Grain Reserves: Common-Sense Farm Policy | Food & Water Watch
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When I scan my Inbox each day, I single out emails from Food & Water Watch because they keep me up-to-date on back-room shenanigans that affect relevant issues that are of concern to me... like the food I buy in the grocery store! And when they ask me to do something, I do it.
Paul Keleher
May 23rd, 2014

Grain Reserves: Common-Sense Farm Policy



Farming is a tough job. Farmers deal with unstable weather patterns and have just a few buyers for most crops. This leads to boom-and-bust swings between bumper crops and dire shortages. Income isn’t guaranteed, and farmers are required to put a lot on the line to get their crop into the ground.

The uncertainty of weather and price volatility affects all farmers, but farmers who grow storable staple crops like wheat, corn, soybeans, oats and sorghum are all especially vulnerable to wild price swings.