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Support nonpartisan investigative journalism and keep democracy alive

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Thanks to {[{match.source_label}]}, your gift will be matched dollar for dollar up to {[{ match.max|currency:'$':0 }]} now through {[{match.end_label}]} ({[{match.end*1000 | date:'MMM d, yyyy'}]}).

Thanks to {[{match.source_label}]}, your gift will be matched dollar for dollar up to {[{ match.max|currency:'$':0 }]} now through {[{match.end*1000 | date:'MMM d, yyyy'}]}.

{[{ (match_total.totals.total_total/match.max) * 100 |number:0 }]}%
of {[{ match.max|currency:'$':0 }]} goal
{[{ match_total.totals.total_total |currency:'$':0 }]}
already matched
{[{ match_total.totals.total_donors }]}

Your gift of {[{ donor.donations[0].total | currency}]} will be matched by another supporter, giving a total of {[{ donor.donations[0].total*2 | currency}]} for investigative journalism. (You will only be charged {[{ donor.donations[0].total | currency}]}.)

The Center for Public Integrity and its international reporting arm, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, are dedicated to enhancing democracy by revealing abuses of power, corruption and betrayal of trust by powerful public and private institutions, using the tools of investigative journalism.

What supporters say about the Center

“…I’ve worked with the Center on several stories over the years and have always held it in the highest regard. In today’s changing media world, with fewer resources available for investigative reporting, the Center’s role will only become more important.” —Steve Kroft, 60 Minutes Correspondent and Center Board Member

"Thanks for your intelligent coverage of the politics of our nation. It is appreciated." —PB, Colorado

"The Center for Public Integrity is the real thing. A group of dedicated people who remember that great journalism is about grit and guts and stamina and razor-sharp instincts. They are, thank heaven, here to stay.” —Diane Sawyer, ABC News