TAFTA: The European Union's Secret Raid on U.S. Public Water Utilities | Food & Water Watch
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We were first introduced to Food & Water Watch during an effort to maintain local control of the publicly owned water system in our area. We have continued to support the efforts of FWW as they lobby for the best interests of the people of this planet.
Jennifer Neylon
December 2nd, 2013

TAFTA: The European Union’s Secret Raid on U.S. Public Water Utilities



The United States and the European Union are secretly negotiating a trade deal that could make it easier for the world’s biggest water companies to privatize our public water systems. The Transatlantic Free Trade Agreement (TAFTA) — officially called the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership — could allow EU corporations to take over local government services like water and sewer systems in the United States. Privatized water systems — including notable takeovers by European water companies — generally deliver worse service at higher prices.