
current through October 27, 2014 — updates Thursdays
includes preliminary data for most recent week
Who's calling the shots?: State ad wars tracker:
TV ads in 2014 state races
$1.7 million
estimated TV ad spending on
state races in the 2014 cycle
What's behind these numbers?
60 cents
per eligible voter
times ads ran
$181,200 primary general Jan. 2014 Nov. Jan. 2014 Nov.

Kantar Media/CMAG monitors TV signals for political advertising nationwide, capturing ads each time they run. Then, using a proprietary formula, it estimates how much placing each ad costs.

Like any estimate, it's imperfect. Here's what it covers, and what it doesn't:

  • Just placement on TV — The estimate only covers TV ads, not other kinds of political messages, such as ads that appear on radio or online. The estimate also only includes how much money a candidate or organization spent to place the ad, not to make it.
  • No local cable — Kantar Media monitors local broadcast TV in all 210 media markets, as well as national network and national cable TV advertising. If an ad runs on a local cable channel, it won't be counted here.
  • Any political ad — Unlike records filed at the Federal Elections Commission, this information includes so-called “issue ads” that mention a Senate candidate but don’t overtly call for the candidate’s election or defeat. Unless run immediately before a primary or general election, issue ad spending does not have to be reported to the FEC.
  • No future ads — Unlike some records from the Federal Communications Commission, it only counts ads that have already run. Future ad buys are not included.
  • Subject to dispute — Since the estimate is based on a formula, it may not exactly reflect what placing the ad actually cost. Think of the cost estimate as a well-informed guess, which can provide useful points of comparison.

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$1.6 million
$181,200 primary general Jan. 2014 Nov. Jan. 2014 Nov.
John Kitzhaber 
est. total $1 million
Unitemized Donations
Electrical Workers Local 48
Oregon Health Care Association
Afscme Oregon Council 75
Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe Of Indians
Laborers International Union of North America / Liuna
Source: National Institute on Money in State Politics data — includes 75% of reports; includes reports as recent as November 1, 2014.
ran 124
mixed ads
targeting Dennis Richardson 

targeting Dennis Richardson 

supporting John Kitzhaber 

supporting Dennis Richardson 

Dennis Richardson 
est. total $435,700
Seneca Sustainable Energy
Unitemized Donations
Freres Lumber
Jody J Jones
Rebecca L Jones
Kathleen W Jones-Mccann
Source: National Institute on Money in State Politics data — includes 75% of reports; includes reports as recent as November 1, 2014.
ran 125
negative ads
targeting John Kitzhaber 

supporting Dennis Richardson 

ran 287
negative ads
est. $153,300
targeting Dennis Richardson 

ran nine
positive ads
est. $9,590
supporting John Kitzhaber 

State representative
$181,200 primary general Jan. 2014 Nov. Jan. 2014 Nov.
Teddy Keizer 
Philip Keizer Jr
Ted Keizer
Ted E Keizer
Unitemized Donations
Danton Wagner
Nathaniel Applefield
Source: National Institute on Money in State Politics data — includes 75% of reports; includes reports as recent as August 1, 2014.
ran 51
positive ads
est. $33,100
supporting Teddy Keizer 

Shemia Fagan 
Oregon Trial Lawyers Association
Oregon House Democratic Campaign Cmte
Oregon State Fire Fighters Council
Electrical Workers Local 48
Unitemized Donations
Federation of Teachers Oregon
Source: National Institute on Money in State Politics data — includes 75% of reports; includes reports as recent as August 1, 2014.
ran 33
mixed ads
est. $18,600
targeting Jodi Bailey 

Brent Barton 
Oregon Association of Hospitals, Health Systems
Oregon Health Care Association
Oregon Restaurant Association
Electrical Workers Local 48
Oregon Credit Union League
Oregon Nurses Association
Source: National Institute on Money in State Politics data — includes 75% of reports; includes reports as recent as August 1, 2014.
ran 24
negative ads
est. $13,600
targeting Steve Newgard 

State senator
$181,200 primary general Jan. 2014 Nov. Jan. 2014 Nov.
Chuck Riley 
Unitemized Donations
Oregon Senate Democratic Campaign Cmte
Food, Commercial Workers Local 555
Walter L Gorman
Candice Carr
Federation of Teachers Oregon
Source: National Institute on Money in State Politics data — includes 75% of reports; includes reports as recent as August 1, 2014.
ran 28
negative ads
est. $16,600
targeting Bruce Starr 

Bruce Starr 
est. total $2,060
Oregon Senate Republican Leadership Fund
Associated General Contractors Oregon-Columbia Chapter
Kroger Co
Oregon Concrete, Aggregate Producers Association
Eli Lilly, Co
Associated Oregon Industries
Source: National Institute on Money in State Politics data — includes 75% of reports; includes reports as recent as August 1, 2014.
ran two
negative ads
targeting Chuck Riley 

supporting Bruce Starr 

current through October 27, 2014 — updates Thursdays
includes preliminary data for most recent week
Who's calling the shots?: Ballot measures:
TV ads in 2014 state ballot measure races
$10.7 million
estimated TV ad spending on
ballot measures in the 2014 cycle
What's behind these numbers?
per eligible voter
times ads ran
$1.5 million election Jan. 2014 Nov. Jan. 2014 Nov.

Kantar Media/CMAG monitors TV signals for political advertising nationwide, capturing ads each time they run. Then, using a proprietary formula, it estimates how much placing each ad costs.

Like any estimate, it's imperfect. Here's what it covers, and what it doesn't:

  • Just placement on TV — The estimate only covers TV ads, not other kinds of political messages, such as ads that appear on radio or online. The estimate also only includes how much money a candidate or organization spent to place the ad, not to make it.
  • No local cable — Kantar Media monitors local broadcast TV in all 210 media markets, as well as national network and national cable TV advertising. If an ad runs on a local cable channel, it won't be counted here.
  • Any political ad — Unlike records filed at the Federal Elections Commission, this information includes so-called “issue ads” that mention a Senate candidate but don’t overtly call for the candidate’s election or defeat. Unless run immediately before a primary or general election, issue ad spending does not have to be reported to the FEC.
  • No future ads — Unlike some records from the Federal Communications Commission, it only counts ads that have already run. Future ad buys are not included.
  • Subject to dispute — Since the estimate is based on a formula, it may not exactly reflect what placing the ad actually cost. Think of the cost estimate as a well-informed guess, which can provide useful points of comparison.

Have more questions? Try this FAQ »

92: Label GMOs
$7.2 million
$1.5 million election Jan. 2014 Nov. Jan. 2014 Nov.
No on 92 Coalition
ran 4,765
TV ads
est. $4.4 million
advocating for No
Vote Yes on Measure 92
ran 4,882
TV ads
est. $2.8 million
advocating for Yes
90: Create top-two primary
$2 million
$1.5 million election Jan. 2014 Nov. Jan. 2014 Nov.
Vote Yes on 90 Campaign Committee
ran 3,058
TV ads
est. $1.5 million
advocating for Yes
Protect Our Vote
ran 745
TV ads
est. $393,800
advocating for No
Open Primaries
ran 353
TV ads
est. $158,200
advocating for Yes
91: Legalize recreational marijuana
$1.5 million
$1.5 million election Jan. 2014 Nov. Jan. 2014 Nov.
Yes on 91 Campaign
ran 2,601
TV ads
est. $1.5 million
advocating for Yes

Source: Center for Public Integrity analysis of Kantar Media/CMAG, National Institute on Money in State Politics data
What's behind these numbers?