
Laura Miller

  • Blogs

    August 30, 2013

    Wendy Davis Is Sort of a Laura Miller Candidate. So How Did that Work Out?

    The New York Times today contains what apparently is going to be a regular feature on how cool Wendy Davis is. Today's installment is called "Democrats see value in Texas in candidacy for governor." The one two weeks ago was, "Democrats see hope in Texas star."The one three days before that was "Dem ... More >>

  • Blogs

    March 25, 2011

    David Kunkle Says He's Not Hiding Laura Miller's Support Because He Doesn't Have It Yet

    Patrick MichelsFormer Mayor Laura Miller praises then-Police Chief David Kunkle in November 2009 after he announced he was calling it quits​She spoke at former Dallas Police Chief David Kunkle's retirement press conference. She appointed Mike Rawlings to be the city's homeless czar. She was ma ... More >>

  • Blogs

    February 8, 2011

    Can't Believe You're Not on This List of People Who've Received Keys to the City of Dallas

    ​You have asked, and Frank Librio, the public information officer at Dallas City Hall, has answered by providing a recent sampling of the famous, infamous and who's-that?'s who have received keys to the city of Dallas. At last, a list I can get behind. Because, as I've been reminded more than once ... More >>

  • Blogs

    April 21, 2010

    Jerry Jones Finally Confirms What We All Knew: It's Her Fault

    ​The Cowboys could've been in Dallas. For years we've blamed former mayor Laura Miller and a group of narrow-minded county commissioners like Margaret Keliher. And for years we've been right. Speaking at SMU Tuesday, Cowboys owner Jerry Jones confirmed that Miller basically told him "don't le ... More >>

  • Blogs

    August 7, 2009

    Far As Al Lipscomb's Concerned, Jury Oughta "Dump" Case Against Don Hill and Others, Feds Should Apologize to Fantroy's Wife

    Sam MertenAl Lipscomb, who was told during a trial break by Laura Miller that he was looking "dapper as always," stands outside the Earle Cabell Federal Building yesterday afternoon.Once again, we found former council member Al Lipscomb in the courtroom at the City Hall corruption trial yesterday, ... More >>

  • Blogs

    August 6, 2009

    With FBI Informant's Credibility in Question, Prosecution Decides It's Laura Miller Time

    Sam Merten Miller crosses Commerce Street this morning, along with husband Steve Wolens and daughter Alex.Moments ago, folks standing outside the Earle Cabell Federal Building and Courthouse got a sneak peek at the prosecution's next witness in the City Hall corruption trial: former ... More >>

  • Blogs

    August 6, 2009

    Laura Miller's Now on the Stand. You Know What That Means: Schutze is Live Blogging

    Former Dallas Mayor Laura Miller​Laura Miller has begun testifying in the federal City Hall corruption trial, giving the jury her history in politics. She's poised, of course. Prosecutor Sarah Saldana began by addressing her as "Ms. Miller," then caught herself and asked, "Is that how you address ... More >>

  • Blogs

    June 30, 2009

    In Corruption Trial, Defense Keep Asking, "But What About Laura?" (Again, Live Bloging)

    Well, looks like the frequent mentions of former Dallas Mayor Laura Miller in the federal Dallas City Hall corruption trial ain't just Dixie. The defense clearly plans to argue that the FBI should have gone after Miller, because she took a ton of money from developer Brian Potashnik, who's agreed t ... More >>

  • Blogs

    May 12, 2009

    Court of Appeals Tosses Out News's "Significant Victory" Over the City in 2007

    Years later, a fight between the city and The News over Laura Miller's BlackBerry continues in court.Three years ago, The Dallas Morning News took the city of Dallas to court over e-mails reporters Dave Levinthal and Reese Dunklin had wanted from then-Mayor Laura Miller's BlackBerry. The city conten ... More >>

  • Blogs

    January 29, 2009

    Laura Miller to Return to City Hall

    Well, look, perhaps that headline's a little misleading -- I have no idea whether she'll actually show up on February 6, when the council chambers hosts the Texas Big City Mayors Meeting. (I did call; got voice mail.) But according to the schedule posted yesterday by the City Secretary's Office, fro ... More >>

  • Blogs

    December 11, 2008

    In Which Jim's Not Jealous of Laura Miller at All. Not One Bit. Why?

