Democratic PAC Says DA Candidate Susan Hawk Let a Killer Roam Free. Um, Not Exactly.

Categories: Elections

Lone Star Project
A careful researcher might have included a few more ticks on that timeline, like the time Craig Watkins admitted his office made a mistake.
For three years, a confessed attempted murderer roamed the streets of Dallas, going on a crime spree that ended when he killed a man in July 2007. Michael Wyatt had pleaded guilty to the attempted murder in 2004, but the Dallas District Attorney's Office wanted him to testify against his co-defendant Aaron Vaughn, so Wyatt stayed out of prison on bond while Vaughn awaited trial.

Now Wyatt is back -- in a fashion -- in a political ad that targets Susan Hawk, the Republican running against District Attorney Craig Watkins. The ad suggests that Hawk, who at the time was a judge in Wyatt's case, was to blame to letting Wyatt remain free until the day he killed a man in an Oak Cliff drug house.

There's one problem with that theory, though. It contradicts Watkins' own words at the time of the killing.

See also: Witness for the Prosecution

The Lone Star Project, a Democratic political action committee, debuted a new ad last week that claims Hawk should have done more to keep Wyatt in prison. Even worse, the PAC charges, Hawk altered court records in 2012, removing Wyatt's references to a deadly weapon in his attempted murder plea and minimizing the charges against him.

Matt Angle, director of the Lone Star Project, says the case is a reflection of Hawk's political opportunism, just like her running as both a Republican and a Democrat in previous elections. As she geared up to take on Watkins, Angle says, Hawk sought to soften any potential blow Wyatt's case would strike against her campaign.

But the history of the case tells a different story. As reported in the Observer in 2007, Watkins and his office have already taken partial responsibility for Wyatt's crimes while out on bail.

Although the deal with Wyatt was struck before Watkins was elected district attorney in November 2006, his office missed an easy opportunity to revoke Wyatt's bond when he was picked up for a drug charge in January 2007, months before he committed manslaughter in Oak Cliff.

Watkins assistant Terri Moore acknowledged in 2007 that the prosecutor in the case, Patrick Jordan, should have revoked Wyatt's bond. Watkins blamed his office's lack of resources for Wyatt's freedom in a prepared statement at the time.

"When a District Attorney's Office is inadequately funded and understaffed, it translates into not having the proper resources in place to monitor the activities of defendants once they made bond," Watkins said. "Due to the circumstance of this particular case, an unfortunate error was made, however, we are seeking proper funding and staffing for this office to minimize and eliminate errors like this one in the future."

Now, it seems that the Lone Star Project has seized the case and is attempting to lay the blame on Hawk with an ad suggesting she is weak on crime. It includes a timeline featuring the former judge and Wyatt's mugshot. Watkins' campaign sent out a tweet featuring the ad.

Hawk says that the ad is further proof that Watkins should not continue as district attorney.

"Our DA is purposefully misleading voters and spreading information that he knows is untrue. This sort of false attack is just another reason why voters should not trust him," she said.

As for the record change, it was nothing more than a routine correction to the record, she says.

The ad, we think, has interesting parallels to this classic gem:

My Voice Nation Help

Watkins is a joke of a DA. With criminal investigations on him, setting back office of the DA by decades and gross mis management of his staff - he needs to be voted out NOW !

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

Republican PACs, as we all know, never, ever make false claims.  In fact, Republicans are a party of unimpeachable integrity, impeccable demeanor, and irrefutable probity.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

Have you ever noticed that when a Democrat gets caught in a huge mistake, it's always a lack of resources.  And, even though he gets more money than his two Republican predecessors, he still make mistake after mistake. 

And, anyone who would listen to Matt Angle needs professional help.  With a reputation for lying and cheating, I am told, he's part of the Obama groups operating in Texas (some illegally) to turn Texas into a blue Democratic state. 

One of the oldest political ploys in the book is to have a PAC attack your opponent so it isn't laid at your feet.  But, that won't work this time. 

Susan Hawk is being supported by a number of Democrat lawyers as well as law-and-order types in both parties.  They know Watkins had no business being DA, and that law and order in Dallas County has suffered under someone who was a bail bondsman and liberal trial attorney. 

While I admire his penchant for getting wrongly-convicted people out of prison, I believe his performance as DA has been pitiful.

It's time for a change in Dallas County. 



Nothing in the article contradicts the timeline presented in the ad.  Hawk really did allow the killer to go back on the street.  Instead, the author tries to put the blame on Watkins... saying that he's to blame because he didn't fix her mistake.

He's a man; not a demigod.  No one man can correct all the mistakes of people like Hawk.  It takes a village.



In the category of "broken clock is right twice daily," Watkins has freed many unjustly convicted prisoners that were accumulated over those same decades you reference, just for the record. I'm not defending his office management or his prejudicial, political prosecutions, just finding it ironic that you refer to decades. 

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@bvckvs2 First of all, Stephen Young is a good writer and fair journalist.  He's right; and second, Watkins was at the helm for this, and the buck stops with him.

Watkins was too busy being distracted by his 15 minutes of fame, instead of managing cases as he is supposed to do. 

Will liberal Democrats who are desperate top flapping around trying to find something on all the Republican candidates? Relax; you should be able to steal enough votes to get by. 

Watlomds has to approve those deals, and it's his responsibility if they are not good deals or monitored by his office. 

mavdog topcommenter


It's not the "timeline" that is in dispute, it is the finger pointing at Hawk, which as the author correctly establishes is false. wrong. deceitful.

from the linked article from 2007:

In April 2004, Wyatt entered a guilty plea to an attempted capital murder charge stemming from a shooting in a drug house in Duncanville. But three years later Wyatt still wasn't sentenced, and a court hearing in his case was rescheduled more than 50 times. The reason for the delay was that Wyatt was set to testify against his co-defendant in the case,Aaron Lamont Vaughn, who Wyatt's attorneys say was the gunman. (Wyatt, they claim, merely drove the car.) Because prosecutors needed Wyatt to testify against Vaughn, they delayed his sentencing for years, allowing him to make bond and enjoy life outside of prison. In exchange for his testimony, the District Attorney's Office would recommend to the judge a more lenient sentence for Wyatt.

"The prosecutor in that case just made a terrible, terrible mistake, and he regrets it terribly, and so do we," Moore says



I'm genuinely curious, only a bit snarky when I ask, have you ever used "Democrat" or "liberal" by themselves, without inextricably linking them into a single phrase? 

Put another way, is there any other kind of Democrat? Or is there such a thing as a liberal Republican? Why is it always and solely "liberal Democrat" ?

mavdog topcommenter


"Watkins was at the helm for this"

"Watlomds [sic] has to approve those deals"

Watkins was not the DA when the deal was made with Wyatt.

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