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FearLess Revolution is dedicated to catalyzing conversations in health and sustainability, and exploring new, more meaningful relationships between people, brands and culture. More info.

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The U.S. Congressional Twitter Directory

Earlier this week, President Obama called on Americans to reach out to Congress regarding the debt-ceiling debacle. And a lot of people made their voices heard. The day after Obama's televised speech, the Capitol's switchboard was overwhelmed with 40,000 calls per hour and email traffic swamped congressional servers to a near halt.

So with phone lines and e-mail servers clogged up, the FearLess staff asked a simple question.

"Um, what about Twitter?"

We searched online for an official Twitter directory for the United States Congress, but we couldn't find an updated and easy-to-use directory that contained links to Congressional members' Twitter handles. So we rolled up our sleeves and built the damn thing ourselves.

Below you will find an alphabetical list of states with names of U.S. Congressmen and women. Each name links to the elected official's Twitter page. It's simple and efficient. Which makes it the complete opposite of Congress' ability to reach a compromise.

We recommend the following guidelines for tweeting members of Congress:

1. Only tweet Senators and Representatives from your state.
2. Be honest with your feelings, but don't be rude or vulgar.
3. Use the hashtag #FearLessForce.

Lastly, please share this Twitter directory with your peeps. We want as many people to be able to communicate with members of the 112th United States Congress. And hopefully we won't be responsible for bringing out the Fail Whale.

Senator Richard Shelby
Senator Jeff Sessions
Representative Jo Bonner
Representative Martha Roby
Representative Mike Rogers
Representative Robert B. Aderholt
Representative Mo Brooks
Representative Spencer Bachus

Senator Lisa Murkowski  
Senator Mark Begich
Representative Don Young

Senator John McCain
Senator Jon Kyl
Representative Paul A. Gosar
Representative Trent Franks
Representative Ben Quayle
Representative David Schweikert
Representative Jeff Flake
Representative Raul M. Grijalva
Representative Gabrielle Giffords


Senator John Boozman
Representative Rick Crawford
Representative Tim Griffin
Representative Steve Womack
Representative Mike Ross

Senator Barbara Boxer
Representative Tom McClintock
Representative Doris Matsui
Representative Lynn Woolsey
Representative George Miller
Representative Nancy Pelosi
Representative John Garamendi
Representative Jackie Speier
Representative Anna G. Eshoo
Representative Mike Honda
Representative Sam Farr
Representative Dennis Cardoza
Representative Jeff Denham
Representative Kevin McCarthy
Representative Elton Gallegly
Representative Howard P. (Buck) McKeon
Representative Brad Sherman
Representative Adam Schiff
Representative Xavier Becerra
Representative Karen Bass
Representative Maxine Waters
Representative Laura Richardson

Representative Grace Napolitano
Representative Ed Royce
Representative Jerry Lewis
Representative Gary Miller
Representative Joe Baca
Representative Ken Calvert
Representative Mary Bono Mack
Representative Dana Rohrabacher
Representative John Campbell
Representative Darrell Issa     
Representative Brian P. Bilbray
Representative Bob Filner

Senator Mark Udall

Senator Michael Bennet
Representative Diana DeGette
Representative Jared Polis
Representative Scott R. Tipton
Representative Cory Gardner
Representative Mike Coffman
Representative Ed Perlmutter


Senator Joe Lieberman
Senator Richard Blumenthal
Representative John Larson
Representative Rosa L. DeLauro
Representative Jim Himes
Representative Chris Murphy

Senator Tom Carper
Senator Christopher Coons
Representative John Carney


Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton

Senator Bill Nelson
Senator Marco Rubio
Representative Jeff Miller
Representative Steve Southerland
Representative Corrine Brown
Representative Sandy Adams
Representative Ander Crenshaw
Representative Richard Nugent
Representative Cliff Stearns
Representative Daniel Webster
Representative Gus M. Bilirakis
Representative Dennis Ross
Representative Vern Buchanan
Representative Connie Mack
Representative Bill Posey
Representative Thomas J. Rooney
Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
Representative Ted Deutch
Representative Mario Diaz-Balart
Representative Allen West
Representative David Rivera


