Thursday, October 30, 2014. Last Update: Thu 10:46 AM EST

The Industry

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Lousy judgment, unlikely hero

Darts for Columbia Daily Tribune, The Economist, and SportsCenter with laurels for TMZ and The New York Times

A DART to the Columbia Daily Tribune for running a cartoon of Ferguson protesters holding signs with statements such as,... More


On CNN International, the ‘news’ isn’t always the news

The network has a tangle of autocratic sponsors and too often a blind eye to inconvenient facts

Last June, CNN business reporter Richard Quest interviewed the CEO of the state-owned Qatar Airways about the recently opened Hamad... More


Stories I’d like to see

The question is not just what party will control the Senate, but when

Scoping out the Senate Majority: It seems likely that which party controls the US Senate for the next two years... More


The San Quentin News seeks to humanize inmates

It’s one of the few prison publications by and for the prisoners

The first time I met Juan Haines, the 56-year-old managing editor of the San Quentin News, he gleefully showed me... More

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The New York Times recreates ISIS captivity of Foley, Sotloff [UPDATED]

Blockbuster story details the imprisonment and torture of Western hostages

For the past two months, most of what was known of the horrors faced by kidnapped journalists James Foley... More


Gawker: The internet bully

Nick Denton’s media empire is an intellectual online fraternity that invites people to their parties only to make them buy the booze

Earlier this week Gawker lost "thousands of dollars" in advertising after a poorly worded tweet was posted by one of... More


What’s next for Ferguson?

As grand jury decision over Michael Brown’s shooting looms, a Columbia Journalism panel questions early leaks

The story of Ferguson, MO, roils on. On Tuesday, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch published Michael Brown’s leaked autopsy report, and The New... More


Must-reads of the week

Newsroom racism, James Risen on his new book, and Ben Bradlee’s legacy

Culled from CJR's own stories, plus the frequently updated "Must-reads from around the Web," our staff recommendations for the best... More


Is it ever okay to name victims?

Editors question the policy of omitting information in sexual assault and domestic violence cases

In 1990, The Des Moines Register took the rare step of naming a rape victim in a series that won... More


James Risen on secret sources, joining Twitter, and going undercover

The New York Times reporter and author discusses his new book, Pay Any Price

For more than seven years, James Risen has been locked in a legal battle with the US Justice Department,... More

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How do we know what we know about #Gamergate?

The media has flocked to cover a largely anonymous movement that has no clear aims, leaders, or organization

Gamergate is “a heated debate over journalistic integrity, the definition of video games, and the identity of those who play... More


Ben Bradlee, through the years

Must-read flashpoints in the life of the Washington Post editor

Ben Bradlee had, by all accounts, an eventful life at the helm of The Washington Post, and as a result... More

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4 lessons on how Americans consume political news

Pew report shows how polarization affects media choice and trust

The political information reaching voters becomes all the more important as midterm elections loom. At the same time, news organizations... More

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A different take on Syria

Jihad Yazigi discusses why The Syria Report sticks to covering the economy

In weekly dispatches, readers of The Syria Report have been tracking the implosion of the war-torn country by the numbers:... More


How xenophobia is driving the Ebola narrative

If illness is a metaphor, what does Ebola mean?

A recent Newsweek cover story showed a photograph of a gorilla accompanied by an inaccurate headline that contaminated bushmeat could... More

The ethics of The Guardian’s Whisper bombshell - It would have been a journalistic lapse not to have told readers

Gawker: The internet bully - Nick Denton’s media empire is an intellectual online fraternity that invites people to their parties only to make them buy the booze

The Washington Post short-sells a reporter’s integrity - Steven Pearlstein smears TheStreet’s Adam Feuerstein for criticizing a biotech firm

Former Sun-Times staffers react to top reporter’s resignation - “Whereas we don’t have all the answers, we have way too many questions about what happened here”

Stop trolling your readers - We know you’re only doing it for clicks

Which news org is the most trusted? (Pew)

The answer is complicated

‘My Captivity’ (NYT Mag)

An American journalist on his two-year kidnapping in Syria

FBI faked an AP story, in Seattle Times style, to catch a suspect (Seattle Times)

“‘We are outraged that the FBI, with the apparent assistance of the US Attorney’s Office, misappropriated the name of The Seattle Times to secretly install spyware on the computer of a crime suspect,’ said Seattle Times Editor Kathy Best”

How one reporter copes inside the ‘Ebola bubble’ (BuzzFeed)

“Bring gloves to give nurses you meet at clinics, even if you’re there for a story. Get small change to give to the kids who have been out of school for months and are selling ground nuts for pitiful sums on the side of road. Hell, give them candy. Violate all the principles of ostensibly good aid stewardship, because the good stewardship of the developed world didn’t get help here in time, and now everyone is dying around you.”


Greg Marx discusses democracy and news with Tom Rosenstiel of the American Press Institute

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