World Cafe Next

World Cafe Next: The Stray Birds


The Stray Birds. i i

The Stray Birds. Doug Seymour/Courtesy of the artist hide caption

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The Stray Birds.

The Stray Birds.

Doug Seymour/Courtesy of the artist


  • "Best Medicine"
  • "San Antonio"

Multi-instrumentalists and vocalists Maya de Vitry, Oliver Craven and Charlie Muench formed The Stray Birds in Lancaster, Penn., in 2012, though they'd known each other and performed together in the city's tight-knit music community prior to that. The group's self-titled debut was well-received in folk circles, and was named one of NPR's Top 10 folk and Americana albums for 2012.

The Stray Birds' new album, Best Medicine, comes out tomorrow. Download two of its songs as part of this week's episode of World Cafe: Next.

Episode Playlist



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