Senator Saxby Chambliss
Senator Johnny Isakson
Representative Jack Kingston
Representative Sanford D. Bishop, Jr.
Representative Lynn Westmoreland
Representative Hank Johnson
Representative Tom Price
Representative Austin Scott
Representative Tom Graves
Representative Paul C. Broun
Representative Phil Gingrey
Representative John Barrow
Representative David Scott

Senator Dan Inouye
Senator Daniel Kahikina Akaka
Representative Colleen Hanabusa
Representative Mazie Hirono

Representative Raul Labrador
Representative Mike Simpson

Senator Dick Durbin
Senator Mark Kirk
Representative Jesse L. Jackson, Jr.
Representative Luis V. Gutierrez
Representative Mike Quigley
Representative Peter Roskam
Representative Danny K. Davis
Representative Joe Walsh
Representative Janice Schakowsky
Representative Robert J. Dold
Representative Adam Kinzinger
Representative Jerry F. Costello
Representative Judy Biggert
Representative Randy Hultgren
Representative Don Manzullo
Representative Bobby Schilling
Representative Aaron Schock
Representative John Shimkus

Senator Richard G. Lugar
Senator Dan Coats
Representative Peter J. Visclosky
Representative Joe Donnelly
Representative Todd Rokita
Representative Dan Burton
Representative Mike Pence
Representative Andre Carson
Representative Larry Bucshon
Representative Todd Young

Senator Chuck Grassley
Senator Tom Harkin
Representative Bruce Braley
Representative Leonard L. Boswell
Representative Tom Latham
Representative Steve King

Senator Pat Roberts
Senator Jerry Moran
Representative Tim Huelskamp
Representative Lynn Jenkins
Representative Kevin Yoder
Representative Mike Pompeo

Senator Rand Paul
Representative John Yarmuth
Representative Ed Whitfield
Representative Brett Guthrie
Representative Geoff Davis

Senator David Vitter
Representative Jeff Landry
Representative John Fleming
Representative Rodney Alexander
Representative Bill Cassidy
Representative Charles W. Boustany, Jr.

Senator Olympia J. Snowe
Senator Susan Collins
Representative Chellie Pingree
Representative Mike Michaud

Senator Barbara Mikulski
Senator Benjamin L. Cardin
Representative Steny Hoyer

Senator John Kerry
Senator Scott Brown
Representative Jim McGovern
Representative Niki Tsongas
Representative Ed Markey

Senator Debbie Stabenow
Senator Carl Levin
Representative Dan Benishek
Representative Bill Huizenga
Representative Justin Amash
Representative Dave Camp
Representative Tim Walberg
Representative Gary Peters
Representative Candice Miller

Representative Thaddeus McCotter
Representative Sandy Levin
Representative Hansen Clarke
Representative John Conyers, Jr.
Representative John Dingell
Representative Dale E. Kildee
Representative Fred Upton

Senator Al Franken
Representative John Kline
Representative Erik Paulsen
Representative Keith Ellison
Representative Michele Bachmann
Representative Chip Cravaack

Senator Roger Wicker
Representative Alan Nunnelee
Representative Gregg Harper
Representative Steven Palazzo

Senator Claire McCaskill
Senator Roy Blunt
Representative Todd W. Akin
Representative Russ Carnahan
Representative Billy Long

Senator Jon Tester
Representative Dennis Rehberg


Senator Ben Nelson
Senator Mike Johanns
Representative Jeff Fortenberry
Representative Lee Terry

Senator Harry Reid
Senator Dean Heller
Representative Shelley Berkley
Representative Joe Heck

Senator Jeanne Shaheen
Senator Kelly Ayotte
Representative Frank C. Guinta
Representative Charles F. (Charlie) Bass

Senator Frank R. Lautenberg
Senator Robert Menendez
Representative Frank A. LoBiondo
Representative Jon Runyan
Representative Frank Pallone, Jr.
Representative Rush Holt
Representative Albio Sires
Representative Bill Pascrell, Jr.

