Dallas Councilwoman Vonciel Hill's Pool Is a Mosquito's Oasis, Should Probably Be Cleaned

Eric Nicholson
Summer is upon us, which means public health officials in Dallas are well into their annual battle against West Nile. Mosquitoes throughout the county are being trapped and tested to detect the spread of the disease. Ponds and sizable puddles are being treated with larvacide or stocked with mosquito-eating minnows. The public is being urged to wear long sleeves, liberally apply bug spray and, most of all, drain any standing water.

To mosquitoes, there's no sexier place to conceive and hatch an extremely large brood of bloodsucking parasites than a rank, slimy puddle of the kind that might collect in, say, an empty pool after a good rain or two. That sort of thing is supposed to yield a prompt visit from city code inspectors and, often, an order to comply with city rules against standing water. So serious is the issue that the Texas Legislature gave cities permission to go onto private property to treat standing water with larvacide if a property appears to be abandoned.

But the property in the picture above, taken on June 11, is not abandoned. It belongs, according to county property records, to Dallas City Councilwoman Vonciel Jones Hill.

A couple of things worth noting here. At no time during the taking of the picture did we set foot on Hill's property, nor did we yield to the temptation to use a drone, which would have been illegal. Just a public alley, a God-given 6-foot-1 frame and tippy-toes.

Also, for the record, we don't typically snoop around City Council members' homes. A regular Unfair Park reader does, however, and he sent along a photo of his own. His trip to Hill's back alley was, apparently, the first leg of an in-progress 14-stop tour of their residences.

We caught up with Hill following yesterday's meeting of the City Council's Transportation and Trinity River Project Committee as she and assistant city manager walked to the City Hall elevator. She squinted at the photo we showed without breaking stride.

A pool service, she said when asked how she treats her pool. Workers come by on a regular basis and treat the pool with a substance that kills off everything in the water.

Like mosquito dunks? we asked.

She shook her head. Nope. She means the stuff they put in the water to make it turn blue.

Chlorine, perhaps?

Yep. That's the one, she confirmed, and exited the elevator.

Perhaps Hill should consider using a different pool service, as the current company does not appear to have been very effective. Here, top left, is Hill's pool as captured by Google Earth satellites between 2007 and 2013.

You'll see various shades of green, from emerald to something closer to split-pea. What you won't see, with the exception of August 2012, when Dallas was in the midst of its West Nile plague year, is blue.

Whatever chemicals the pool service is putting in, it's not doing the trick.

Send your story tips to the author, Eric Nicholson.

My Voice Nation Help

What a disgusting scum bag this woman is.  Can you image the inside of this shit hole.  Why is she able to get buy with this?  Only in Dallas such corruption where elected officials are breaking the law and no one does anything about it.


In the past I’ve had a few less than acceptable maintenance services for my pool. A few months ago, a friend suggested I try Miami Pool Tech in South FL. I did, and I’m happy to say that their services are excellent. They were professional, friendly, and very responsive to all my concerns and questions. If you’re looking for a great pool maintenance service, check them out atwww.miamipooltech.com


For the record flying a UAS (drone) to take those photos would NOT be illegal unless (1) you were operating the UAS for commercial purposes, (2) operating the UAS higher than 400 feet AGL, (3) use the UAS to invade the personal privacy of persons (not property) or (4) operating the UAS inside the TCA of an FAA-controlled airport. Myself, and several of my friends, are very heavily involved in the UAS debate right now and have established a company to offer commercial services as soon as the FAA approves rules for such operations. We deal with the FAA regularly on this very subject, and we are well versed in the current rules and prohibitions against certain UAS operations.


it looks like the pool is getting ready to pop up out of the ground...if it hasn't already...yes, they do that when there isn't enough water in them


Ok gang, somebody challenged us. Split em up, hit the other 13.

Sotiredofitall topcommenter

Recommend a neighbor go to the Army Navy Store (or online) and buy a water rescue dye marker to throw over the fence; a nice fluorescent orange


Well Vonciel, you proved me wrong. For years, I have maintained that no one is truly useless; that they can serve as a bad example. But you have demonstrated, by your foolish meddling in areas where you know nothing, lunatic pronouncements, backing of stupid ideas, neglect of your neighbors' health, and probable violation of City of Dallas residency Ordnance, that you are even LESS than useless. You actually detract from this marketplace of ideas and should be RICOed into insignificance.

But don't get me wrong, I'm not bitter.


First, given the level of the water in the pool, the pump, skimmers and filter are non functional.  Second, given the amount of rotting leaves, miscellaneous debris and probably a few dead animals no amount of chlorine is going to fix that mess. Best options are a whole lot of mosquito dunks, adding fish and other critters to achieve an ecological balance or punching some holes in the bottom and filling it in.  