    Under the headline "Refined Refuge," Traditional Home has come up what we news types here in Dallas might consider a pretty decent scoop. They have a story that answers the question: Where the hell has Laura Miller been the last year? Feathering her nest, looks like.The story is all about Miller's N ... More >>

  • Blogs

    July 9, 2008
  • Blogs

    May 21, 2008

    Do Not Curb Your Enthusiasm, as EPA Honors Laura Miller

    Looks like former Dallas Mayor Laura Miller's battle with Big Coal didn't go unnoticed by some folks in D.C. Because yesterday, the Environmental Protection Agency included her among some 15 recipients of the 2008 Climate Protection Award. Also receiving the honor -- which is bestowed upon folks who ... More >>

  • Blogs

    April 3, 2008

    Now What Do We Call Laura Miller? And Keep It Clean.

    The thing about newspaper journalism is, we have to have labels for people. It’s just how it’s done. Laura Miller’s label used to be “Dallas Observer columnist.” Then it was “former journalist and city council member.” For a long time it was “Dallas mayor.” Up until recently she wa ... More >>

  • Blogs

    April 2, 2008

    Laura Miller Talks Mayoral Posse

    Hadn't heard from former Dallas mayor Laura Miller in a while -- then, twice yesterday. And she shows up again today, this time in a Detroit Free Press column about Detroit mayor Kwame Kilpatrick's ever-expanding security detail. At first it looked like Miller was just recounting an anecdote about K ... More >>

  • Blogs

    April 1, 2008

    Laura Miller Ain't No One's Publicist

    For someone not doing PR, as she claims in a missive Unfair Park and FrontBurner received this a.m., former Dallas mayor Laura Miller is doing a pretty good job of, ya know, PR. But, no, insists the anti-coal Miller -- she ain't handling public relations for Washington State-based Summit Energy, as ... More >>

  • Blogs

    April 1, 2008

    Dirty Talk: Laura Miller on "Carbon Sequestration" and "Pulverized Coal"

    Former Dallas mayor Laura Miller don't waste no time. After her initial e-mail blast early this a.m., I asked her precisely what she means when she writes that she's "negotiating" to get an Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle, carbon-capture power plant built in Texas, courtesy a Washington State ... More >>

  • News

    January 31, 2008

    Dallas City Council Members Are Wusses

    We need a pit bull. They give us a poodle.

  • Blogs

    June 13, 2007

    Waiting for Laura

    Here I am, cooling my heels and other body parts in the city council chamber, waiting for Herroner, Laura Miller, to show up so that the council can debate Leo Chaney's Park of Heroes. For some reason, the council says they can't discuss the Park of Heroes until Miller gets here from Austin, where s ... More >>

  • Blogs

    June 7, 2007

    Little Boxes

    Since December, the city's been contemplating an ordinance that would "ban distribution boxes not conforming to rigid standards for size, color and material." Looks like it's about to happen -- thank God too, because newspaper boxes are all that stands between a shithole and a class act. But you kno ... More >>

  • News

    May 31, 2007

    Mayor Buzzkill

    I came to praise Laura Miller, not to...screw it, toss me a shovel

  • Blogs

    May 22, 2007

    Take That, Mayor Miller. That's Terri Hodge Talking, By the Way. Not Us.

    The Fort Worth Star-Telegram's reporting that Rep. Terri Hodge, D-Dallas, was just on the floor of the state House bad-mouthing Mayor Laura Miller for failing to bring the Dallas Cowboys' new stadium -- and, of course, Super Bowl XLV -- to her hometown. “Did you know the original place the stadium ... More >>

  • News

    May 17, 2007

    Laura's Goons

    Some of her "blockers" barely rose to the task

  • Blogs

    May 11, 2007

    Yes, We are "Freewheeling." And Free-Balling. Hey, Tomorrow's Election Day. We're Jacked.