Senator Tom Udall
Representative Martin Heinrich
Representative Steve Pearce
Representative Ben Ray Lujan

Senator Charles E. (Chuck) Schumer
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand
Representative Steve Israel
Representative Pete King
Representative Carolyn McCarthy
Representative Gregory W. Meeks
Representative Charles B. Rangel
Representative Jose E. Serrano
Representative Nita M. Lowey
Representative Nan A. S. Hayworth
Representative Chris Gibson
Representative Paul D. Tonko
Representative Maurice D. Hinchey
Representative Bill Owens
Representative Richard L. Hanna
Representative Ann Marie Buerkle
Representative Louise M. Slaughter
Representative Tom Reed
Representative Brian Higgins

Senator Richard Burr
Senator Kay Hagan
Representative Renee L. Ellmers
Representative Walter B. Jones, Jr.
Representative Virginia Foxx
Representative Mike McIntyre
Representative Sue Myrick
Representative Patrick McHenry
Representative Brad Miller


Representative Rick Berg


Senator Sherrod Brown

Senator Rob Portman
Representative Steve Chabot
Representative Michael R. Turner
Representative Jim Jordan
Representative Bob Latta
Representative Bill Johnson
Representative Steve Austria
Representative John A. Boehner
Representative Dennis J. Kucinich
Representative Marcia L. Fudge
Representative Steven C. LaTourette
Representative Steve Stivers
Representative James B. Renacci
Representative Tim Ryan
Representative Bob Gibbs


Senator James M. Inhofe
Senator Tom Coburn
Representative John Sullivan
Representative James Lankford


Senator Ron Wyden
Senator Jeff Merkley
Representive Greg Walden
Representative Earl Bluemenauer
Representative Kurt Schrader

Senator Robert P. Casey, Jr.
Senator Pat Toomey
Representative Robert A. Brady
Representative Chaka Fattah
Representative Jason Altmire
Representative Glenn (GT) Thompson
Representative Jim Gerlach
Representative Patrick Meehan
Representative Mike Fitzpatrick
Representative Bill Shuster
Representative Tom Marino
Representative Louis J. (Lou) Barletta
Representative Mark S. Critz  
Representative Mike Doyle
Representative Charlie Dent


Resident Commissioner Pedro Pierluisi


Senator Sheldon Whitehouse
Representative Jim Langevin

Senator Lindsey Graham
Senator Jim DeMint
Representative Tim Scott
Representative Joe Wilson
Representative Trey Gowdy
Representative Mick Mulvaney
Representative James E. Clyburn
Representative Jeff Duncan

Senator Tim Johnson
Senator John Thune
Representative Kristi Noem


Senator Lamar Alexander
Senator Bob Corker
Representative Phil Roe
Representative Chuck Fleischmann
Representative Scott DesJarlais
Representative Jim Cooper
Representative Diane Black
Representative Marsha Blackburn
Representative Steve Cohen

Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison
Senator John Cornyn
Representative Louie Gohmert
Representative Ted Poe
Representative Sam Johnson
Representative Jeb Hensarling
Representative Joe Barton
Representative John Culberson
Representative Kevin Brady
Representative Michael McCaul
Representative Kay Granger
Representative Ron Paul
Representative Bill Flores
Representative Sheila Jackson Lee
Representative Randy Neugebauer
Representative Lamar Smith
Representative Pete Olson
Representative Francisco R. (Quico) Canseco
Representative Kenny Marchant
Representative Michael C. Burgess
Representative Blake Farenthold
Representative Gene Green
Representative Eddie Bernice Johnson
Representative John R. Carter
Representative Pete Sessions

Senator Orrin G. Hatch
Senator Mike Lee
Representative Jim Matheson
Representative Jason Chaffetz

Senator Patrick Leahy
Senator Bernie Sanders

Senator Mark R. Warner
Representative Rob Wittman
Representative Scott Rigell
Representative Bobby Scott
Representative Randy Forbes
Representative Robert Hurt
Representative Bob Goodlatte
Representative Eric Cantor
Representative Jim Moran
Representative Morgan Griffith
Representative Gerry Connolly