Vonciel is that same wise council-person who wanted Dallas to frack everyone, everyplace, everytime.  We're indeed fortunate to have people with good judgment playing key roles in our city government.


Thanks to the neighbor who properly maintains their pool to provide the contrast of what it should look like vs. her cesspool.....


Who would live with that mess in their backyard?  If she doesn't want to fix or run her pool.  Buy a or rent small pump and drain the water. 

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

She should have covered the pool with one of her dresses. 


I love the smell of swamp gas in the morning


You don't expect a city council member to follow any rules or the law do you?

Don't worry - any day now, a City of Dallas work crew will have that pool looking spotless.  Won't cost Hill a dime.

primi_timpano topcommenter

Please follow up on this. City Code and mosquito police should be there by now. If not, the story gets more interesting. She takes care of her pool responsibilities in the same manner she takes care of her official responsibilities.


There are a hundred reasons to criticize Hill that don't involve snooping around her house.  She has basically ruined the city's transportation and legislative programs.  Start there.  Leave off the personal crap.


Just the fact she would do this proves how little she cares about her community.  It is my understanding that once a pool reaches this condition, it is hard to ever maintain the chlorine levels again.  I wonder if she skinny dips.

everlastingphelps topcommenter

Cleaning her pool costs her money.  Sending out bombers to drop poison on us from the air and trucks to spray poison in the neighborhoods just costs you money.  She's cool with that.


This is awesome. Shaming public officials needs to continue in full force. Our entire city council is comprised of losers.


She's too busy being a homophobe to take car of her own filthy swimming pool and backyard. 

Sharon_Moreanus topcommenter



Skateboarding time! 

Sharon_Moreanus topcommenter

Mmmm...the thought of VJH in a bikini...sliding down that white slide...makes me wanna ____________?

Sotiredofitall topcommenter

What don't you get about she does not care?

ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul topcommenter

It would be interesting to stake out the house and see if she shows up.

Besides aren't you being racist by pointing out that she does not follow city ordinances?

To me, this just shows how corrupt this city is.


Rumor has it that she doesn't even live here but instead lives in the suburbs.

First one to find out and confirm, wins a big 'ol prize.


Almost all the City Council members, and definitely the Mayor, have some kind of extra reinforced DPD patrols around their homes. By now, all of them have been converted into SWAT teams, ready to pounce on anyone with a camera, a ladder, and a long lens.

There's gonna be blood in the water.

As to the drone being illegal, not sure you are correct. Drones busted that meat packing plant in South Dallas, remember? A drone flying over a street (public right of way) with a wide angle lens is not illegal.

Montemalone topcommenter

@MargaretHuntHill but it's only the personal crap that ever gets anyone's attention in the first place.

Then you can fill in the rest.



Granted that you're trying to keep it professional, but her constituent voters have shown that they don't care at all about the hundred professional reasons or the city-wide damage she's caused. Perhaps they'll get interested in the personal stuff, which as others have pointed out, does indeed have public interest.

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@MargaretHuntHill Public health hazards are not 'personal crap'.  For one thing, she's on the Transportation and Environmental Committee, which is responsible for the City's WNV response plan and mitigation plans.  At least she was last year, when she received this report from staff:


She knows the hazards, She should be responsible enough to manage and minimize her own contribution to the hazards.

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@MargaretHuntHill sorry, when her personal life affects the public, its not off the table.  You know how many mosquitoes that shit hole of a pool houses.  


@Sharon_Moreanus I did and they turned me down.  I have to complete my Texas Coversion Therapy and probably a few extra credit classes. 


More than happy to drain it & keep it clean........

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@dallasdrilling.wordpress.com Well, she's shown as being a listed owner on two properties, the one in the story and another.  On the property shown in the story a co-owner is listed.  A search of that co-owner's name shows 17 residential properties (although some are in the same name with 'Jr.' following), all with different co-owners.  The properties are in Garland, Richardson, Dallas, Mesquite and Balch Springs.


@CaptainDrone Her pool is actually being used as a Navy Seal training facility.  DO just outed it, so now they will have to find another training facility, and CM Hill will have to get it cleaned. 



"Blood in the water" wins a free cuppa -- not coffee or tea, but a cuppa clean water.


@RTGolden1 @MargaretHuntHill Add to that the possibility of a child or pet falling in.  You would never spot them through that pea soup until they bloated and re-floated

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@dallasdrilling.wordpress.com @RTGolden1 was just a search by owner's name on DCAD.  Search string 'Hill Vonciel Jones' led me to the Acapulco (interesting street name, considering the condition of her pool) St address which led to search string 'Hill Charles Edward' and the other 17 properties.

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