering questions and reading comments about the 2014 campaigns, viral Internet memes, how we fact-check, and more. Catch up with what you missed


• The biggest whoppers of the 2014 campaign

PunditFact: Fact-checks about Ebola

The Latest from PolitiFact

Mostly False

Her house is pricey, but not that pricey


No position does not equal opposition

Mostly True

So you're telling me there's a chance

Mostly False

Veto followed by later funding increases


Puffs up an old story


Cuts not for the faint of heart

Mostly True

But not your traditional origami

Mostly False

State near the top but at it


As far as we know, his temperature was fine

Mostly False

Paved the way for ... not really anything