    And wouldn't you just know it. If you want a glimmer of the actual truth about our fair city, all you have to do is read an actual newspaper: today's New York Times. In the National Report, correspondent Ralph Blumenthal has a very nicely put together story about Laura Miller as she leaves office. I ... More >>

  • Blogs

    May 10, 2007

    Angela Hunt to Laura Miller and Her Thugs: Back That Shit Up, Pronto.

    Angela Hunt just sent to Mayor Laura Miller, Harlan Crow, Ron Kirk and other "blocker"-backers a missive in which she demands they get their mercenaries to back the eff up come Saturday, when Hunt's Trinity Vote volunteers will be out gathering signatures for her anti-Trinity toll road petitions tha ... More >>

  • News

    May 10, 2007

    Road Rage

    Who's telling the truth about the Trinity toll road? You decide.

  • Blogs

    May 9, 2007

    Laura Miller Takes a Candide-like Journey Toward the Truth

    What was it the mayor said last week? Oh, yes: The truth shall set you free. Read to the end of Jim's column, where you will find nothing but the truth. On February 25, 2007, at the Fourth Annual Trinity Commons Foundation Membership Luncheon at the Wyndham Anatole Hotel, Mayor Laura Miller tells a ... More >>

  • Blogs

    May 8, 2007
  • Blogs

    May 2, 2007

    Angela Hunt: "Let the Voters Decide."

    In March, Angela Hunt began her campaign to allow voters to decide the fate of the mayor's new, improved Trinity Parkway. Mayor Miller and referendum opponents hold up the Balanced Vision Plan as proof that all is well with the toll road project. They argue that the toll road will not be the massive ... More >>

  • Blogs

    May 2, 2007

    Laura Miller and Alex Krieger Are "Astounded" and "Outraged."

    Harvard's Alex Krieger insists Jim Schutze and Angela Hunt have distorted the meaning of his original e-mail to Mayor Laura Miller. From: Laura Miller To: Bill Eager, Alex Krieger CC: David Webb, Robert Wilonsky, Dave Levinthal, Colleen Nelson, Keven Ann Willey, Trey Garrison, Craig Holcomb, Gail ... More >>

  • Blogs

    May 1, 2007

    Angela Hunt Proves It: The Mayor's Been Lying About the Trinity River Toll Road

    Angela Hunt has just blown the center right out of Laura Miller's defense of the Trinity River toll road, and she has done it with a bit of investigative reporting that should have our tree-climbing ex-reporter mayor tied in little green Boy Scout knots. Miller has been defending her plan for a big ... More >>

  • Blogs

    April 20, 2007
  • Blogs

    March 28, 2007

    Laura Miller Will Always Have a Job, As Long as Jim Schutze Keeps His

    You know, of course, that they don't let you talk about the really good questions from listeners when you're on a talk show. I was on Think on KERA-FM (90.1) at noon today with Krys Boyd. She's real smart. Dave Levinthal of The Dallas Morning News and I were talking about the mayor's race. So while ... More >>

  • Blogs

    March 23, 2007

    Catfight! Or At Least, That's How Jim Imagines the Battle Over the Trinity Toll Road

    I just got back from the big annual luncheon put on by Trinity Commons Foundation, the private lobby group pushing for the toll road along the river, where the featured speaker was our mayor, Laura Miller.! She's upset. Miller devoted her whole speech to a finger-wagging attack on city cou ... More >>

  • Blogs

    February 26, 2007
  • Blogs

    February 21, 2007

    No Coal Plant Hearings Till June. Breathe Easy. Get It? Aw...

