Real-Time Federal Campaign Finance

Cycle Overview, 2013/14 Cycle

Last update: Nov. 6, 2014 | 11:47 p.m.

All numbers are for the entire two-year cycle, beginning Jan. 1, 2013 through 11:47 p.m., Nov. 6, 2014. For more about how these numbers were calculated, see the methodology below.

Fundraising by committee type

Group typeTotal ReceiptsContributions from other committeesItemized individual contributions ($200+)Unitemized individual contributions (<$200)
Super PACs$862.2 million$62.0 million$706.7 million$58.4 million
Party Committees$1.3 billion$144.2 million$433.3 million$351.2 million
House Candidate Committees$983.2 million$331.1 million$449.7 million$79.9 million
Senate Candidate Committees$672.0 million$112.5 million$362.8 million$95.6 million
Other PACs$1.2 billion$94.6 million$550.6 million$497.4 million
Dark Money$0$0$0$0

Spending by committee type

Group typeTotal DisbursementsOperating ExpendituresContributions to candidates or committeesIndependent Expenditures
Super PACs$777.6 million$180.7 million $259.9 million$338.6 million
Party Committees$1.1 billion$666.6 million $3.2 million$226.6 million
House Candidate Committees$847.4 million$714.7 million $292$2000
Senate Candidate Committees$613.3 million$571.5 million $0$0
Other PACs$1.2 billion$235.0 million $644.5 million$47.8 million
Dark Money$0$0 $0$144.1 million

All the numbers on this page—with the exception of independent expenditures—are calculated solely from the amounts reported on monthly or quarterly reports and published by the FEC's Committee Report Summary. As a result, there is no precise end date that describes the period this data covers. In other words, this data includes monthly reports as they are received, even if quarterly filers have yet to file.

The "Group Type" is determined solely on the basis of the "committee type" of each group. House committees include all committees that self-identify as such, whether or not they are authorized or not, or whether or not their authorizing member is currently up for reelection. "Super PACs" in the above include "hybrid Super PACs". "Other PACs" include type "N" non-qualified and "Q" qualified PACs.

Dark money groups are entities—typically 501(c)(4)s, but sometimes corporations, LLC's or individuals—that haven't registered as political groups with the FEC because they do not consider politics to be their "primary purpose". As such, these groups aren't required to report their donors, or spending, but do report their independent expenditures. These groups, it should be noted, are not required to report "issue ads" they run supporting or criticizing candidates more than 60 days before a general election or 30 days before a general election if the ads are not considered "express advocacy".Other PACs include traditional PACs which are subject to contribution limits.