Fast Tracking Corporate Power: Investor-State Resolution and the TPP | Food & Water Watch
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When I scan my Inbox each day, I single out emails from Food & Water Watch because they keep me up-to-date on back-room shenanigans that affect relevant issues that are of concern to me... like the food I buy in the grocery store! And when they ask me to do something, I do it.
Paul Keleher
January 14th, 2014

Fast Tracking Corporate Power: Investor-State Resolution and the TPP



The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal includes little-known provisions that allow companies to challenge as illegal trade barriers any government policies that purportedly infringe on the companies’ profits. The contentious “investor-state dispute resolution” allows a corporation to sue federal, state and local governments if it believes that a law or regulation will negatively affect its bottom line. Foreign companies or investors could challenge regulatory safeguards that protect our families, our communities and our air and water at a global trade tribunal that could overturn the rule and award the investor monetary damages.