Delegate Donna M. Christensen


Representative Jay Inslee
Representative Jaime Herrera Beutler
Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers
Representative Norm Dicks
Representative Jim McDermott
Representative Dave Reichert
Representative Adam Smith


Senator Jay Rockefeller
Senator Joe Manchin
Representative David McKinley

Senator Ron Johnson
Representative Paul Ryan
Representative Tammy Baldwin
Representative Gwen Moore
Representative Sean Duffy
Representative Ron Kind
Representative Reid Ribble

Senator John Barrasso
Representative Cynthia Lummis



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    En route to the fictional Montenegro Casino Royale, Craig walks through the terraced, statue filled
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    FearLess Revolution - FearLess Blog - The U.S. Congressional Twitter Directory
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    Response: Edgard Romero Lazo
    FearLess Revolution - FearLess Blog - The U.S. Congressional Twitter Directory
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    Response: Frank Dellaglio MA
    FearLess Revolution - FearLess Blog - The U.S. Congressional Twitter Directory
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    Response: Frank Dellaglio MA
    FearLess Revolution - FearLess Blog - The U.S. Congressional Twitter Directory
  • Response
    Response: Frank Dellaglio MA
    FearLess Revolution - FearLess Blog - The U.S. Congressional Twitter Directory
  • Response
    Response: Frank Dellaglio MA
    FearLess Revolution - FearLess Blog - The U.S. Congressional Twitter Directory
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    Response: Edgard Romero Lazo
    FearLess Revolution - FearLess Blog - The U.S. Congressional Twitter Directory
  • Response
    Response: Edgard Romero Lazo
    FearLess Revolution - FearLess Blog - The U.S. Congressional Twitter Directory
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    Response: Frank Dellaglio MA
    FearLess Revolution - FearLess Blog - The U.S. Congressional Twitter Directory
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    Response: Edgard Romero Lazo
    FearLess Revolution - FearLess Blog - The U.S. Congressional Twitter Directory
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    Response: Frank Dellaglio MA
    FearLess Revolution - FearLess Blog - The U.S. Congressional Twitter Directory
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    Response: Edgard Romero Lazo
    FearLess Revolution - FearLess Blog - The U.S. Congressional Twitter Directory
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    Response: Frank Dellaglio MA
    FearLess Revolution - FearLess Blog - The U.S. Congressional Twitter Directory
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    Response: Edgard Romero Lazo
    FearLess Revolution - FearLess Blog - The U.S. Congressional Twitter Directory
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    Response: Frank Dellaglio MA
    FearLess Revolution - FearLess Blog - The U.S. Congressional Twitter Directory
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    Response: Edgard Romero Lazo
    FearLess Revolution - FearLess Blog - The U.S. Congressional Twitter Directory
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    Response: Frank Dellaglio MA
    FearLess Revolution - FearLess Blog - The U.S. Congressional Twitter Directory
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    Response: Edgard Romero Lazo
    FearLess Revolution - FearLess Blog - The U.S. Congressional Twitter Directory
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    Response: frank dellaglio ma
    FearLess Revolution - FearLess Blog - The U.S. Congressional Twitter Directory
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    Response: Edgard Romero Lazo
    FearLess Revolution - FearLess Blog - The U.S. Congressional Twitter Directory
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    Response: Frank Dellaglio MA
    FearLess Revolution - FearLess Blog - The U.S. Congressional Twitter Directory
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    Response: Frank Dellaglio MA
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    Response: Mdhuset Svindel
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    Response: Frank Dellaglio MA
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    Response: How Simple it Is
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    Response: Guy Hayenga
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    Response: Guy Hayenga
    FearLess Revolution - FearLess Blog - The U.S. Congressional Twitter Directory
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    Response: Guy Hayenga
    FearLess Revolution - FearLess Blog - The U.S. Congressional Twitter Directory
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    Response: Guy Hayenga
    FearLess Revolution - FearLess Blog - The U.S. Congressional Twitter Directory
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    Response: Guy Hayenga
    FearLess Revolution - FearLess Blog - The U.S. Congressional Twitter Directory
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    Response: Guy Hayenga
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    Response: Mdhuset
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    Response: Steve Jacob
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    [...]FearLess Revolution - Blog - The U.S. Congressional Twitter Directory[...]