    So, those coal-plant permit hearings didn't begin today after all -- and won't, for another four months, as per the State Office of Administrative Hearings' decision to postpone the proceedings till June 27 per State District Judge Stephen Yelenosky's ruling yesterday that Governor Rick Perry "lacks ... More >>

  • Blogs

    February 20, 2007

    Smoked Out

    Well, it looks like Mayor Laura Miller's schedule has cleared up for tomorrow. She was supposed to land in Austin at 7:20 a.m. Wednesday for the first day of hearings before the State Office of Administrative Hearings concerning TXU's attempt to get permits for 11 coal-fired plants throughout the st ... More >>

  • Blogs

    February 20, 2007

    Green is the New Mauve

    The new Green Laura Miller has the old greenies around town kind of scratching their heads. Our mayor, who's taking the kids on a field trip to Waco tonight, is becoming a national Joan of Arc for her fight against coal-fired power plants in Texas. And the greenies are happy about that. "I'll take h ... More >>

  • News

    November 9, 2006

    Tone Deaf

    On the Trinity, Laura Miller sounds a lot like any other old-time Dallas pol: bad

  • Blogs

    November 8, 2006

    Vision Quest

    Talk about mixed emotions. Here I am a Democrat. We just swept the county. Why don't I feel better? I'll tell you why: Laura Miller. Last week I drove out of the basement of City Hall with my heart in my shoes. I'd just finished an hour and 45 minutes with Herroner, the mayor. I know the mayor's of ... More >>

  • Blogs

    September 13, 2006

    Quacks Like a Lame Duck

    It's so interesting to see Dallas Mayor Laura Miller pop up on TV now. She was on twice in the last 24 hours--while in Washington lobbying for the Wright Amendment and then touring power plants with Sarah Dodd of Channel 11. I thought, "Oh, yeah! Laura Miller! I was wondering whatever happened to he ... More >>

  • Blogs

    August 31, 2006

    Selling Us All Down the River

    Now, the mayor's trying to tell us that the Calatrava bridges will stop flooding. Oh, that is such bullshit. Mayor Laura Miller, speaking from Hobby Airport on her way back to Dallas, was on KRLD-AM (1080) just a bit ago talking about the Calatrava bridge. KRLD must be getting calls on my story in t ... More >>

  • News

    July 13, 2006

    Au revoir redux

    Mayor Miller embraces the felicity of unbridled domesticity

  • Blogs

    July 7, 2006

    Take This Job and Shove It

    Everybody knows why Laura Miller's not running for mayor. And everyone knows who'll take her place. Yeah. Right. Fine. Whatever. It's not surprising to read this morning so many takes on Mayor Laura's announcement yesterday, first to KTVT-Channel 11's Sarah Dodd and then later to The Dallas Morning ... More >>

  • News

    July 6, 2006

    Eat This

    A million here, a million there--shoot, it's not the council's money

  • Blogs

    May 25, 2006

    Hypocrisy in Action

    So Mayor Laura Miller was able to muster a majority on the council to rescind the city's longstanding policy on giving away federal "block grant" funds to political cronies. For as long as anybody can remember, community development block grants from Washington have been City Hall's main source of s ... More >>

  • Blogs

    May 11, 2006

    Where's the Quo?

    At the risk of feeling dirty--and not in a good way--I'm going to part company from Jim Schutze and Morning News columnist Sherry Jacobson and, ick, take the mayor's side in the whole Dave Levinthal/AMR stock tempest. Jacobson this morning picked up on a point made by Schutze on Unfair Park yesterd ... More >>

  • Blogs

    April 26, 2006
  • Blogs

    April 11, 2006


    While the politicians were milling around waiting for the big immigration march to start last Sunday, one of the things they were all gossiping about, of course, was politicians: who was going to show up and who wasn't. In particular, I thought I picked up some anxiety on the part of a few who were ... More >>

  • Blogs

    March 1, 2006

    Deep Ellum, or Deep Doo-Doo

    The mayor oughta play Deep Ellum more often. At 10:30 a.m. yesterday, there was quite the line snaking out of the front door of the Gypsy Tea Room, as some 200 folks waited for Mayor Laura Miller and her backup band--Dallas police Chief David Kunkle and council members Pauline Medrano and Angela Hun ... More >>

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