Thursday, October 30, 2014. Last Update: Thu 10:46 AM EST

Politics & Policy


6 ways reporters can cover Obamacare open enrollment

Journalists need to make sure people understand how to use the law and to point out where it falls short

As we head into the second Obamacare open enrollment season, the media have a chance to redeem themselves from last... More


Three Social Security issues that need more discussion

As program becomes a campaign topic again, reporters need to provide context and scrutiny

This has been an election season without a dominant theme. All of a sudden, though, Social Security, once considered an... More


Hospital infections kill more people than car crashes. Here’s how to cover them better

A database maintained by the CDC is an underused journalistic tool

Ebola has killed one person in the United States, but about 75,000 people die each year from infections they picked... More


The Ebola nurse quarantined in New Jersey wrote her big first-person account on her phone

A doctor-journalist’s connections helped The Dallas Morning News get the story

When The Dallas Morning News broke the story on Saturday that a nurse quarantined in a New Jersey hospital after caring for Ebola... More


This reporter helped take down South Carolina’s most powerful lawmaker

Renee Dudley’s work is a case study on why aggressive statehouse reporting matters

On Thursday, South Carolina’s former House Speaker, Bobby Harrell, completed his journey from being one of the state’s most powerful... More


This open-source app could make the FOI process less terrible

Launched in Oakland a year ago, RecordTrac is getting noticed around the country

Navigating government bureaucracy is painful, but filing Freedom of Information requests can be downright torturous—for journalists and members of the... More


The biggest threat to press rights may be a failure to understand them

Jeff Hermes of the Media Law Resource Center discusses the legal needs of a new generation of news organizations

It’s a cliché to say so, but we’re at a moment of transition for American journalism. The digital disruption that... More


Former Sun-Times staffers react to top reporter’s resignation

“Whereas we don’t have all the answers, we have way too many questions about what happened here”

CHICAGO — It would be hard to overstate the sense of shock and dismay among journalists here, a day after Dave... More


Top journalist quits the Sun-Times: Paper ‘no longer has the backs of reporters like me’

Dave McKinney says “a breach in the wall exists” as he steps down amid Rauner controversy

CHICAGO — Dave McKinney, Springfield bureau chief for the Chicago Sun-Times, rocked the political and media world here yesterday—not by... More


The California Sunday Magazine sets out to win the West

Out-of-the-box distribution, all-of-the-above revenue, and a West Coast storytelling sensibility

After many months of eager anticipation in media circles, The California Sunday Magazine launched Oct. 5 with a print run of... More


Why some newspapers are abandoning endorsements (Updated)

Editors see a risk to credibility, and search for different ways to foster debate

DETROIT, MI — The newspaper endorsement: It’s a hardy trademark of election season, a platform for editorial boards to dispense... More

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Washington Post’s partnership with local papers draws encouraging early results

Post survey: Program makes readers more likely to maintain subscriptions to regional papers

Back in April, we asked whether a new partnership program between The Washington Post and regional papers around the country—in... More


How to find stories in the new hospital data

A healthcare correspondent suggests angles, sources, and database tips

America’s hospitals traditionally have been free of financial repercussions for mediocre care. But now, hospitals have their quality evaluated annually... More


What hospital data can tell us about how communities care for the elderly

High readmission rates might be a signal of shaky social supports

Last year, in a piece for The Nation about hunger among the elderly, I wrote this:  Malnutrition is one of... More


The Tennessean is borrowing reporters from other Gannett papers

Music columnist Peter Cooper is latest journalist to part ways with Nashville paper

Like a number of other Gannett newspapers, The Tennessean of Nashville is asking employees to re-apply for their jobs as part of a... More

The ethics of The Guardian’s Whisper bombshell - It would have been a journalistic lapse not to have told readers

Gawker: The internet bully - Nick Denton’s media empire is an intellectual online fraternity that invites people to their parties only to make them buy the booze

The Washington Post short-sells a reporter’s integrity - Steven Pearlstein smears TheStreet’s Adam Feuerstein for criticizing a biotech firm

Former Sun-Times staffers react to top reporter’s resignation - “Whereas we don’t have all the answers, we have way too many questions about what happened here”

Stop trolling your readers - We know you’re only doing it for clicks

Which news org is the most trusted? (Pew)

The answer is complicated

‘My Captivity’ (NYT Mag)

An American journalist on his two-year kidnapping in Syria

FBI faked an AP story, in Seattle Times style, to catch a suspect (Seattle Times)

“‘We are outraged that the FBI, with the apparent assistance of the US Attorney’s Office, misappropriated the name of The Seattle Times to secretly install spyware on the computer of a crime suspect,’ said Seattle Times Editor Kathy Best”

How one reporter copes inside the ‘Ebola bubble’ (BuzzFeed)

“Bring gloves to give nurses you meet at clinics, even if you’re there for a story. Get small change to give to the kids who have been out of school for months and are selling ground nuts for pitiful sums on the side of road. Hell, give them candy. Violate all the principles of ostensibly good aid stewardship, because the good stewardship of the developed world didn’t get help here in time, and now everyone is dying around you.”


Greg Marx discusses democracy and news with Tom Rosenstiel of the American Press Institute

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