Reader Comments (59)

List is missing following ppl from the KY delegation
1st @RepEdWhitfield
2nd @RepGuthrie
3rd you have Yarmuth
4th @RepGeoffDavis
5th Hal Rogers (not on twitter)
6th Ben Chandler (not on twitter)
you have Rand Paul but Mitch McConnell is not on Twitter

July 28, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMarketing Speaker

Thank you for publishing this. I hit up every rep in Cali today and it took all of about 5min. Shared this article on FB too. Hopefully, other's will take some action.

July 28, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKristen

I used to babysit Rand (Randall) Paul!


July 28, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterIN-B-TWEEN

NY-27: Brian Higgins - @repbrianhiggins

July 28, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRobert

More for Michigan:!/SenCarlLevin!/john_dingell!/DaleKildee!/RepFredUpton/

July 28, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJp

Senator Bennet doesn't tweet from the handle you have listed, it is actually @SenBennetCO

July 28, 2011 | Unregistered Commentershirjoycreative

Thank you, everyone, for your edits. The directory has been updated.

July 28, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterFearLess Editor

Thanks to you all at FearLess for this!! Masks are coming off in all aspects of our world ~ leaving only TRUTH.


July 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterIN-B-TWEEN

Another for New Mexico: @Heinrich4NM

July 29, 2011 | Unregistered Commenteryelle2082

Wrong Twitter page for Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois. Here's the verified account -!/SenatorDurbin - Thanks for posting.

July 29, 2011 | Unregistered Commenternudidjital

We have updated the links for Senator Durbin and Representative Heinrich. Thanks for the information.

July 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterFearLess Editor

I dont know how to tweet someone who Is not following me. Can you tell me how to do it?
Thank you!

July 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRobert Stephens

Robert, simply type @ followed by the person's Twitter handle and then your message. For example, if I were to tweet Senator Dick Durbin I'd write the following:

@SenatorDurbin Please reach a compromise with regards to our debt ceiling. I don't want us to be a deadbeat nation. #FearLessForce

July 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterFearLess Editor

Just wanted to point out that Senator Jon Tester (D) of Montana is also on Twitter: @jontester

July 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMelissa Baker

Thanks so much for compiling this information!

July 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMelissa Baker

Thanks, Melissa. Senator Tester has officially joined the U.S. Congressional Twitter Directory.

July 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterFearLess Editor

Jerry Moran's is linked to the person below him...

July 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMatt Bretz

Thanks for the heads up, Matt. We fixed the link for Senator Moran.

July 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterFearLess Editor

Nice to see folks sharing great resources. To find other Gov on Twitter (with Congress listed as well) try For Congress try or

I've also compiled a list of Gov social media lists here (and will add you to it):

July 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSteve Lunceford

I have been an independent voter choosing to vote for the person rather than the party. This year, however, I agree with Pres. Obama; it is time to make some changes in Washington. I am so tired of the same old issues coming up time and time again. Let's get with the president now and refine the bills later.

July 30, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPat Bradley

Do Americans even understand they are the laughing stock of the world right now? Hahaa.

July 30, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJPK


July 30, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJCR

forget about taxing the wealthy, a flat tax for everyone would be justice

July 30, 2011 | Unregistered Commentere.paulvought

cut imports,open factories,put people back to work, so they
do not need unemployment , and they would pay taxes to gov., get the lobbist and corp.america out of gov. people take control, sell a weekly lottery ticket federal-controlled to pay for soc. security

July 30, 2011 | Unregistered Commentere.paulvought

The financial wizards will run out of rabbits to pull out of their banking hats mid-August. The best thing the Roman Empire used to do was declare a "Jubilee" every 50 years, when all debt was forgiven! Let's hope our representatives in Washington are cautious and respectful for a change.

Blessings ~

July 30, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterIN-B-TWEEN

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