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Ban On Wearing Pajamas In Public Contemplated By Louisiana Town (VIDEO, POLL)

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Shreveport residents, hold on tight to your pajama jeans.

Michael Williams, a commissioner in Caddo Parish, Louisiana, is seeking to ban pajamas from the streets after seeing a couple men in public with pajama pants and no underwear, their "private parts about to come out," reports KSDK.

What's the parish leader's rationale? It's not (only) because PJs look, well, less than professional as outerwear. No, he wants to bowdlerize your Snuggie because it's morally bankrupt:

"The moral fiber in our community is dwindling," Williams says. "If not now, when? Because it's pajama pants today, next it will be underwear tomorrow."

Your sweatpants are a slippery slope.

Residents of the parish have already deplored the ban, but it's not like other municipalities haven't contemplated the same thing. Last year, teachers in a town in England asked parents to stop wearing pajamas when picking their children up from school. And Shreveport, which falls under Caddo Parish jurisdiction, banned saggy pants back in 2004 in an effort to shore up "public decency."

We just want to know what Rachel Roy would say.

Click over to NBC to read about how the ACLU is already on the case, and vote in our poll below: do you support banning pajamas in public?

We've also got some pics of celebs wearing sweatpants in public who might not be too stoked to hear about the news.

Quick Poll

Should there be a ban on wearing pajamas in public?


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