Items Tagged with 'north'


Five-Year Outlook: North Dakota Oil Production to Grow Steadily

On average, North Dakota oil production, which surged past the 1 million b/d mark earlier this year, will continue to grow steadily at a rate of about 18,000 b/d each month through 2019, according to a study completed in September for the state legislature. Read More

Volatile Commodity Prices May Impact 2015 Onshore Spending Growth, Says Schlumberger CEO

Whether domestic exploration and production companies will slow 2015 capital expenditures... Read More

North America Onshore Geological Risk Lower Than Ever, Says Baker CEO

No matter how volatile the global political scenario becomes for oil and gas markets, North America will remain in a more solid position because the unconventionals have provided operators with predictability that can't be found anywhere else in the world, Baker Hughes Inc.'s CEO said Thursday. Read More

Anti-Flaring Sentiment Strong in the West, Poll Shows

A strong majority of potential voters in four western states support government mandates for oil/natural gas operators to greatly cut amounts of flared wellhead associated gas... Read More

Seismic Operators Dawson, TGC Propose Merger to Expand North American Reach

Seismic operators Dawson Geophysical Co. and TGC Industries Inc. are shaking up the market after attempting once again a strategic combination to expand their onshore reach in North America. Read More

ExxonMobil Chief Makes Case for Energy Exports, 'Far-Sighted' Policies

ExxonMobil Corp. isn't about to let the natural gas and oil opportunities in North America slip out of its grasp, CEO Rex Tillerson told a Houston audience Thursday. But federal officials might if they don't allow energy exports to be freely traded, he said. Read More

Rail, Pipe Jostling to Continue in Bakken, Texas Energy Center Says

The competition between rail and pipelines for moving Bakken sweet light crude oil in North Dakota will continue to be brisk, driven by... Read More

IEA Chief: North American LNG a Drop In Europe's Gas Bucket

The head of the International Energy Agency (IEA) Monday said it remains to be seen how large a contributor North American liquefied natural gas (LNG) will be to the global gas market. However, Maria van der Hoeven said North American volumes won't do much to move the supply needle in Europe. Read More

Weather Forecasts Tweaked Warmer; September Called 6 Cents Higher

September natural gas is expected to open 6 cents higher Monday morning at $3.90 as near-term weather forecasts turn more supportive and traders discount the potential load destruction of Tropical Storm Cristobal. Overnight oil market rose. Read More

North Carolina Schedules Final Public Hearings on Fracking

North Carolina regulators have scheduled a final series of public hearings to discuss a rulemaking on hydraulic fracturing (fracking), less than one year before a moratorium on the practice is to be officially lifted. Read More